Inside the protest: What peaceful George Floyd protesters are feeling now | America In Pain

Inside the protest: What peaceful George Floyd protesters are feeling now | America In Pain

Participants, some of whom are protesting for the first time, talk about why they are taking to the streets in support of change and how they have handled intense moments.

#GeorgeFloyd #Protest #IntenseMoments #ABCNews #ABCNewsSpecial


20 thoughts on “Inside the protest: What peaceful George Floyd protesters are feeling now | America In Pain

  1. Cool, they accomplished absolutely nothing. Only making even more people hate them and have more hate towards their believes. Almost like they don’t want peace, but just chaos?

  2. AtA🌶🗑

  3. I had to search this up cause there really isn’t any peaceful protest, but this kinda makes me happy.

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  5. A little cringe song I made I hope you like it 😅:
    I can’t breath.. I can’t breath, please let me go I’m clastrophobic~ oh please oh please listen to me I’m innocent.. I didn’t do anything wrong.. SHUT UP! Oh please oh please listen to me..~ George floyeds death is sad, everybody’s outside morning till dawn everyone fights for justice~ it’s not fair for the black people, we need a community that’s equal. Fires in towns at night crying people outside, sounds of guns shooting, black lives matter no matter what! Please oh please end this people cry.. god made us equal didn’t he? May god be with us all during this hard time in 2020 and be safe!~

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  7. Don’t glorify violence by ignoring it

  8. @ABC I am tired of the lies and censorship , The fine people hoax: Trump denounced racist clearly stating they was NOT part of the fine people "edited out of original video"

    Atlantic/CNN story debunked Trump never said it.

    Drinking bleach hoax
    Trump was talking about UV light as a disinfectant.

    Antifa is a myth: hoax

    Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy deadly drug hoax, exposed
    From Belgium 30% reduced death rate
    From Italy also 30% reduced death rate

    How do these work?
    Joe Says the lie.
    Democrats trust Joe

    The media reports the lie
    Most people trust the media

    Social media/friends and family share the lie.
    Most people do not "Research" because they get validation from 3 trusted sources….

    Biden lied
    Media lied.
    Friends and family believe the lie and share it. No one has verified it.

    The Democrats and main stream media do not care about you and me. They demand we have scientific evidence of HCQ and hide all talk of HCQ, while applying censorship to evidence of fine people or bleach hoax/LIES

    Google/Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple and their Big Tech friends want to control what you see, what you read, what you think, and ultimately, how you vote. Not only do they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbying congress and buttering up big Washington DC think tanks, but now they brazenly and directly censor any content they don't want you to see.

    If you do not understand how dangerous this is ask a friend.

    If you are wanting change, be the change. No more peaceful riots

    Share, silence the lies of the left.

  9. George floyds death,=burglary ,breaking and entering,pilfering of,Rolex watches. no matter how someone explains it ,I will never understand the connection. What do these business owning, law abiding honest citizens have to do with the killing of George Floyd? I'm still waiting for someone to explain the connection, in a way that I can actually understand it.

  10. Whether your protest are peaceful or violent, that is exactly how the government wants you to react because it grants them opportunity to further take away your rights as a human because you are distracted. If you really want to bring down a force/government that you do not trust and/or feel safe with anymore, DO NOT VOTE, DO NOT SPEND MONEY OF ANY FORM, AND DO NOT PAY TAXES! Cut their fundings and they have nothing to supply their unjust acts with any longer.

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