Impeachment Trial: Watch LIVE Senate Impeachment trial of President Donald Trump day two

Impeachment Trial: Watch LIVE Senate Impeachment trial of President Donald Trump day two

#ImpeachmentTrial #TrumpImpeachment #SenateImpeachmentTrial #ABCNews

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50 thoughts on “Impeachment Trial: Watch LIVE Senate Impeachment trial of President Donald Trump day two

  1. The real tRump in the Bible… Proverbs 6:12-19 A worthless person, a wicked man, Walks with a perverse mouth; He winks with his eyes, He shuffles his feet, He points with his fingers; Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy. These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.
    Psalms 52:1-9 Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man? The goodness of God endures continually. Your tongue devises destruction, Like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. You love evil more than good, Lying rather than speaking righteousness. You love all devouring words, You deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy you forever; He shall take you away, and pluck you out of your dwelling place, And uproot you from the land of the living. The righteous also shall see and fear, And shall laugh at him, saying, “Here is the man who did not make God his strength, But trusted in the abundance of his riches, And strengthened himself in his wickedness.” Ezekiel 22:4 You have become guilty by the blood which you have shed, and have defiled yourself with the idols which you have made. You have caused your days to draw near, and have come to the end of your years; therefore I have made you a reproach to the nations, and a mockery to all countries.

  2. My fellow Americans, you have been duped by the media, the democrats and some republicans. Ukraine had nothing to do with a quid pro quo, it had everything to do with keeping hidden from public view, the illegal funding of Proxy Wars by the Department of State…. Illegal funds were washed through Burisma and Pravit Bank Both owned by Oligarch Zlochevsky, then moved to Soros owned shell companies in Cypris and Latvia… The British discovered the system when Zlochevsky transferred 20+ million to a bank in Britain via Latvia in 2019.

    The power to declare war is the power of Congress according to the constitution. However the Department of State decided to replace congress and fund its own proxy wars in Europe and the Middle East, John Bolton, Dr Hill, Colonel Vindman, Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, Joe Biden, DNC operatives Tony Podesta, Tad, Devine, Alexandra Chalupa, and members of the Department of State, as well as Democrat party members Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and others in Congress, were aware or involved in the illegal funding of proxy wars in Europe and the Middle East. They used Burisma, Privat Bank, and George Soros shell companies in Cypress and Latvia to launder Department of State funds (7 billion in this case), which were used to topple governments not beholding to the global Socialist state.

    This explains Libya and Egypt and other nations which the Department of State was toppling for no apparent reason to most Americans…. And it does not stop with nations…. They are doing the same within the several states of the United States…. Aligning governors such as Stacy Abrams, in order to set up governors who will eventually side with the elimination of the American Constitution…

    They fought hard against the President to eliminate him, because he was discovering the truth in Ukraine and how it was the epicenter of Global Socialist funding…. All of this is well documented however you will never hear if it via the DNC propaganda media….. And now you know the rest of the story….

  3. Someone PLEASE tell the Congress that the USA is a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and not a pure democracy. It was never designed to be A PURE democracy because those were tested and devolved into a nightmare most often stripping individuals of rights for the strong majority.

  4. Selamın aleyküm Türk yokmu lan 🇹🇷🇹🇷

  5. That’s fine , they will impeach Trump 2020 again in 2021 LoL!!

  6. Don’t bring god in you guys lies t to the people god don’t likes lies . In the name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏 you for get to say the. This is. I know even. We’re prying. Is not real. This is sad 😢. Bringing god in to you guys lies.

  7. Majority Rules or Majority Fools?

    In terms of rationality, let us of reasonable conscious, intellect, and ability, motivated by unbiased truth finding, judge by logic and reason, whether the facts as submitted amount to an impeachable offense at stage one:

    Interesting to the fact is that impeachment is not an offense at all rather a proceeding that must be initiated by the U.S. House of Representatives requiring: 1.) written charges of the alleged misconduct, 2.) at least two-thirds of Congress’ vote, and for the charges to be sustained they must apparently meet a non-standardized test of 3.) “seriousness”. If not, the Senate can elect to acquit the offending federal official such as the President. Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 731, 744, 102 S.Ct. 2690, 73 L.Ed. 2d 349 (1982); Palmer, K. (2000). Constitutional Amendments 1789 to Present. Michigan: Gale Group. (450, 457, 459-464) (p. 450)

    Based upon the stipulated and drafted written charges of the House of Representatives of “Abuse of Power” and “Obstruction of Justice” it should be little dispute that the U.S. House of Representatives have met step 1.

    The next step, which is combined into step 3, asks whether these charges should be sustained by at least two-thirds of Congress’ vote which meets “a non-standardized test of seriousness”.

    Hence, according to the above standard, there facially appears to be no proof of evidence that is even required at all rather just the written charges submitted by the U.S. House of Representatives and a finding of “seriousness” by “at least two-thirds of Congress’ vote” is all that is mandated to justify the proceedings of “impeachment”.

    American People, is this, in your rational opinion, a heavy burden of proof?

    The next step, therefore, asks whether the charges as alleged are “serious” since it can be no dispute step one is met.

    After hearing the circular and often contradicting arguments of the defense above, that for the most part was guided by an ad hominem fallacy engaged in attacking certain characters of the House Representative(s) implying improper motives, it can be no rational dispute the defense has failed to negate the written charges of “Obstruction of Justice” and “Abuse of Power”, nor can they as they are simple written charges drafted and prepared (as required).

    Further, finding the defense failed to spearhead the issue of “seriousness”, it can be no dispute the House’s arguments are very daunting and imposing upon the American people as a whole and, therefore, no doubt serious. The defense is critically flawed and unavailing as they do not address the proper standard of review.

    Should we fail to engage ourselves into this matter and judge the matter fairly, it shows the world that we do not rely upon facts. It shows the world we do not rely upon rationale. It shows the world we do not even respect our own laws.

    It shows the world we do not take our own democracy serious. In sum, it shows us vulnerable and easily misled. And for that, combined with both political parties beseeching of the People’s judgment in this regard, a tolling of 2/3 of the U.S. vote on this matter finding the written charges are "serious" is warranted and imminent, though not necessarily required to sustain the action of impeachment.

  8. The Democrats have bloviated 12 hours a day for the past 3 days… on and on and on, rehashing, regurgitating the same information over and over and over and over again….. Senators have basically been ignoring the bloviation of the Democrats for the past two 1/2 days. They are only hoping that Trumps legal team makes quick work of the Democrats articles…….. I expect the Presidents Lawyers to rest their arguments after 6 to 8 hours maximum on Saturday……. What I don't expect is that one single witness will be called to testify……. The reason is that the witness testimony which was restricted and directed in the House will be open to cross examination by the Presidents legal team……
    This could pose massive problems for the Democrats, placing their impeachment investigation on trial and how they obstructed fairness in that investigation…. The Democrats could not survive such testimony…

  9. Republican ascendancy tactics…
    1: accuse Trump of wrong doing….
    2:: Admit there is NO evidence of wrong doing.
    3: Make up stories to make it appear there is wrong doing when Trump does what any president must do to make their country Strong… (which is what trump has done)
    The difference is Republicans are CORRUPT POLITICIANS and Trump is an ASSERTIVE BUSINESSMAN ….

  10. What really shocks me is the fact that people voted for Schiff! Talk about gullible. They are sheep at best. Schiff is such an idiot. A dweeb, and that's an insult to dweebs.

  11. Unless my daddy was Joe Biden threatening to stop an investigation of my drug addicted son working for a company in Ukraine making more in a month than we make in a year. So he happens to be running for president, so we cant question how that aid was held up? And really a racist like Biden talking about being in a pool is with the roaches? Actually thinking a president who is fiscally improving working class across the board. I didnt vote for him but it is well known if the economy-is net positive a president will be re-elected. So my question is how is this different or not as bad. Also i am tired of giving aid when we have our own problems at home. In addition this is not like dealing with a country that was nit fraught with corruption in the past? Schiff lost me with his words when he made up a sopranos introduction. And has lied bald faced so many times. Like we do not see news and reads. Argh. What makes me ill is none if these people really get it.

  12. Lets see Their pay checks are supported by our taxpaying monies. Yank out our checks. They work for USA.Adam Schiff Your name sounds as it describes.
    Why isn’t Clintons in jail ? Obama?

  13. Cut All theses do good programs!!
    You have too many don’t know baby daddy ! 🖕🏻 You! U know baby daddy , cant support ? Well fk u all collect your free sheet off My axx- At least live in my dam house
    See if your axx is a write off my taxes!! So tired of supporting this lazy axx people. And these Politicians!! Wipe their mouths!
    Alot BS running out their.

  14. Tired of political deception and power play? Your elected representatives voting with the corporations against your interest?
    Vote Andrew Yang 2020! The guy who likes MATH and is not a politician!

  15. I'm curious as to what the UCMJ has to say about treason… After all The President of The United States is the commander in chief and subject to the same laws that the entire military is subject to… "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." …..

  16. Adam Schiff – confirmed lies:

    1) Remember, this is the guy who said, ‘We have more than circumstantial evidence that there was coordination between Trump and Russia, and Russia influenced the election.’ That turned out to be false.

    2) Adam Schiff said that the Nunes memo was false. Michael Horowitz told us no it wasn’t; it was exactly right.

    3) Adam Schiff said you can trust the FISA court. Michael Horowitz said last month that no, you can’t; they lied to the FISA court 17 times.

    4) Adam Schiff told us we look forward to hearing from the whistleblower. Adam Schiff said we’ve had no contact with the whistleblower. Turns out to be a lie.

    5) Then just yesterday, the story where he misrepresents to all that Mr. Z is Mr. Zelensky, when in fact it was Mr. Zlochevsky.

    6) Schiff sent a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler last week summarizing a trove of evidence from Lev Parnas, an indicted former associate of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. In one section of the letter, Schiff claims that Parnas ‘continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky,’ citing a specific text message exchange where Parnas tells Giuliani: ‘trying to get us mr Z.’ The remainder of the exchange — which was attached to Schiff’s letter — was redacted. But the evidence strongly suggests “mr Z” was not Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky but rather Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma.

    7) So, yeah, when Adam Schiff talks about (Ambassador Gordon) Sondland, he doesn’t tell you that was all presumption. Mr. Sondland terstified to that, when Congressman [Mike] Turner asked him, under oath, at the hearing

    But now we’re supposed to believe him, in spite of that history, where seven important things he had exactly wrong?

    It would help if the American people were exposed to the full truth. Alas, the biased media act like such propagandists for the Democrat Party that all many Americans are hearing is whatever the Democrat Party wants them to believe, regardless of whether it’s fact or fiction.

  17. Everyone needs to go out and vote. Reregister to make sure your vote is counted.
    You're all so special, yes you are and you all better pull together to recognize what going on here. What's going on in America is all a smoke screen to cover up what's really going on people. The geoengineered clouds (look it up on YouTube) they are saying they know how to control the weather. Does it look like they are controlling the weather? There's more catastrophic calamity since they started this mess and everyone's got there heads in the clouds on the toxic chemicals they use to make these fake clouds. Do you know what is used to make these clouds? Aluminum alone messes with our memories, gives us Alzheimer's and a high white blood count which intern doctors are telling people they have Leukemia as they did me. They said I couldn't beat cancer on my own and here I am. I was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2005. I did super green powders from Walmart. Added mushroom capsules even though the super greens has some already (the more, the better) I took liquid concenTrace trace minerals and amino acid (made sure I didn't take too much because the super green already has vitamins. I took (Pau d Arco) pau d Arco is taken different for each person due to weight and how bad the cancer is. I took it for 7 and up to 10 days, 2 pills in the am and 2 pills in the pm. You can take it 3 times a day. It just depends on the person (but you must stop for 5 to 7 days then repeat it until the cancer goes bye bye. I also took CBD oil (look up Phenix tears) & the one minute cure)
    I hear the apricot seeds for cancer also is good that you have to be careful because it's very potent and beings that someone needs to take a lot of stuff to get rid of cancer the person has to be careful not to hurt the kidneys. It's better by far than doing chemotherapy.
    I must say by laws. None of the above is FDA approved and it is not attended to cure anyone from anything. You must check with your doctor before taking anyone product. I'm not a doctor but it worked for me and 4 other's.
    I mention all the above because it's unprecedented with all the Cancers and illnesses the young people are getting today. I believe it's with what they are putting in these geoengineered clouds and our food. Carrageenan, xanthan gum, Xylitol and all the metals and junk that's not supposed to be put in our food. trisodium phosphate is what they use to put in paint thinner and they're using it to put in our food like cereal. There are a lot of countries that have forbidden our food products to enter in to their country due to the fact that they know it's a bunch of JUNK.
    PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP. The news is not reporting REAL NEWS. Are freedom of information act has been trampled on. Look up on YouTube the Georgia Guidestones. These heads of the world have the audacity to write their plans of wickedness on stones abd noone is saying anythng.
    Why do you thing our rents/mortgages are so high, it's a form of control. It's how the government keeps the people under control because they can't protest about anyting, otherwise they'll be homeless also.
    The homeless population is another form of control. If someone is dumb enough to take any of these opiates / painkillers is a monkey's uncle.
    They are giving this to babies a year as young as a year and a half which is Ludacris. Why a parent would allow this is unbenounced to me. Again, Americans need to wake up! Know that we are not being told facts but if people would just stop being entertained by fake news Media and shows on TV, people are hooked with a puppet Master TV is another for of addiction. I personally won't purposely watch too much of it because I know these idiots are sick but thank God there is a God (our creator) man did not make himself and if there IS a hell I hope they will be right in the middle of it with everlasting fire.
    Watch the movie (all the money in the world) that's is the mentality of the folks that run the world. They think they are taking their money with THEM. They are sick brutal humans. They are sick with their MONEY and the love for it.
    Wake up America, our houses are burning and we are in them and we aren't doing nothing about it. Fight and learn to write petitions on don't sign the ones that are at the grocery stores, those are funded by the weather. They initially start stating what we want to hear but end up being things that only benefit the wealthy. The verbiage on there is so confusing and legal jargon that the average person does not understand. Learn to write your own and promote on social media and change laws back to what the Constitution was. It was structured to protect us all. Get your heads out of the sand.

  18. What's up Georgie Porgie? LOOK, up n the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Lying Radical Shifty Schiff. Able to tell more lies n a single minute, faster lies than radical leftist dems running before tv cameras. IT'S LYING SHIFTY SCHIFF—-again and again and again.

  19. While Schiitt is speaking the Trump votes are piling up. Get him to sit down quick. He may be getting a check from the Republicans soon for doing their campaigning.

  20. If Adam Schiff was pissing down CNN’s leg they would still think he was magical 😂😂😂
    By the way CNN , what ever happened to your other poster boy Michael Avenatti ,
    Remember you guys were touting ( HIM ) as the next president . We haven’t seen Michael on CNN for a while now , come on CNN bring back Michael, bring back Michael, bring back Michael 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oops, sorry, didn’t mean to be that sarcastic .😂😂😂😂

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