Increasingly violent protests erupt in Hong Kong | ABC News

Increasingly violent protests erupt in Hong Kong | ABC News

The protests began in June, when hundreds of thousands of protesters in the semi-autonomous city marched against the government’s proposal to change an extradition law.


33 thoughts on “Increasingly violent protests erupt in Hong Kong | ABC News

  1. This whole HK protest is a setup to trap China into sending the military
    force. It is extremely evident that the Trump administration is
    forbidding US anti-rioting equipment company (NonLethal Technologies
    Inc) for selling anti-riot gears to HK police! The US want HK to be
    destabilized. The US want those young and stupid HK teenagers to
    sacrifice themselves to gain whatever they try to gain through chaos. It
    was never about freedom and democracy.

  2. It is common sense that an effective way to deter bad behavior is punishment. In Hong Kong, we now have a situation that most of the violence offenders will be released soon after they are arrested. Why? Most Hong Kong judges are on rioters’ side because most of them are British-trained or with British citizenship. See WHO are on the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal! No wonder, the riot party in Hong Kong keeps rolling!

  3. @ 3:42 US Flag? 🤔👀 seriously something to be concerned off. I just want to say be careful

  4. What a shame for Hongkong! I support Hong Kong police ,i love China.

  5. What a shame to Hong Kong, who care what serious the Hong Kong is, only Chinese people concerns…

    Why too much Hong Kong youths have not their own idea to think of who wanna Hong Kong to be a place full of violence?
    If the same thing happen in US…bang!bang!bang! Then, no sound there…
    I support Hong Kong police remove all those terrorists…

  6. Hong Kong 🇭🇰 and it’s civilians aren’t here for any games.

  7. At least they aren’t shooting the press the yet

  8. You know I find it really strange the coverage this is getting from MSM. You would think this is the only protest going on. WHY????? Yellow vests have been protesting a year by now and you would not know it according to American news. Makes you wonder why this protest is so worthy of being reported?

  9. 为问什么会有美国国旗

  10. No, China cannot use deadly force. If they do, there will be world outrage. China exists as it does today because of Westerners. There will be hell to pay if they kill anyone.

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