Intensifying war of words between Trump and Rep. Tlaib

Intensifying war of words between Trump and Rep. Tlaib

Israel, backed by Trump, initially barred two American lawmakers from visiting; Israel later said Congresswoman Tlaib could make humanitarian visit, but she rejected the terms

#Trump #Tlaib #Fued #Israel #ABCNews #WorldNews #Politics


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34 thoughts on “Intensifying war of words between Trump and Rep. Tlaib

  1. I'm GLAD they weren't allowed to run roughshod in Israel like they're allowed to do here! They are not representatives of true America!

    They are traitorous treasonous evil people who need to not be in the positions that they are in we the people of the United States of America need to displace them and replace their evil with goodness….

    If these ignorant people can attain those offices then just imagine what an intelligent loving beautiful person could do in those positions We the people need to step up! what are you doing today?

  2. Just one more thing,,, If I could see one of my grandmothers, one more time,, I would walk a mile over crushed glass, bare foot, to see her. I would deal with the politics later.

  3. A war of words is so dull. How boot a real genuine finishing up of the Civil War, you know it was Amurikuhs shinning moment and it could be again.😁😂😃😄

  4. Is she the one who married her brother or uncle? So hard to keep these family trees in line when the branches all stick together😂✌

  5. tliab made her bed, now she has to sleep
    in it. some people just don't want to accept responsibility for their actions. Sorry, I don’t buy Rep. Tlaib’s tears. I have watched her
    violence, craziness and, most importantly, WORDS, for far too long. Now tears?
    She hates Israel and all Jewish people. She is an anti-Semite. She and her 3
    friends are the new face of the Democrat Party. Live with it!

  6. the squad must learn to accept
    responsibility for their actions. if u don't have something good to say, best
    not to say anything at all. America is sick of these 4 rude mouths in their
    faces every time fake news wants to turn attention away from the epstein island
    and the thousands of people involved. epstein island is not going away, even
    for fake news that appears to be involved in it.

  7. This is a really messy situation, but I with the mindset that representatives of the USA should not be criticizing allies of the country while visiting because of personal vendettas.

  8. Israel was wrong to allow this Racist Democrat to come to see her grandmother. I’m glad she declined. She obviously could give a crap about her family.

  9. The disgusting democrats are supporting socialism and the muslimization of America. 2020 – BE SURE TO REGISTER & VOTE – We Have To Vote The Dishonest Liberal Dems Out!! VOTE-VOTE-VOTE

  10. Israel please give us back our 100 billions of dollars of aid you have received from us last year!!!! Israel, stop hurting and murdering Palistaniens because of their skin color and religious beliefs!Stop being hypocrites!!!

  11. I love how they brilliantly failed to mention that this whole thing on based on 2016 israeli law that prohibits any non-citizen / non resident from entering the country if they have publicly supported the BDS Movement, or the fact that the decision to not let them in was reached by the secretary of interior, not the prime minister and that both men said that Trump was not the reason for their decision. Additionally I love how their overview frames the interaction between Talib and the Israelis is done in a way that suggest the israelis came up with a long list of terms for Talib to follow and said she could only come in she followed all of them when in fact it was Tallib that wrote a letter to the Israeli department of the interior which asked to see her 90 year old grandmother and promised not to advocate for BDS while she was there. It was only at that point, when they were given a valid nonpolitical reason for coming into the country, that Tallib was granted an exception from the 2016 law, so that she could visit the country to see her grandmother, provided she abided by her own terms, and that she did not use the excuse of seeing her grandmother to get into the country and then go on a nationwide tour screaming and whining about how evil the israelis were which is what they figured the original trip (the one with omar) was about. Then a day later she anounced she would not go because she felt the conditions she herself had proposed were overly oppressive and she figured her grandmother wouldn't her to debace herself by flying to Israel solely to visit her Grandmother and not to take up the banner of the Palestinian plight. Also love how you pretend like refusing a comgressman to enter your country is sooo horrible when in only the last administration an rightwing Israeli member of Parment was refused entry to America for vaguely similar reasons. Top marks reporting.

  12. Okay now you went to DAMN far ! Don"t you dare mention her grandmother ! This woman is so proud of her granddaughter for standing up to bully like Ftrump and Israel ! You wanted her to go but keep quiet , why should she ? Because you said so , she an elected congresswoman of this country , one of your allies but maybe that only for Republicans! I don't agree with her on all policies but on this I agree ! Stand up for what you believe even when they tell you to shut up or sit down ! Ftrump is nothing but a coward and a bully !

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