Increased security at US churches in wake of Sri Lanka

Increased security at US churches in wake of Sri Lanka

Security presence has increased at landmarks like St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, where an attempted arsonist was arrested just last week.


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21 thoughts on “Increased security at US churches in wake of Sri Lanka

  1. On Sunday, April 14, Bishop Asiri Perera, President of the Methodist Church, arrived at the Koombichchankulam Methodist Center, located approximately 11 kilometers outside of the town of Anuradhapura. There, Bishop Perera was scheduled to lead a Palm Sunday worship service.
    Border guards found 52 tons of guns and ammunition in 14 Conex …

    Time to be vigilant

  2. ☮️ful Muslims feed-breed-conceal-ISIS👹. Diversity is the Trojan Horse of🦍Warefare.
    Law da'Jungle Vs. Rule of Law is GENETIC.

  3. 0:55 Emotionally disturbed? He is a terrorist. He was hoping to perpetuate an act of terror. Why should his “Emotional disturbance” cause him to want to murder dozens of innocent people. He is a TERRORIST! Plain and simple.

  4. It's funny how there are SO many people that detest Christianity so much so that they go into churches to bomb, and shoot, and burn, which are detestable acts of violence. By their own actions they prove that without Jesus Christ in their life, they are the ones that are detestable.

  5. For "God" is so powerful & loving of his followers they need extra security to protect them from something their god should have.
    When will people wake up to the truth that Christianity & all other religions are based on lies & mistruth?

  6. 100% of Terrorist Ideology follows only 1 book and one particular religion which justifies it and yet the World has developed a phobia against them, and they justifiably Victimise themselves on every event and we must excuse the ideology every fucking time? When will this shit stop?

  7. When I lived in the city, I felt the police were serious about safety. Over 300 men, mostly firefighters, were lost on 9/11. The city knows that it has to do the work itself. It can’t even depend on the federal government to warn them.

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