Inside Brazil’s COVID-19 tragedy | ABCNews PRIME – Car Mod Pros Portal

James Longman reports from Sao Paulo, Brazil, where government inaction, distrust and societal inequality are helping fuel the spread of the virus.

#Coronavirus #SaoPaulo #Brazil #Epicenter #Disease #Virus #COVID19 #Pandemic

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By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Inside Brazil’s COVID-19 tragedy | ABCNews PRIME”

    Cuba has developed 4 vaccines.

    Soberana 01
    Soberana 02

    Cuban doctors were serving in the remotest corners of Brazil! Why did they leave?

  2. Interest when the media shows Brazil population only shows the dark ones. The huge white and light skin population disappear 😒

  3. Porque esses vídeos ficou oculto á tantos Meses ?
    Esses vídeos não são financiados por nenhum país
    deve ser dos ministérios das Saúde mundial

  4. God Bless the people of Brazil 🇧🇷❤️🇬🇧 May prayers 🙏 are with you ❤️✌️


    * COVID-19 is, "WORSE".

    If, the viruses, were "invisible terrorists." How would you handle it ??????

    View the Statistics.

    * COVID-19 is, "WORSE".

    Some Countries have even, * Roads and Classrooms * Disinfected!


    LUV YOU !

    AAA SJ RRR LLL 2020 CE
    D E C E M B E R 12 GGG

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  8. Meu deus do seu é isso qui vocês pensam de nós 🤦

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  10. The difference about gangs there and where I live is gangs here just want to hurt people for enjoyment. Gangs their do what they need to do to survive! Let’s help each other!! Let’s love each other!

  11. Eu sou do Brasil a situação aqui n tá fácil 😥

  12. Why does stupid media portrays Brazil a only black country? Only shows Black brazilians to portrays the agenda "Brazil is a black country". Brazil is the most multirracial country in the world. A huge white population, Whites, asians. Why does the media insist portrays Brazil a only black country?

  13. Hydroxychloroquine despite the fake studies to compromise it, of course works and of course only if you treat in early phase and suplement with Zinc. It basicly helps Zinc in being absorbed and activated. And Zinc role in body is to limit body overreaction which kills you in Covid. But its not a magical pill which prevents disease.
    But if you take Vitamin D as studies show (look up american Peak prosperity channel or UKs Dr Campbell channel) that it massively limits death cases. The most volnurable in Covid are darkskinned people – because of their skin which is a natural sunblock while you need the sun exposure to let body create vitamin D on surface of skin and later absorb it. And Vitamin D is the main vitamin keeping your immunity high not letting the virus replicate (while vitamin C is the fuel of white, immunity cells so it shortens time needed for body to fight viruses). Another group with limited vitamin D absorption are older people and especially obese people (they need x3 more vitamin D than average person, because of their high consentration of sugar in body, sugar blocks vitamins absorption).
    If you not take your vitamins, not get enough sun you might die before you will get a vaccine.

  14. ✍🏽Chinese does not care about you they want your resources❗️Your government officials are hiding, and protecting themselves and their interest.

    ✍🏽 Champions Have Rivals and EVIL NEVER WINS…
    ✍🏽 “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14:34‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    ✍🏽You are a Powerful People keep fighting

    ✍🏽 Isaiah 5:20-23 (KJV)
    20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
    21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
    22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:
    23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!
    ✍🏽 EVIL will REWARD these MURDERS = Eternity in HELL
    🎬 1 📽 🎞 🗣 🎙 🗺 🌎🌍🌏 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review❗️ Outstanding thank you so much for sharing.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I Love watching 🤔🧐 👁👁 👍🏿 👩🏾‍💻 Good documentary,✅✅✅✅✅ One Journey🗺🌎🌍🌏Let's Make It Countt❗️Together We Thrive.📌

  15. Salve América 🇧🇷😎✌️

  16. Bolsonaro was elected by Southern Brazilians which lick americas ass. We the northeast and the North all voted against this guy. He is a criminal.
    His wife received 89 thousand reais from a guy called fabricio queiroz. He's being acused by the government for being part of a militia which controls the scams in the favelas of rio De janeiro. She's the Brazilian first lady and she cannot explain where did the money come from. Queiroz is bolsonaros (the presidents) best friend. Adriano, the only witness of the case ran away to the state of Bahia and was murdered days after. Adrianos wife desapeared. Bolsonaros son flavio bolsonaro is also under investigation for being part of militia groups and for other corruption crimes. These people following bolsonaro have no study. They are the ones who never pass in any public services exam, they never go to public university, they don't read books.. Ignorants easely lied to, easely manipulated. They follow whatever this guy says even though our economy dropped to the 24th position globally (the worst result Ever).

    Adrianos family relatives were employed by flavio bolsonaro (Brazilian presidents son) and Adriano is a convicted criminal already, he was part of the militia in rio De janeiro which extort the poor favelas habitants. They charge for public services, they charge to let the businesses run around the communities, they charge for anything and opress the favelas even more than the drug dealers.

    By the way queiroz was hiding from the police in bolsonaros lawyers house in the city of guaruja. Bolsonaros lawyer said to the police that he didnt know how queiroz was hiding there.. When queiroz went for a medical exam bolsonaros lawyer was seen there and he told the police it was a coincidence. Bolsonaros ex wife bought an apartment which costed 600 thousand reais with cash and bsonaro said they wanted to pay in cash (we all know that dirty money from militia and any other crime is washed just like that)

  17. Why does the media only shows dark or black brazilians? Brazil is only slums and blacks? Where are the Whites brazilians who died? 😒

  18. Situação tá crítica meu amigo, eu sinceramente só quero que isso acabe logo. Não saio de casa a meses e por mais que eu sei que isso é para o bem de todos, isso está me desgastando

    Sem contar que o Bolsonaro que abaixa o auxílio emergencial para 200 reais, 200 reais ???? Não vai dar pra nada, como a população vai se sustentar ??
    Esse ano tá tudo tando errado 🙁

    Situation is critical my friend, I honestly just want this to end soon. I haven't left the house for months and as much as I know this is for everyone's good, it's wearing me out Not to mention the Bolsonaro that lowers emergency aid to 200 reais, 200 reais ???? It won't work, how will the population support themselves ?? This year everything is going wrong 🙁

  19. As you can see we are not "genocide" we are just poor e can't adopt us or un protocol. Help dont criticized please we really need .
    P.s. If USA the biggest consumer of cocaine ( we are second) and europe we can follow the money and put then in jail

  20. Eu não entendi o que ele disse mais de uma coisa é certa A população não respeita a Quarentena, principalmente em comunidades/favelas

  21. As a Brazilian I’m so sad to see those poor communities! I knew that the situation in the favelas are really difficult, but I didn’t know it was that bad! I’m completely broken to see this, I have never seen that part of São Paulo before! We live in our bubbles not knowing how much this people are suffering. 😭

  22. Many people had infected with the COVID-19 while living in the slums as known as the favelas in most of Rio de Janeiro and in São Paulo. The doctors and the nurses had given the tests for the coronavirus for most of Brazil. The residents who are living in the favelas had infections of the coronavirus and many of them died and the bodies pulled out the favelas and bury them in cemeteries.

  23. The Way This Bolsonoro Government Sees it. IT'S A HERD COMMUNITY CULLING OF THE SLUMS.

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