If Something Happens To Me… l 20/20 l PART 3

If Something Happens To Me… l 20/20 l PART 3

Police question Josh Powell, his son as suspicions of his involvement grow
Susan Powell’s friend Kiirsi Hellewell says she “never believed” Josh’s story. Charlie Powell tells police his mom went camping with them but didn’t come back. Josh tells police the child is lying.

#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #SusanPowell


33 thoughts on “If Something Happens To Me… l 20/20 l PART 3

  1. 😂😂😂he was an idiot 😂

  2. You can hear it in his voice. It’s all in his voice, he did it and he put her body where the crystals where and moved the body when he ent to the airport and moved the body within that 18 hours. The detectives are dumb!! He killed his wife. He murdered her, and hid her body. Why do they let these people get away..

  3. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Idk why they didn't arrest him right away

  4. The police effed up royally, HTF do you let this guy go with so many questions afoot, further you let him out to see where he goes and he is able to disappear at all, much less for 18 hours? The cops had a lot to do with the terrible outcome of this case … cuz. letting him disappear was the catalyst him killing his kids.

  5. It infuriates me to think that she knew her life was threatened yet she didn’t feel she had the ability to get away from that man her husband. I’m not mad at her of course but angry with society for making web feel so vulnerable and helpless. If she’d gone to the polic they wouldn’t have been able to help her. And even if she’d been able to divorce and distance she still may have been in danger of not more because these narcissists lose it when they don’t have control. It just really pains me and sacks to think of what she was going through in her mind. She seems like such a wonderful person, my heart goes out to her children and friends. Rest in Peace

  6. The children is the saddest part about this case, didn’t had a chance to enjoy life his father got tired of social media and police asking questions about his wife disappearance and killed himself and the children in a fire.

  7. this mans wife is missing for over 24 hrs & he says check the beauty supply store… what i’m the world. “go ahead ask one last question” like huh??? he has guilt written all over him

  8. It's crazy the personality trait he puck up off his dad; you hear his recordings and he seems just like his dad. It's super erie to listen to cold to hear the voice of such a creepy guy

  9. He’s so similar to my mom’s ex husband. I was always terrified he’d kill my family, or at the very least my mom. I was sure the clock was ticking and he’d wait for the right opportunity. Same mannerisms. Same reckless spontaneity. Same dismissive attitude toward our family. Same confidence even though he wasn’t anything special. I’m sure josh was violent behind the scenes. Narcissists can be two different people. The “uniform”. My mom’s ex always wore the same stuff, bought multiple pairs of the same shoes. The thing they said about her going into cosmetology because she wants to make people feel good abo themselves-thats the perfect bait for the narcissist. My mom is the same way. I’m grateful she got out before this was us. He probably would Have killed us too, because I would have known it was him from the get go.

  10. He’s so entitled even the way he’s talking to the police…whewwww the white privilege🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I’m disgusted

  11. ☹️😭☹️

  12. My mother was murdered by her husband. Although I was able to compile a mountain of evidence- including damning toxicology tests- the AG declined to investigate citing expense/
    budgetary concerns. My stepfather's actions following my mother's death, and Powell's actions following his wife's death are so similar that I am literally throwing up.

  13. This is a prime display of white male privilege! Those police officers gave this monster the opportunity to destroy crucial evidence and also, the TIME to cover up his tracks as much as possible. The police officers had no real drive to find Susan, otherwise they would not have let this monster out of their SIGHT! Shame on them! What a disgrace!

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