ABC News political director Rick Klein talks about fallout from the Roe v. Wade draft opinion leak, and President Biden faces backlash for calling MAGA supporters an extreme political group.
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"You still have the same heart that began beating in your mother's womb"
Remember to thank your mother this Mother's Day, for CHOOSING to let YOU live
The leak came from Biden's latest appointee…..
The last 3 SCOTUS appointees were Conservative Republicans by Trump….
Loose Lips Sink Ships
They spend 3 minutes discussing a hypothetical issue scaremongering viewers about gay marriage, contraception, etc. Blatantly dishonest.
The MAGA crowd are political extremists! He called them what they are and the Democrat base AGREES!! But who cares since the media always talks about the GQP’s so-called base all the damn time. Democrats have a base and they need some airtime too!
Elizabeth Deutsch. She's currently a law clerk for Justice Breyer. And, in my humble opinion, she's the most likely person to have leaked the draft – Will Chamberlain
The Conservative Supremes have sloppy security. May they should pack iron.
This guy clearly hasn’t read the opinion. Alito specifically says multiple times that this ruling applies to the “right†to abortion, and ONLY abortion. Read the opinion before you talk about it on tv dude…
both biden and clinton are Correct! magas Are extreme And deplorable.
Due to this illegal Liberal crime, the Court's Roe V Wade opinion draft should become official as written without any change. This is because any change would be seen as a bullying influence by the Left and would encourage them to do it again as a way to influence future big court decisions.
This whole crooked joke administration is a leak its a big boat with a big hole in it .😂😆😂😆😂ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Democrats are wacked out nutjobs. Simple Solution: Mandate all libtards must have abortions! Libtards will get to have fun killing their babies again. The USA will eventually rid itself of cancerous libtards! Boom Problem solved.
This is all about the elections coming up. I know they will not overturn it.
This would put a dent in European society all across the USA since they represent the highest infertility rate in the country. I'm all for it, a shift in dominance has been needed for centuries. Thank you MAGA.
This leak was politically motivated. The Democrats know they are going to get walloped in the coming elections so what do they do? Leak a major document, ruin the last vestiges of law in the United States all to get their base all riled up. THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT THIS COUNTRY At All!! They would rather see it emulsify into lawlessness for power.
It was Adam Schiff, and one of his spies.
Does the word "gaslighting" mean anything? Are people really too dumb to recognize overturning Roe v Wade doesn't make abortion illegal? There's no state in the US that has banned abortion….
I don’t care who leaked the information. They put a light on the corrupt maneuvering of politically motivated Justices. Politicians that want to inflict their religious doctrine on American working families.
Like who should care. The PutinJr-trump republican cult has been working on these issues since Joseph McCarthy, Reagan & now with the fool-new Jesus PutinJr.-trump they can taste victory. It was over when Moscow Mitch bandObama from having a illegitimate sub-supreme court Justice. Then agenda & staying in power regardless of the cost to our Democratic Republic, the humiliation of the USA WHO CARES who wins the most votes the republican cult has won. It’s that simple
The absolute truth is it's 2022 we have the technology to identify early pregnancy, halt early pregnancy, and eliminate 92 percent of abortion needs but that doesn't help those in political power or those who make money and gain from the industry (3.4 billion annually through clinics, billions more selling tissue to big pharma) we could reduce annual abortions from 800,000+ to less than 64,000 with just slight investments in technology while still providing choice for women with actual need type cases(rape, incest, medical issues,ect) so let's quit pretending it's absolutely one way or the other. We can reduce need while providing options to women who need options while saving hundreds of thousands of children from pain and saving women from having to make hard traumatizing late term choices in first place with a little intelligence, a little technology, and a little more compassion for both sides. You don't have to be pro-life or pro-choice…you can be pro-intelligence and realize a better world for all comes from new ideas, new technology, compassion, and common sense. Rise above the bullshit, we can all do better.
If your pro-life understand we can save or prevent up to 92 percent or better which is a damn good start
If you pro-choice understand we can expand the choices and reduce the harm to women and children
3 weeks ago Israel came up with a new pregnancy test that's very effective and only uses saliva, we are also on the brink of your cell phone being able to detect if your pregnant by bioelectrical factor sampling. It can be done.
This applies to all aspects of society and medical industries.
Did you know we have had the technology to regrow teeth for over a decade now but the industry blocks the technology because it would destroy industry profits? (Search for Tideglusib)
They have done the same things with multiple cures and solutions across the medical industry for decades. ( Search Ivermectin for cancer or any of the other thousands of research papers and solutions)
The real truth is we are being harmed and killed for profit, pitted against each other for political power gains and we already have better solutions in place and that is the real thing people should be up in arms about. We are better than this, we can do better!
Baby killers big mad