Inside The Online Spread Of Far-Right Extremism | NBC Nightly News

Inside The Online Spread Of Far-Right Extremism | NBC Nightly News

What used to be fringe beliefs are now amplified by the internet including social media site Parler, which widely spread false claims that the presidential election was rigged.
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Inside The Online Spread Of Far-Right Extremism | NBC Nightly News


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30 thoughts on “Inside The Online Spread Of Far-Right Extremism | NBC Nightly News

  1. After all the riots, looting, destruction of small businesses, assaults and murders that occurred last Summer, seems to make a lot of sense to be a lot more concerned about all of the Far-Left extremism. And BTW, Leftie loons keep bringing up "White Supremacy". The fact is, last year 315 members of BLM and ANTIFA were charged with violent crimes across the country. 5 White Supremacists were. 5

  2. This guys make republicans look like barbarians, I really wish they would not of done this at least Antifa is smart enough to wear masks. These guys and gals storm the Capital like they are going to a football game. It's a shame because I don't think they know how much trouble they are going to be in law enforcement will be processing these people for the next 4 years.

  3. Don't know how I bumped onto this. All in all GREAT clip 🥇😎. I also watched those rather similar from mStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys make these stuff. MStar Tutorials also had amazing information about similiar make money online things on his channel.

  4. BLM and Antifa terrorized cities acros our nation for 6 months for this communist regime to win. One day is too much now?? F U this ain’t China !! and it’s never gone be. This the 🇺🇸 USA!! Freedom over communism!!

  5. @lin
    President Trump, God chose you. Prophecy warned the people. You are the greatest President in the world. We all know the Democratic party is here to distroy you. God help!
    People was warned by the Prophecy. Even I came on and spread the word of the Prophecy. Well here we are a war between both parties. People now will die. Prophecy warned and YOU THE PEOPLE DID NOT LISTEN.

  6. Fingers crossed that Trump doesn't grant a blanket pardon to these homegrown terrorists. Most people in Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and even Israel have received a high-quality basic education, but the US truly has let down its uneducated masses. This has left tens of millions of Americans easy prey for cults or gangs to come swoop them up.

  7. IN the way Rupert Murdoch's outlets show no shame or hesitation about stuffing their readers with obvious, outright, demonstrable lies, they show not only an outrageous contempt for the American people but serve to actively undermine the nation. I wish it were possible to blank them for 24 hours and if they didn't improve, to cancel their broadcasting licence. The first amendment doesn't say that you have the right to incite sedition and insurrection against the government of the United States. Neither does the seccond.

  8. Those Antifa guys must be pretty brave because they were willing to spend 20 years in prison just to make Trump supporters look bad. So, Antifa is clever enough to infiltrate a mob, but also complete idiots risking arrest, imprisonment, or worse.

    Nope. It was a Trump supporters.

    Also, I thought Republicans believed in people taking responsibility for what they do. When these people do something terrible – they blame others. Even Trump refuses to take responsibility for anything he does that goes wrong.

  9. If anyone that works at NBC reads this, please listen.🙏

    Trump will be gone in just a few days but the over 70 million people that voted for him will still be here.  PLEASE realize before it is to late that Trump is just one elected official, but the over 70 million people that voted for him are a significant portion of this union, and they have watched for the last four years as the media and big tech clearly chose to not accept or acknowledge there representative as being legitimate.  PLEASE realize that as your industry has shown it clearly picks side’s, and the danger is not in alienating Trump, it is in alienating the over 70 million people who voted for him to be there representative. 

    These are people that’s opinions, needs and lives have been ignored and treated with distain and contempt for long before Trump showed up.  This is probably what allowed someone like Trump to be elected in the first place.  These are the people that live in the red part of the map, in the places beyond the solid blue places in which your company and others like you operate.  PLEASE realize before it is too late. See that these people aren’t stupid, racist, uneducated white people like your industry has been trying to portray them in order to dehumanize them to make it easier to right them off.  They are normal working class people that’s wants and needs are very different than the people living in the metropolitan areas in which your companies exist and care about.  They are people who have watched as there needs and opinions have been ignored and held with distain buy your industry because your industry only seems to see what is going on in the few major metropolitan areas in which they reside.

    Right now you are watching as these people attack the government institutions that they now think “fixed” the election through voter fraud.  

    Please I beg you, before the mob that has came out of this realizes that the fix wasn’t voter fraud.  Before they realize the fix was the industry that controls are information, the industry that is controlled buy really only 6 companies located in the heavily blue parts of are country, the industry you are a part of, the industry that holds them in such contempt that they confuse there hatred for Trump for what it really is.  The total disregard for the people who voted for Trumps, wants, needs, and very existence. 

    Please I beg you acknowledge that there wants and needs deserve to be heard on a even playing field like everyone else’s, you don’t have to agree with it, just allow it the same consideration you do the people and opinions you’re industry actually cares about.

    PLEASE, because if this mob actually finally realizes the “fix” in this election is that the people who hold a monopoly on the dissemination of information, that is your industry, a industry that prevents there voices from being heard on the same playing field as the organization that voted the way your industry think they should. If that happens, the mob will no longer be at the capital.  

    The ramifications of that happening are horrible.  I like and believe in the rights and freedom of the press and do not wish those freedoms to go away.  I fear though they might if your industry doesn’t acknowledge that they have a responsible to allow opinions to be heard equally, instead of the obvious way they prefer, that is the power that comes with controlling and manipulating the narrative.  A consequence of which we have seen over the last four years to include the very election of the man your industry loves to hate the most. 

    Please I beg you to realize the horrible consequences that will happen if the mob decided to turn there anger on the six companies that have monopolized the information in are country and the only way to fix this is government intervention into these companies.  The freedom of the press is a important one that is supposed to insure that the government has a watchdog to ensure they don’t take advantage of the people.  The six companies that now control this industry and have clearly shown there capable and willing to use there power to benefit one side over the other will, and has alienated one side over the other.  

    There are now only four things to bring this situation to an end.

    1) The government steps in and brings a violent end to the protesters or riots. This will most likely further alienate and fuel more resentment from a already disenfranchised 70 million people and only make things worse.

    2) The protesters or rioters will use violence and destruction to change your industry, because they see no other way.  Also bad.

    3) they will get people elected eventually that will use the government to take over and regulate your industry. Also bad, remember you are the people that are supposed to watch out for us and keep both parties in check.

    4) I think this is the best one.  Your industry stops picking sides and allows both sides to present there wants needs and opinions on a even platform that doesn’t use there monopoly on information to control the narrative.  

    For the last time if there is anyone reading this that works for these big media and tech companies that currently dominate are information.   PLEASE I beg you, as a person that loves are country more than the parties that currently run it.  PLEASE realize that Trump is just a single man that will be leaving office soon. PLEASE realize that his existence was only allowed by the 70 million people that resent the fact that there opinions and lives have been ignored and held in contempt by your industry for years. 70 million people that will still be here after Trump is gone.  70 million people that Chose Trump because the Media and big tech industry won’t even acknowledge there problems on a even platform and allowed for A man like Trump to rise to power.  PLEASE, because there will be more Trumps if you don’t.  

    PLEASE STOP,  and realize we need your industries, now probably more than ever, and the consequences of the continued misuse of it for personal power will eventually be its destruction.  Your industry loves looking at polls and discussing there meaning.  

    PLEASE look at your polls and realize they were that bad before Trump and unless you acknowledge that we will all continue to suffer.      🙏😔😔🙏PLEASE 🙏😔😔🙏

  10. America was founded on high treason and insurection, and that is what it's going to take, to take our country back!
    "There's a government within the government and I don't have control"! – Bill Clinton (Ex President)
    The american people are sick of it! This is the government that needs to be overthrown. America you deserve exactly what you get! The blood has only started to flow….

  11. 1 day of fights and people in the white house or months of blm protestors destroying cities and looting all the stores and burning buildings. Yeah. All the news is liberal. Trump should have won. The other guys are so full of bs

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