Indicted Trump Organization CFO Removed From Top Roles At Subsidiaries

Indicted Trump Organization CFO Removed From Top Roles At Subsidiaries

Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, has been removed from his top positions at more than two dozen of the company’s subsidiaries. Weisselberg was indicted on tax fraud charges, but the Trump Organization continues to publicly support him. NBC News Hallie Jackson analyzes what this means for the case brought against the organization.
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#AllenWeisselberg #TrumpOrganization #Politics


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23 thoughts on “Indicted Trump Organization CFO Removed From Top Roles At Subsidiaries

  1. Seem like this guy (trump) created the best con ever.
    The con this particular devil pulled was that he persuaded his base that they NEED him to exist, that he's one of them, and that despite all evidence to the contrary, he has their best interests at heart… it's sad… and dangerous.

  2. The black marks on Weisselberg's back are the tire tracks from being thrown under the Trump bus. The good news is he obtained counsel from outside the Trump Org. He will flip all right.

  3. I think it's possible he's been removed from these positions because Trump don't trust that he won't flip. You wouldn't want someone who is about to flip having access to all of those offices would ya?🤔

  4. Truths (Report #6YB):

    ##【新真相6YB】## 請看下面標有【新】的部分!

    ### "武漢肺炎"的變種病毒(例如,英國變種病毒Alpha、印度變種病毒Delta、等等)當然全都是【【人造的】】,所以"變種病毒"更具傳染力且毒性更強。也因此,美國Dr. Fauci 不停地拿Delta病毒來恐嚇民眾來「迫使民眾打疫苗」(Dr. Fauci 藉此來幫助〈司法妖魔集團〉斂"更多的"大財)。當然,〈司法妖魔集團〉的合作夥伴們也可拿"變種病毒"來毒殺更多的民眾來斂大財。++++++ 換句話說,"武漢肺炎"的變種病毒(英國變種病毒Alpha、、、印度變種病毒Delta、等等)全都是〈司法妖魔集團〉總部派人【製造出來的(變種病毒)】用來幫助(及確保)世界各國的〈司法妖魔集團〉(及"中共")能夠〈〈【有效地】長期斂得大財〉〉,因此,〈製造出來的(變種病毒)〉一個比一個【更具傳染力且毒性更強】。++++++ 至於,如何〈〈【有效地】長期斂得大財〉〉,舉"實例"如下,(2021年1月至5月)美國、英國、日本、等等國家的〈司法妖魔集團〉暗中派人(在各自的國內)散播〈英國變種病毒Alpha〉來斂大財(「毒殺(屠殺)民眾」來斂大財)。由於(上述)各國的〈司法妖魔集團〉所斂得的錢財「不如預期」,因此,(上述)各國的〈司法妖魔集團〉(2021年5月中開始)暗中派人(以"逐漸增加"的方式)散播【更具傳染力且毒性更強】的〈印度變種病毒Delta〉,藉此,(上述)各國的〈司法妖魔集團〉便可(更有效地)「毒殺(屠殺)民眾」來斂"更多的"大財。++++++ 2021年6月15日"侯友宜"(台灣的〈司法妖魔集團〉的領導階層人物)曾經說【印度變種病毒Delta「早晚會到台灣」】,"侯友宜"並且要民眾要有"打第3劑疫苗"的準備。既然"侯友宜"事先知道Delta病毒「早晚會到台灣」,可見"侯友宜"已經知道「哪裡可以取得Delta病毒」。(註:甚至(在台灣)已經存有Delta病毒,有必要時,"侯友宜"隨時都可派人(在台灣)散播Delta病毒。)

    ### Dr. Fauci emails 的內容,以及"不斷地"調查(及報導)【武漢實驗室「洩漏病毒」】,(上述)這些"動作"都是用來遮掩「事實」(遮掩〈司法妖魔集團〉【暗中派人放毒】的事實)。(註:Dr. Fauci 是美國的〈司法妖魔集團〉的重要成員!)

    ### 〈北農群聚感染〉、〈(士林)護理之家群聚感染〉、等等"很顯然"都是被人放毒。(註:「無症狀確診者」(有可能)也是"放毒者",新北市有很多「無症狀確診者」。)

    ### "侯友宜"是台灣的〈司法妖魔集團〉的領導階層人物,因此,"侯友宜"必定也「暗中」派人放毒〈放"武漢肺炎"病毒〉。"侯友宜"一直表現出【非常關心及急著救難】的樣子,這是因為〈〈表現出【非常關心及急著救難】的樣子〉〉可以用來遮掩"侯友宜"【暗中"å± æ®Ãâ

  5. Not big at backing down on these court cases. No, let's say… masochistic? Lose and pay the court. They are consistent. The pay day portion of these shows may be dwindling. Lose and go to….

  6. You are SAVED by BELIEVING in JESUS CHRIST who DIED for ALL sin to SAVE ALL who BELIEVE in HIM. PROMISED ETERNAL LIFE by BELIEVING in HIM. He DID ascend to Heaven on the third day. HE IS at the right hand of God. He is preparing a place for ALL who BELIEVE. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all. Know the truth. Know who IS your Savior. Know that he suffered for ALL. To SAVE ALL. This life is clearly temporary and when you know why then it will confirm the truth even more! SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH. FEAR GOD. NOT MAN. PREACH THE GOSPEL. ITS WHAT JESUS DID! All Glory to God. Look at the world! WATCH 🎺🎁

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