Iran claims to have captured spies working for CIA – Car Mod Pros Portal

Plus, the British government has called an emergency meeting after newly released video shows Iranian commandos seizing a British oil tanker. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #Iran


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Iran claims to have captured spies working for CIA”
  1. CIA Apple'â göre benden nefret edenler çokmuş ve ben ortalığı karışıyormuşum., bu sebepten toplanmak istiyorlarmış.
    6 milyarlık Dünya nüfusunda genel bi araştırma yapsak., en çok benden mi yoksa Fransa, Jeff bezos, CIA, FBI'dan mı nefret edenler çok fazla çıkar? Sorusu bile saçma geliyor kulağa öyle değil mi!? 😈👹👽 ama siz onu gidin birde, Fransa, Jeff Bezos, CIA ve FBI'â sorun! 😹 onlara göre benden nefret edenler sayısı daha fazla çıkarmış. Çünkü ben ortalık karıştıyormuşum! 😹 bunu CIA, Fransa ve FBI söylüyor. 😹 herhalde günahlarını benimle örtmeye çalışıyorlar. 6 milyarlık Dünya genelinde cetele tutsam, anket düzenlesem ortalığı karıştıranlar diye, %90 Fransa, CIA, Jeff Bezos ve FBI çıkar. Hiç şüphesiz. En çok nefret edilenler çıkar.
    Örneğin kendi olduğum ülkemde (Türkiye) kürdüm demi!? Türkiye'deki faşistler benden nefret ederler değil mi? CIA, Jeff Bezos FBI ve Fransa ile meydana çıksak., ve Türkiye, CIA, FBI, Jeff Bezos ve Fransa'nın Türkiye hakkındaki kaderini nasıl etkilediğini nasıl onları heryerden men ettiklerini öğrenselerdi eğer., inanın gözleri beni bile görmezdi. 👽👹 kimliğinizle bir meydana çıkın bakalım kimin geçmişi kirli görelim. En çok kimden nefret ediliyor bakalım. Sayfamdaki menfaatçilerin benim hakkımda ne düşündüğü benim zerre kadar umrumda değil. Benim sayfamda ayak paspasım onlar.

  2. "It's clearly Venezuela retaliating." You guys are such an insane propaganda arm of the political establishment. Try reporting something that isn't biased toward the US imperialist agenda for once.

  3. In western news, enemies are retaliating or being childish. In foreign news, western world oversteps boundaries with self-serving interests 🤷‍♂️

  4. And here is another clue for you all the Wall-rust was Paul (Kgbson)
    C I Arithmetic



    C    I  A dd

    3 + 9 = 12


    C    I   A time

    3 x 9  =  27


    S  ee  I  Ah minus 1


          -1  = 1954


    12/27/1954 Birthday

  5. That is not a direct energy weaponÛ”Rather, they are ginn attacksÛ” they are attacking through the fairy witch jinn and ghosts . They are using supernatural powers and magicÛ” In fact, they are fooling you and scaring you by direct energy. The world has not yet made such an energy weaponÛ” They are attacking you with jinn…….

  6. These ppl are in some way involved in human trafficking sex rings cults etc pics included been in altercations over the years  since my teen years so I included their pics mr pichai is a geek and could create apps software etc but it's only covering up the Process for these ppl.   Mr Carlos Rey 3rd svp in acn network marketer accel inovakife acn ,etc caught him with Jeff bezos prostituting women in cuba fidel castro 50,000 partners in cuba but he's dictator guerilla warfare evil man.  I cried when I recognize the women these men did not have sympathy like me they were held hostage at the time I had money I paid or not Jeff helped the situation.  Simon abboud acn harvard so were talking hacking, breach, I'd theft,etc I remember the guys been jerks .etc very jealous of my networking style $250 million from cia fbi lawyers . The lawyers were legends sti recall me and said we take care of you . The problems is their manipulating , etc the problems with all these ppl are prostitutes, sex cults, theft , cyber crime ,etc hope you guys hack their websites  Carlos . Acn .  Etc you guys do what u can but I promise u these guys are bad and just use money to shut ppl up. For sex ,etc the women are homeless pdychyic jobless etc these men had gambling habits . The ppl who worked for them were violent potty mouth had fbi cia fighting them shooting etc.  The women had a stalking atitute . I remember been irritated by their styke since i worked  with millionaires they would give them handouts or pay for there services . I only seeked professional, savvy open minds . All I could say I caught all of them using fbi cia tactics . From books etc they kept friends of mine hostage best them killed included done pics of the victims too my heart was grieved wounded . I reached billionaire status many times . Money workdwide and it fueled me even more and open up centers,orgs etc fighting for me workdwide usa,Russia,Europe,china,arabia,etc spent billions combating these issues . May u bring justice and mercy .

  7. It’s about time you had David Icke on… No hate. We love you. You have been through hell. Your not alone on that. I have intelligence on “Domestic Spying” the FBI overseen FUSION CENTERS are the UNDERCOVER PLAIN CLOTHED NAZI GESTAPO FAMILIES WORLDWIDE SECRET POLICE KABBAL CARTEL CULT ENFORCERS. I know you have no idea what I am talking about.? Your tracked 24/7, Land, Sea, and Air, same as David Icke and myself. 24/7 no touch psychological torture. It’s real. Beware. They want entry to your home, office, or work place. Cameras and microphones, eyes and ears everywhere. They want to kill all relationships especially love and romance. They must kill the orgasm. Then they must kill your income stream. The FAKE G3 Virus is designed to target the world by starving people to death with fake lockdowns. We must and are,,, returning the favor… Enjoy your mission in life. SELF DEFENSE? PRICELESS!!! Don’t believe me? Edward Snowden the “TOP #1 SPY IN THE WORLD FOR THE CIA & NSA COULD’T REMOVE ALL THE BUGS FROM HIS HOME IN HAWAII. So he had to leave for that and being hunted by the NAZI GANGSTALKERS. Now he resides in the safety and security of Russia. Think again. GREAT!!! OK. FANTASTIC

  8. We should just call in another Israeli air strike on Iran 😂😂

    It's that a Venezuelan flying a su-27?

  9. Uhh 🙄 Iran 🇮🇷🔫🔫

  10. So they didn’t really capture any American intelligence officers but moles we prob paid and gave them other benefits probably

  11. Turkey a UN ally got sanctioned by the US Because they didnt use the US dollar to buy US weapons. They opted for the Superior Russian made S400 system Anyone noticing a trend here. The Taliban was the friend of US, Iraq was a friend of US. You buy and sell with our DOLLAR or get bombed into submission

  12. Wouldnt be suprised if this is true true because the US is known to do this pluss ontop of harrasing them and holding one of their oil tankers and then cough lieing on them about attacking a japanes ship

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