The “This Week” Powerhouse Roundtable debates the week in politics, including Michael Cohen’s testimony on Capitol Hill.
42 thoughts on “Impeaching Trump ‘doesn’t necessarily benefit Democrats’: Matthew Dowd”
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The “This Week” Powerhouse Roundtable debates the week in politics, including Michael Cohen’s testimony on Capitol Hill.
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Dowd said Jan 6th was worse than 9/11. Is he a Delusional Snowflake or a Muslim Apologist? Anything he says from now on should be laughed at.
Trump what happened to covid 19 back then 2020 lot people getting sick and dying a year later in America!trump also released pardon all the corrupted friends found guilty in the Miller report.
If President Trump is impeached on these very general charges and acquitted by the Senate he can file an original common law writ of conspiracy that bars anyone who voted to impeach or convict him from participating in any future jury including a Senate jury.
News Castor's want to kill president Trump! They Hate his Gutz,Abc,NBC,CNN This Week news Castor's hate Trump! They love Hillary,Schiff,Pelosi,they are racist,they love burning of US flags,our president Trump doesn't allow this,but news Castor's Love Demacrats,they want our Country run by Joe Biden,Hillary lover,news Castor's hate our president.
Impeach the Democrats in Congress..they are too stupid to be in government.
Impeach trump
Just get dumbass out of office for any reason ASAP or vote him out .the end of TRUMP s presidentcy 2020!
OK, so we know the dems/libs are already whining about the ELECTORAL COLLEGE, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH FAIRNESS, IT'S BECAUSE THEY KNOW: they know the mexicans have taken over CA and NY and whites moved out in record numbers to states like CO and FL which will win the electoral college again with an EVEN BIGGER MARGIN!
The Democrats are dealing with these crushing defeats…no Collusion, after years of investigation…and a veto of the resolution against a border wall… and they are STILL dealing with the soul crushing Presidential Election loss in 2016 !! The Democrats cannot control themselves. I wonder what extremes they will go to when he is reelected !!
It certainly does not benefit them. Impeachment will be a reckless and irresponsible action. Even with the new Democrats; the House's p.r. numbers are in the basement. And Pelosi is not behind it. Won't help them
The house can impeach all day. The senate makes it final or removes. This is just wishful thinking. He was never going to be impeached. You would need evidence of wrongdoing. Not your feelings
If they haven't impeached him by now, then the entire Congress needs to be replaced.
Democrats, please start your impeachment actions against the President. The impeachment proceedings will be the spark that ignites the much anticipated civil war. A civil war is inevitable and very necessary to exterminate you Marxist assholes ! We need to move fast, I'm very anxious to return to combat, my guns are ready and so am I.
If Satan was the Republican candidate for president, then Republicans would enthusiastically do his bidding and follow him to hell. Because you have to be loyal to your political party don't you?
Impeachment definition: The action of calling into question the integrity or validity of something.
What 90% of Leftists think: “REMOVE ORANGE MAN FROM OFFICE!!!!!!â€ÂÂ
Please help stop the Kaesung industry and Kumgang mountain tour again so that North Korea has an opportunity to remove the Neclear Weapons by themselves. ♥ in South Korea the stupid guy Moon is trying again to cheat Trump once more.~~~♥
not my president fuck you liar Donald dump racist crook
Empeach trump and start a civil war.
Please impeach trump asap!! Clinton was tried for far less. Both thugs.😞
Kiss my ass, about your, cry about all info on FOX is about time you look at all the other, networks with that only a little of our Presidents news, you will see the real news.
It benefits the dignity of America. It benefits the law and it certainly benefits justice. My God, don't quit now.
All these people saying, "no collusion, if there was something out there we would know about it by now"
Horsesh1t, Muellor hasn't leaked a thing about the investigation that doesn't mean there is, or isn't, anything there – can't you people just wait for his report before taking Republicans word on it, or guessing about the existence of evidence – Bob Muellor will finish his report and then we'll find out either way. Stop with the second guessing.
if Trump's got nothing to worry about, he's got nothing to worry about.
It's all about 'going down' in history to impeach him
Those undocumented immigrants will be very happy.
There is no collusion , there is nothing. Perhaps you guys should look into the Clintons doing !!
In no way am I a trump fan but i got admitted hes right there's nothing there because if there was trust me it would be all over everything on fortunately they found nothing
The United States is going down a dark and ugly path. Wildlife killing contests thousands of coyotes killed in one contest for points the idea that life wildlife has no meaning is the same as China help the wildlife and end the killing heal our nation now. Contact everyone to end coyote killing and all wildlife killing please do now.
Reality Star Crazy Insane 25 amendment already think !!!!!
Trump will get elected 2020. Your people are wasting your time.
The media always say Trump is having the worst week of his Presidency everyday week. 😂😂😂😂🤣 Fake news.
The most despicable humans on tv trying to take our President out.
"He's not a credible figure", keep telling yourself that fatso, as if you think any of those cock roaches in DC are credible. Another fat idiot trying to get her face on the TV.
F the democrats, they lost to this A hole, they had the perfect opportunity to beat this traitor criminal pervert, and they lost. Impeach this prick, do your dam job for once, so we don't have to assassinate him to save our country.
and you want to know if the president is a crook. he def is a crook, there is enough evidence to see he is a crook. its funny, there is collusion with his campaign. i think he was clever enough to hide his influence in collusion,conspiracy. he gets all kinds of people to do his dirty work. i think it impossable for him not to know or even direct ie manifort, or stone in colluding, conspiracy. regardless, he says witchunt. i say the man is obviously a crook, and major sketch, there are reasons to impeach him or good reason to not vote for him again. so his little sales pitch of his purity and innocence is total bullshit. otherwise, there is collusion, and conspiracy, and it would be near impossable for him to not know or be involved. so his whines are bs, and his folowers are full of it. they just don t understand it. ie his cult has been decieved, and trump is the wolf.
Trump is the greatest President Ever! TRUMP2020!
In others Trump is above the law and untouchable.
It would be funny if it wasn't sad. Look up what impeachment. It's as crazy as saying liberals are going to start a civil war
outsiders looking in 9:10
lets just cut em off , no more security . trump is the illegal , thats his whole life , let em go back