Inside the last known American slave ship – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks to Garry Lumbers and Altevese Rosario, descendants of Cudjo Lewis, about the National Geographic documentary “Clotilda: Last American Slave Ship.”


By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “Inside the last known American slave ship”
  1. The racist, bigots and White Supremacist within the republi-KLANS party and there supporters doesn't want us to know about our black history. Can't wait to get rid of that evil racist political party. So that "ALL" people in this country could have freedom and democracy and live as equal citizens.

  2. I don't use the word slaves anymore. They were kidnapped children, teenagers, and young adults – victims of an international human trafficking ring. The word slave is dehumanizing. If someone kidnapped you to another country, are you just that "slave" or are you still a whole person? I know we don't know all of their names, but we know they were human beings, kids, artists, comedians, teachers, parents who were stolen from their lives, families, dreams and potential. We need a more humanizing way to describe these strong and incredible survivors, than the monolithic shame-filled word, "slave".

  3. People really don't know how this works well if they are diligent in their work as the Spirit says you'll wake up an realize we are still being slaved on a different level of read deuteronomy ch28:15-68 for the socalled black people or if u identify yourself with African American people everything you want or need to have to buy from other nations of people who are actually your enemies according to how it's written period so either way the facts are real and African is not everyone's identification being that it's not the Isrealites original birthplace try reading the book and allow The Spirit to show you threw research you are that important people who are chosen by Our own Creator of HEAVENS and Earth if you truly believe in what the Kjv Holy bible speaks

  4. Amazing segment! Now I know the Clotilda existed and feel a sense of happiness seeing great great grampa’s adversity transformed into his descendants liberation of our generation.

    A wonderful story about how far we’ve come as a nation.
    We must continue to press forward and never allow ourselves to fall backwards again.

  5. I want to thank Dr OSABA on YouTube for curing my HERPES virus, DR OSABA on YouTube also cured diseases such as HIV, CANCER, HSV, DIABETES, MENTAL ILLNESS, COLD SORE, GONORRHEA, PRIVET PART INFECTION, STD, FIBROID, PCOS etc

  6. I was born and rased in Togo west Africa I must say I could be related to Kodjo since we knew these stories did hapen because when slavery was so called abolish the slaves master went in to hiding taking people by force. I'm happy for Kodjo because he survive the horror of slavering and here we are today.
    I love to do my DNA
    Just to pay my respect to ancestry.
    Love always Lydia.
    "The Line of Judah has been crossed, one day the Lion of Judah will be resurrected"

  7. American slave ship?
    Isnt that funny how they word these things as if Americans owned any of them.
    Who owned those slave ships?
    Do some research. Every one was registered to the British empire. Many were owned and registered by Jewish owners. Who owns the diamond mines and gold mines in Africa?
    Connect the dots.
    Slaves didn't just get on those ships.
    People were traded for European goods by their own African countrymen; rounded up and traded or sold to.the highest bidder.
    Look in Africa today. The presidents of 7 countries in Africa were overthrown by military leaders in a year.
    Look in America today. 50 dead in Chicago alone in one weekend and not a single cop involved and not a single white man involved- black on black crime.
    Spirits and principalities in high places none of you can see.
    I see.
    God bless us all.
    Bible says nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. What is a kingdom? Do the math.
    It all goes back to sin. The love of money and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is taking the entire world for one hell of a ride and this is the beginning of the worst times ever in the history of the world.

  8. Anthony Johnson (born in 1600) – look him up. Also, white europeans were slvs too in north africa – more africans were shipped to brazil than 🇺🇸

  9. If you guys get to freely talk about your history, then we should get to talk about ours as well. This is not a story of hatred and fear, it is a story of hope and perseverance. We won't stop talking about our history just because some folks are uncomfortable with it. Do us a favor and stop trolling.

  10. Amazing segment! Now I know the Clotilda existed and feel a sense of happiness seeing great great grampa’s adversity transformed into his descendants liberation of our generation.

    A wonderful story about how far we’ve come as a nation.
    We must continue to press forward and never allow ourselves to fall backwards again.

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