In this installment of the Six for the Win series, ABC’s Alex Presha speaks with independent voters in the battleground state of Arizona.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #IndependentVoters #Arizona #Trump #Biden #2020Election


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Independents have turned Arizona purple, could they turn it blue in 2020? | ABC News”
  1. Of course Arizona is turning blue. The people who voted in turning California into a shithole have now moved here. Bringing their problems with them.

  2. Its sad. ARIZONA…. legalizing Drugs and Increased Income Tax….. so much for the Red state where they value more the people. Then again. Many Californians fled California to Arizona they hate the taxes here so they go to Arizona to change it the same as California….in California you smell Marijuana everywhere…its horrible. The air isn't good no more and my kids breath it no matter what I do I called the cops talked to city council nothing… its horrible. Kids are affected by this the smoke travels and it travels far specially since ppl smoke in their cars too and on the road. They go to parks and parking lots to smoke too. Its not enforced its not regulated its horrible here in California. Yet Arizona seemed to be the hope for people needing a break but now its going to end up being the same. Sad.

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  6. The secret formula for POSITIVISM is love as a principal, order as a foundation and progress as a goal!
    And love is what this world needs so STAY POSITIVE! We will overcome these times!!! 💞

  7. Arizona voter here and never voted in my 43 years…but never seen America so divided and all because of Trump!! So this year I will be exercising my right to vote Biden.

  8. Bruh I see WAYYY more Trump fans in Arizona than I see Biden. So in my opinion, this is a red state not a blue state. Polls don’t matter,

  9. Notice how Biden pointed out the needs of Arizona and pence pointed out 4 more years for trump. And I'm only 28 seconds into this video. Pence made me throwup in my mouth. Can't wait to hear the rest.

  10. If Biden win, USA will lose freedom as the same as China.No freedom in China.Trump for USA future ,but Biden for China future.Trump for people freedom,Biden for control people. Vote for Trump 2020 in person.

  11. The economy stayed stable because of the only ones the virus hasn’t affected Not Because of the Man DJT. He’s given to much credit! We aren’t supposed to worship the flesh or any Man. Make it Go Away! It’s gone way to far. I worship No Man!

  12. 👏🏻‼️Save America from 4 more years plus some who knows how many of recovery from Lies and Selfish Greed, Just Do It! We Deserve Better! It’s not right to allow a Man to divide people like he’s a God. How sickening is that? He’s a Man Not A God! Stop Feeding the Hate! Vote for Change! Please🙏🏻🍀🇺🇸

  13. 😆😂😆😂😂😆😁😝🤪 , I have to see it to believe it! 🤔🤔🤔🤔✅🧐🧐🤬

  14. The Trump "adm" is doing everything they can do to block voting so I don't care if you have to crawl to the nearest poll VOTE…our country cannot sustain another 4 yrs of the hate, division, lies and disease that is now the GOP. Vote straight Blue

  15. I live in Arizona. I’m definitely not voting for Biden, he’s too old and a little too cognitively impaired, but I also don’t know if I’ll vote for Trump. I don’t like the way he handled Covid. I might just not vote for president at all.

  16. Charlottsville should have been enough to see trump out and for Republicans to stand up and say hell No. Vote like polls don't matter since they really don't Votes count.

  17. When Democrats run your state for decades –
    California has lost 3.8 million jobs, 25% of it’s population lives in poverty.
    California has 12% of the US population and 34% of all welfare recipients.
    California has nearly half of America’s homeless population, 150,000, 10,000 are veterans. The middle class is gone, rich vs poor is all that remain. Socialism rules. Video – 🤓

  18. Don't send your vote via USPS, drop it personally at election precinct. demonc 🐀 RATs party will scam your vote. & I like reading the comments from haters. The more the hate, the more – more fours years of our beloved U. S. President. Vote Trump 2020. Viva Republican Party 2020.,

  19. Do U👍Sean Penn? 🚫MATTER F Yer R🔴or D🔵… ✔Out his🗣 near🔚of📹@1:35:45
    ⏬LOOK⏬👀⤵⏬ 👀

  20. White supremacists and racists draw their breath from orange guy! Vote this bigot out and then put him on trial for thousands of deaths that taint his small hands!!!

  21. 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊💙🌝🌝

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