Investigation underway into fatal Black Hawk helicopter crash l ABC News

Investigation underway into fatal Black Hawk helicopter crash l ABC News

Three National Guardsmen died after the chopper, which took off from a Minnesota military base, went down after just nine minutes.

#ABCNews #BlackHawk #StCloud


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31 thoughts on “Investigation underway into fatal Black Hawk helicopter crash l ABC News

  1. Watch My channel at all the Bullshit flying they do above and around my house and you will understand. Made complaints with Nina MCBRIDE FAA REGIONAL DIRECTOR. And NTSB Dc 1 week prior to crash I'm FOLEY ALABAMA but no one would listen🧐🤔

  2. Hmm- The military is not having a very good week with all the chaos going on at Pearl Harbor , Pensacola , and now this too. Something doesn't sit well with me on all these events. Premeditated? Coup? Who knows. But it seems rather ironic that all happen in a week. What are they trying to distract the viewers from now? That should most likely be our first question.

  3. Haha 😂 prolly some dumbass didn’t pay attention in pilot class

  4. We got to impeach the Trump because the helicopter went down Trump's cheap helicopters AR malfunction we got to impeach the president now the whole world's falling apart everybody's dying helicopters global warming everything

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