I have a good feeling about Iowa: Bernie | ABC News

I have a good feeling about Iowa: Bernie | ABC News

The 2020 presidential candidate discussed climate change, student debt and immigration while addressing supporters in Iowa.

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44 thoughts on “I have a good feeling about Iowa: Bernie | ABC News

  1. Sanders is the only one who will help the middle class. It is time the progressive companies of Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and the East Coast corporate sector are made to put their money where their mouths are: the multimillionaire executives of companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, ABC, CNN, etc., who liked to talk so much about "income inequality" routinely don't pay their fair share of taxes and pay their workers mere survival wages. They must have their assets retroactively taxed or apportioned to social programs. The Republicans won't make these bums pay up: the new Democrat party, led by Mr. Sanders, will.

  2. Bernie has strong ideas that sounds nice to the ear but in reality it gives government to much power. I don’t want to see Americans freedom taken away. This path could be dangerous.

  3. Bernie 2020!!!👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏

  4. “I have a good feeling” Bernie doesn’t have a chance to beat Trump. Trump 4 more years. 👍.

  5. Cant stop Sanders. Even conservatives see how the establishment is trying to suppress him. The Democrats would rather lose to Trump than for Sanders to win and hopefully that means Middle Class voters will move away from Trump and vote Sanders.

  6. Move to Cuba you piece of shit and see how you like socialism 🙄🤬. Capitalism 🇺🇸 🇨🇺. #Trump2020 🇺🇸 🇨🇺.

  7. If his own party don’t want him to win he will have a really tough time convincing America that he is the right person. Crazy dnc

  8. 🤔 he's looking and sounding tired and sick 😑
    Hope he takes better care of his health

  9. I wonder why Biden segment on ABC didn’t show all his supporters. Bernie will win this election fuck the DNC fuck the establishment feel the Bern!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  10. Bernie is a fake and a nope. Up there railing on old white rich people like he isn't in that category. And the youngsters fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Shows you how dumb the Dems are.

  11. Denying Bernie the win and giving the others positive potential press coverage only helps Trump. People that will vote for Bernie for some reason do not like any of the other top candidates. Therefore Bernie winning only helps Trump, explaining the positive Fox News coverage Bernie has been receiving. Trump is putting his cards and strategy into multiple baskets. If anybody but Bernie wins Trump is already done the damage tonight by denying all of them the major spotlight and momentum. Fox has been giving Bernie coverage but simply for real estate in peoples minds so they can then tear him down, when he wins the nomination.

  12. The Headline that's got Ms.Media frantic: "Bernie Wins Iowa Caucuses & New Hampshire Primary." …. In other developments: Warren drops out and endorses Senator Sanders, Biden bungles out & still doesn't get the endorsement of the president he served under & Potus Rotundus a.k.a. Crazy Donald Dump is running scared.

  13. This is obvious bullshit. What they are doing to limit Bernie’s press exposure has been calculated & criminal. Biden lost big and either Trump or him are in on this bullshit. fuck them all
    Edit: Except Bernie, future POTUS

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