Inside the high-tech military K9 training facility l ABC News

Inside the high-tech military K9 training facility l ABC News

The elite training facility in Texas prepares dogs for military missions like the one that helped take down the leader of ISIS.

#ABCNews #WarDogs #K9Commandos #LacklandAFB #SanAntonioLackland #Dogs


28 thoughts on “Inside the high-tech military K9 training facility l ABC News

  1. For all the fools, these dogs are Belgian malinois and not German Shepard’s. Don’t get a mal unless you have $50,000 to spend on training. They will become awful dogs.

  2. For everyone, please do your research before getting any type of breed. Belgium Malinois are working dogs and need very high levels of mental and physical stimulation. German shepherds are a different breed not the same. Please don’t expect the Belgium to be family dogs as they need extreme dedication in intensive training, time, and money. If these are not full filled boredom will drive the breed to be destructive and eventually that’s how they end up in shelters. So please, please, make sure you research the breed you want before getting one.

  3. Why would you bring a dog to a conflict? What are they going to do? Trump just declassified a dog name like ISIS would have cared what the dog name is and if the dog was a part of any mission. Americans just like to glamorize everything.

  4. War puppies! 😍😍😍

  5. Arf, arf……..

  6. Trump
    ”they call them k9, i call them dogs”

  7. Cute ❤️ ❤️❤️

  8. German Shepherds are very intelligent, incredibly loyal, and they can be trained to be whatever type of dog you want them to be. They make terrific family dogs, but as with any dog they need to be trained.

  9. Wonder what happens to the ones who don’t make the cut.

  10. Mr President reconsider that phrase : he died like a dog!
    because if Al-Baghdadi died like a dog ,in my point of view he died like a hero…
    you Mr President should have said : .he died like a scumbag like he was

  11. All dog's go to heaven and cat's burn in hell 🐕🤺

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