Inauguration Day, Migrant clash, Dino Selfie: The Week in Photos – Car Mod Pros Portal

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22 thoughts on “Inauguration Day, Migrant clash, Dino Selfie: The Week in Photos”
  1. 22 January 2021, DC

    At the courthouse.

    The judge : " Federal Agent Brown, have you been fishing? Have you caught those bureaucratic aristocratic scammers?
    F. a. B. : I've caught the "Con Artist".
    The judge : Barak?
    F. a. B. : Joe.
    The judge : Good job, we'll work him out, he'd become as tender as a lamb. We'll get the Clown later.
    F. a. B. : Bill?
    The judge : Barak. Then, we'll get the masterminds.
    F. a. B. : The Conniving Cunts?
    The judge : Correct. We'll smack'em real good.
    F. a. B. : Your honor, here's the Phony.
    The judge : Thanks Federal Agent Brown. Now, Joe. The whole world knows about your touchiness, the plagiarism, the Crime Bill, the predators, your racism, the countless gaffes, the Quid Pro Quo, the collusions with foreign oligarchies, the ice-creams, and all your scams. Basically you are, from far, the most corrupt western politician in history. We've never seen anything like that before. Question : How did you make it that far?
    Joe : It's simple. The Dems are extremely rich and they own most mainstream medias, they also own the Dominion system, we have placed our judges and governors in key cities of the swing states to brick up the blue wall. There's almost no neutral jurisdictions in major cities in the country now. Thank God, justice can't be made, apart for us. We also own the Congress, and now the Senate, some federal agents are on our side too, also the military, plus Big Tech and its incredible amount of power enables us to silence anybody, really. But above all, Hollywood provides its best for us to put together late shows in which very talented comedians and humorists make our opponents look so dumb. We owe big tech and Hollywood big time, they both really made a big difference, from 2016 to 2020.
    Judge : Keep it up!
    Joe : Basically, the system is owned by the Dems, designed by the Dems, for the Dems to win any election. Campaigning and working is superfluous for us. Our voters don't ever show anywhere, it's all arranged in advance. You see, that's so easy.
    The judge : That's a secret for no one. Anything else?
    Joe : Everything was working perfectly well until… until… until …
    The judge : The President?
    Joe : Harrr! This guy! This guy never listens. He's so stubborn. He never buys anything regarding the Big Reset or globalism. He just wants the people to be strong and great with eternal sovereignty. How much I HATE that idea. It would mean the end of us, especially the end of me. He wants minorities to create businesses and be free, while we want them to stay injected with fake promises and social welfare. I mean, we don't give a damn about the poor we're just getting their votes that's all. They could all die, we don't care, we have caravans of immigrants ready to flow in and replace them at once.
    Judge : Then?
    Joe : We had it all arranged, we've flattened the silent masses, cancelled the cultures and set up the new global order. But, now there are hundreds of millions of freedom and sovereignty spikes all around the world. Our plan has greatly failed, no one's buying our globalist scam anymore.
    Judge : Yes, indeed.
    Joe : Plus, the declassified docs are a massive splinter in our heel. I don't know how we're gonna get over it.
    Judge : There you go!
    Joe : Hillary convinced us and the intelligence agencies to go on taps on Donald's campaign to serve our electoral purposes.
    Judge : That's correct.
    Joe : The only problem is that those taps were illegal cuz they had no judicial base. The only reason for these taps was only our political purposes.
    Judge : Finally!
    Joe : It was all secretive until we got caught red handed trying to set up a coup during the presidency. The taps, the collusions, the witch hunt, the fraud, the impeachments were all integral to the coup.
    Judge : Most interesting!
    Joe : Now, the people's mad and nowhere we're safe in the country. I wish I could go back to 2016 and stay out of that mess. Have I betrayed Christ?
    Judge : Yes, you have big time. Christ would always stay on the Capitol protests' side. Never forget!
    Joe : Am I losing a ticket to heaven?
    The judge : As you confessed and rat on your accomplices, you'll make a first stop at the purgatory.
    Joe : Thank you, your Honor.
    The judge : But Joe, you'll have to mean what you say and act accordingly up there. There will be no second chance.
    Joe : Is Beau waiting for me there?
    Judge : He is Joe. Don't miss your chance to stand by his side this time.
    Joe : God bless you!
    Judge : Federal Agent Brown! Give him an ice-cream break.
    F. a. B. : On it!
    Joe : Yihhaa!
    F. a. B : Tomorrow, I bring the Clown. And in two days I bring the bitches, uh, I mean the witches."

  2. Fact is big tech and numerous corporate media have taken a stance of globalism and silencing free speech to meet their agenda is what they do will be what we don't allow just sayin☺️🇺🇸🇺🇸🤗 America strong

  3. Raise minimum wage to $15/hr
    Open the flood gates to illegal immigration
    Eat away at gun rights
    Allow transportation to and from countries that support and fund horror-ism (you can't write the actual term without getting shadow-banned, apparently)

    Yeah, can't see that going sideways at all.

  4. ⭐️🇺🇸⭐️TRUMP2024⭐️🇺🇸⭐️

    Then how Tan Sri should answer the media. WTF? Credit were all taken by paramedic after praised by the people and even promised would subdue the next outbreak but now blame the people for being useless after daily patients breached 4k per day.

    Next time, dont ever justify Malaysian paramedic were better than those in Indonesia nor Italy. Paramedic between nation have nothing different unless their equipment inview of technologies.
    Cos malaysian were lucky during 1st lockdown or what happen on 1st two day, which not only jammed highway but paralysed the disease and why Tan Sri unaware since this disease were quite new or paramedic should not taken credit without any understanding.

    The question were Tan Sri dare or not, allow malaysian went back hometown during Chinese New Year?
    You want the disease paralysed or not. If yes, then you need to trust the people since general knowledge about hometown movement would flare outbreak were just a theory. A theory that only happen before in Malaysia during 1st outbreak but showing adverse result.

    Urban and rural area have huge diferences inview of density or why disease spread easier in urban area since people living in big city were like sardine packed. If the people allowed to move back to hometown, they would aware why family need to go separate way, if among them someone were sick, for the mean of survival since medical centre only concentrated in urban area.

    That is the significant factor or how the disease paralysed when density of hotspot were reduced tremendously by hometown movement and indirectly causes the disease jammed, like how fire died off by itself since nothing else exist nearby so they could keep burning cos whoever left behind were those that already infected or how someone figured out, why Malaysia COVID19 behave so passive during 1st lockdown, compared to other countries.
    Paramedic? Their efficiency in handling outbreak till causes pandemic in Malaysia behave passive, only exist in Tan Sri mindset, not those that use their sense to live their life. Get it?
    (Google "Danny Woo Vk" in Bing for Granny Method that could cure COV19 without going to hospital)


  6. You should add a picture of the 5000 troops .d.c. Piled into a parking garage to sleep on the floor and use of one bathroom with 2stalls…shameful..

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