Intel chiefs challenge Trump’s security claims

Intel chiefs challenge Trump’s security claims

America’s top intelligence officials appeared to challenge some of President Trump’s most prominent claims about global national security issues in a Senate testimony.


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41 thoughts on “Intel chiefs challenge Trump’s security claims


  2. Of course Trump is right. He’s right about everything. If he believed the sky was orange it would be orange. He knows everything about everything and knows more than anybody else. Even though he’s never been in politics. Ask his cult members this. They will agree. They will back anything he says.

  3. Trump's own security experts refuse to call our southern border a security emergency. He has INFESTED our government with crooks and Russians, but we are to believe maids from Guatemala are the real danger? LOL

  4. It is really scary to know China and Russia can turn the heat off and also the lights at the blink of an eye. Just like that. What are we doing about it? Fighting over and endlessly talking about whether or not TraitorTreasonousTrump really is a Russian agent. Are we going to have these same discussions sitting around in the dark with no lights? Or, will we still be debating whether TTT can be indicted? The time to indict is now. If not, use the 25th Amendment because he is and has not kept his sworn oath. Come on, America, defend against enemies foreign and domestic: do it now, don't allow him to continue to distract.

  5. President Donald Trump is the NEW AGE HITLER. Trump is a old white man DEATH is coming for him in many ways so he doesn't care about our safety or this country this is Putin's BITCH. Check out my YouTube page…Wilmrbadguy

  6. Trump should give you all hope. You can say whatever you want whenever you want and be totally wrong, contradict yourself repeatedly and still have millions of people following you…

  7. I just want to know 2 things…What is Trump discussing secretly with Putin and what is on his hidden tax returns? The answer to one or both of those questions will expose Trump for the lying, traitor we all know he is.

  8. “Schumer asks intel chiefs to educate Trump after 'extraordinarily inappropriate' criticism”

    Oh, dear—that kind of education sounds dangerous. It would entail giving yet another swatch of official secrets to the enema-of-the-people-in-chief.

  9. These are the same assholes responsible for regime change around the world. The fact they challenge Trump means he isn't exactly on their payroll like the last few presidents. Fuck the Intel community and anyone who trusts them.

  10. Clippers vs Hawks was pure NBA TELLS REF'S TO MAKE SURE CLIPPERS LOSE – JUST TO KEEP LEBRON IN PLAYOFF PICTURE. Go watch the game yourself (except no one will – because GSW are CLEAR FAV to win, and no one will watch Clippers vs Hawks)

  11. Thanks Antiamercan Broadcast Communists , for showing the world how the corrupt Intel Community is an Antiamerican pro globalist Communist dictatorship. CRUSH THE COMMYS IN THE INTEL COMMUNITY.. DRAIN THE SWAMP…

  12. Traitor Trump has never listened to anyone. He is one of those dumb people that think they are smart. When people challenge him they become the enemy. That's why he falls for Putin and Yong-un's rhetoric. They cater to his ego, paying him compliments, and offering him rewards. He eats it up like a child and fall's for their lies. He seems to be incapable of understanding that there are far more intelligent people in this world who can't be easily manipulated.

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