In a statement on Instagram, the Oscar-nominated actor said he was profoundly happy for this moment but scared of potential violence. Trans people of color are particularly vulnerable.
In coming out as trans, Elliot Page calls out violence against trans people of color

Bizarre and impossible.
Imagine a person saying to her that she is not a man…
You will never be a man
You will never be a women
So he/she was born a …?
Privileged white male.
Doesn't her spouse like females? If Ellen becomes Elliot wouldn't that put a strain on the relationship?
So is this new Elliott going to be in a E.T. movie soon.
There are people sleeping on the sidewalk and eating out of dumpsters but the media is telling us to care about someone who wants us to call her he and they. Seriously shove it!
Wearing a baseball cap sidewise doesn’t make you a guy. Stfu
Hi I’m a ghost and I wish to be called Casper!
Ellen DeGeneres is now Ethan.
I’m a dog now so please refer to me as one cuz I simply feel like one. Thanks!
So w/out watching the clip and just going by the title, does she now think she's black???
Elliot Page is a brave soul.
she was a cool lesbian chic, now he's a gross weird ultra short dude
Is he consider a straight white male then?
"Page went on to write that although he feels "profoundly happy" about sharing his story, he's also scared "of the invasiveness, the hate, the 'jokes' and of the violence.""
There is nothing worse than being scared of jokes. Good luck with your first prostate exam, I hope they find everything alright down there.
Wait, so is he (she) no longer gay…? So they have a heterosexual relationship now? I thought she (he) said they was/were proud of being gay…..hmmm.
So if your wife is a dude tomorrow or your husband is a chic overnight…. are you cool with that?
what a garbage world we live in
Trends kills originality.
Try reporting on some REAL BREAKING NEWS > CV19 only has 0.1386 Fatality Rate, 99.997% Survival Rate, Not Life-Threatening to 99.999% of young people (yet Fauci refuses to say a word about the ScamDemic LIEs) FYI – The PCR Test Numbers are FAKE – (International Lawyers Suing over the FAKE Covid-19 PCR Test Numbers and ScamDemic FRAUD) > Over 20 cycles give false positives (the CDC says over 33 cycles are useless, and Dr. Fauci says over 34 is useless) > PCR Tests in the US are set "mostly at 40-45 cycles" – meaning (Most if not all Cases based on this test are meaningless and useless) 100% FRAUD