The legislator from South Carolina said he still had questions about the incident.
‘I feel ambushed’: Sen. Lindsey Graham said after Ford’s testimony

so lindsey , what did you do with your balls ? oh i forgot, you never had any. you know the truth and are so afraid of trump you will do or say any thing .
Where is she today after all the LIES ?????????
I grew up laughing at conservatives now I laugh with them
Lindsey Graham no wife no kids why?
The Democrats eliminated the filibuster so that they could push through their own judges when Obama was in office. Gowdy warned the Democrats back then to be careful how they proceeded because one day the shoe would be on the other foot and they would be the minority party with no power to thwart the majority.Well….well…..well that time has arrived.
The lame duck rule was suggested by Joe Biden when Bush was in office……and since the republicans held key positions they picked up that gauntlet and ran with it. Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. They picked partisanship over the people. They sought avenues of by changing the way things were done when they were in power.
The Democrats never believed for one second that they would lose the handles of power and now that they have they have resorted to acting like a 5 year old in Walmart wanting a toy they cannot have.
Use time trabel machine, and solbe
We need to Vote them out.!!!
The only people this hypocrite represents are multimillionaires without children. I remember when the GOP didn't mean Gropers, Oligarches, and Pedophiles.
"I believe that only with facts we will crack this case"
"Then why not let FBI do a full-on investigation?"
Check out Body Language Ghost
Can we stop pretending the polygraph is credible?!
Females can lie , big time , u can see she is UNSTABLE
George " big faced PIG " stephnoplus, not a journalist but a liberal ass kissing m.f.
Does does Lindsey Graham have children,because if someone attacked his fifteen year old daughter he'll probably shoot them, you know this guy isn't qualify for this right?
She's not lying,you know he attacked her but what now?
BRAVO !!!!!!!
Trump's stooge.
Trump: “I feel like I need to play some golf.â€ÂÂÂÂ
Delay tactics with NO regard to life or honor. Kavanaugh has MORE than earned respect over the years… but the dems choose to slander him and honor a porn actor?
That's not difficult to understand…
Absolutely disgusting. What the Democrats have done here is an absolute sham.
Senator Graham is on top of his game! Impressive analysis by him.
Lindsey Graham is the biggest moron to be in politics his rage proves it, fucking lying republicans just trying to hurry and get another piece of shit rapist in office
Poor Lindsay Graham do beleaguered ..he should be voted out
Fuck HIM!
Thank you Senator Graham for calling out the dems on their BS. What a bunch of sick, twisted and despicable people leading that identity obsessed cult they call a political party.
The left is dead and the average American is disgusted with their tactics. They are digging their own grave with their pathetic antics and I love watching every second of it.
Did anyone see Ford look up and try to control the natural process of body language when making up a story?
Amazing how so many of you can decided with such certainty what is true or not, I can't. The only thing I can say with certainty is that Judge Kavanaugh's anger and behaviour was far from what I expect from any judge on any level …
This bitch want to act like a hero. Oh my. Fuck u Graham. Hail Donald Jesus trump
Thank you Mr. Graham!! They are crooked as hell!!
The Democratic party has become unhinged. Truly worrying times.
Testicular Fortitude. #approved
✞We don't need someone like Alex Jones anymore to TRY and attempt to expose TRUTH!!!!!!!!!! It's finally all being revealed✞
Thank you Lindsey Graham one of the only people brave enough to stand up and say what needed to be said.
Senator Graham, did you feel ambushed when you would not even discuss Obama's Supreme Court nominee Garland? Did you feel ambushed by steeling the pick. Obama had 11 months left in office and the Republicans made up their own rule about lame duck presidents. Did you feel ambushed at the time when you were telling your colleagues there is no reason not to vote to confirm Kavanaugh even before the hearings with Dr. Ford. Did you feel ambushed when you party Gerrymanders districts to make sure it difficult for Democrats to win so that even with minority of votes in the state you can win the most districts? Both parties are causing what we see today. There was a time you needed 2/3 majority to be confirmed and both parties worked together. Now it is purely political. With Kavanaugh blaming the Clintons and the democrats for this shows he is the political judge Trump and the Republicans are looking for. I feel that he truly believes he did not do anything wrong or can not remember, but that does take a way that he is Trump's pick to make political decisions, not constitutional. Oh, Senator Graham, I feel ambushed that I thought you were once the voice of reason, but something happened and you now blindly follow the person that you called "A Kook".
Abc look at you're comments still wanna side with the Democrats still got time to save you're souls who am kidding lol and I'm not saying side with the Republicans either but see were bias gets you
I never liked this man but I agree 100 percent I'm glad he is standing up for what's right
Very impressive. I am really liking Graham now
Schlimm! Wasn Blender
He doesnt know what happened to dr ford
Someone must of told him trump was watching before his manufactured outrage
Isn't that what they did to MERRICK GARLAND ffs. I hate this man the gop will get crushed in mid terms
Angry white men. THey are pushing a predator just before midterms. Bad behavior does not beget bad behavior folks. Lindsey is a disgrace.
Stinks to high heaven.
At least his feelings of being ambushed didn't end in him being grabbed by the p***y.