‘I’m trying my heart at it … I think I’m going to do really well’: Steyer on campaign | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Tom Steyer is interviewed on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #TomSteyer #DemocraticPrimaries


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “‘I’m trying my heart at it … I think I’m going to do really well’: Steyer on campaign | ABC News”
  1. Martha Raddatz tells Tom Steyer the results of a national poll.

    Instead of disputing the poll results, he accuses her of

    "standing up for Mr. Trump" ect. What ???

  2. Tom wants reparations paid for slavery long ago . Some of the jobs I have had , for the pay I got , where’s reparations for me ? 🤔

  3. I like it like listen I’m both sides and get peoples perspective from both sides. I think you should never rush to judgment until you hear both sides in each sides perspective about what’s going on. He’s a good guy.

  4. Tom steyer and Bernie are the only ones I could see as a president Biden won’t make a significant difference steyer is the only one who is making the environment his number 1 concern we would screw the oil companies while making thousands of jobs why doesn’t anyone see it

  5. Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. Tom, why didn´t you listen and talk with Sanders, instead of lying about his plan. I belong to a union, and I WANT MEDICARE 4 ALL! I´m making payments, I don´t have job flexibility, and I have missed essential care. Horrible. Tom, you act as if universal health care is sooooo imposible. I give you the developed world that it is! Please, drop out! It´s not about beating Donald Trump, it is about beating the corrupt oligarchy. ALL OF THEM!

  7. Biden and Bernie both look frail and old and about to collapse. Both are socialists. There’s no democrat leader good enough for the election. Warren is a joke. Bloomberg may have money but he has no substance of leadership. He’s burning money out of his ass and mouth on both ends. Money doesn’t make you a great leader. He acts like an idiot. He doesn’t have anything worth listening to.
    Polls lie. Haven’t they learned anything yet?

  8. These primaries develop election Grass Roots staff infrastructure. In the general you will be happy🤗 Mayor Mike is hiring the failed campaigns staff. Steyer is a patriot. Both patrons will support the lively primary winner. NO CORONATION!

  9. This man is really talking the truth!!! He has been fighting corporations for the American public for YEARS!!!! PLEASE LOOK INTO HIN!!!! IF YOU WANT SYSTEMIC CHANGE? PLEASE Tom20202

  10. Those who swallow the lie that the economy is doing great haven't talked to all the workers struggling to get by on two or three jobs. Those people are too busy to take polls and aren't counted. Almost all new jobs are minimum wage with little or no opportunity for advancement. Those supporting Trump believe whatever he says and follow this dangerous demagogue like a flock of sheep, as the Germans did with another demagogue in the 1930s.

  11. Steyer was telling Raddatz how he would inform the voters on the economy then she proceeds to cut him off 3/4 of the way through to re-ask the same summarized question then argue over a poll. Polls are irreverent didn't 2016 election go against every poll the dems could produce or spew out?
    The democratic party is in chaos, they cant even run a caucus primary election but want manage your health care and the 6 page green new deal is the biggest talking point in its 6 magical pages of glory. Get it together dems!

  12. Tom Steyer is a fraud and a deep state corruption also Bloomberg is a racist and hate poor people and he have tons of money invested in China 🇨🇳

  13. How to be a presidential candidate in 2020. 1. When asked about anything, just start talking bad about Trump. 2. Promise immigants and black people the world 3. Start panicking and causing mass hysteria about how the world is going to end in 10 years

  14. Its true, Steyer is a Billionaire, just like Trump, just like Bloomberg, but with the difference is he has a conscience. He is thoughtful, empathetic, energetic, and willing to put his money where his mouth is, and he has a message that is relevant and timely. I would prefer Warren, but for the blatant misogyny primed and ready to vote against her, or Biden, except for the fact that his message is old and tired. Klobuchar seems to think that the only people in this whole country with any morals or values that matter live in red states such as Kansas, Wisconsin, or some other low population flyover state, big cities be damned. Buttigieg is not ready for primetime, he needs more time to build a more substantial resume. The rest are not even an afterthought, Bloomberg is just like Trump, rich, entitled, and authoritarian in nature, and we all know where that will lead us. Make no mistake, I will vote blue, no matter who, so I am content to sit back and wait until we have our Democratic nominee, and I will then vote enthusiastically for that person, no matter who that turns out to be. ANYBODY BUT tRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!

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