‘I dont think it’s a big deal’: President Trump asked about getting a coronavirus test

‘I dont think it’s a big deal’: President Trump asked about getting a coronavirus test

The president said he feels extremely good after being asked about coronavirus testing.


GOP Reps. Meadows, Collins and Gaetz to self-quarantine, interacted with infected individual at CPAC: https://abcn.ws/2wK6lK8

Ted Cruz, Paul Gosar to self-quarantine due to possible coronavirus exposure: https://abcn.ws/2IAkyvV

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49 thoughts on “‘I dont think it’s a big deal’: President Trump asked about getting a coronavirus test

  1. It’s not a big deal but let’s wAtch the media make it one. 460,000 children go missing a year and we don’t shut anything down. Now we shut everything down for something that has killed less the 60,000 people. The flu kills more.

  2. Like he said " if it was really a big deal they would be telling him about it. " they wouldn't have to tell us we would be telling them. 👍

  3. This is One thing I like about Donald Trump, even though I sometimes don't like him. I don't Like him altogether, but THIS short message Gets a thumbs up because I don't think it's A big deal either!

  4. This just shows the degree in which Trump NEVER listens to his own staff or to the medical experts. The ONLY thing that Trump's Staff is able to do is correct the many LIES he tells the News media.

  5. 🤣Its just a Flu stop already Its only deadly if you have a compromised immune system and dont get treated

  6. The only reason those two stubborn jackasses wont get tested is because they know that if they have the virus, they will have to isolate themselves and Sen Chuck Grassley will take over as President Pro Tempore.

  7. Because it’s not a big deal…. everybody is like AHHHH CARONA WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!! When the flu has killed more people then Corona. I’m worried about the Black Plague because nobody is noticing it. Everybody has forgotten about it’s so it could easily make a come back and wipe out a lot of people.

  8. Trump: 'I don’t think it's a big deal'

    Schools: SHUT IT DOWN!!!

  9. Good its not too big of deal. Its something to be worried about but not taken to the extreme. In canada everyone is going insane and stocking up and not going outside.

  10. I hate to say this but I hope he gets the most beautiful, huge Flue ever. No, I don't want him to die. Just suffer a little like the rest of the common folk.

  11. I feel sorry for all you Democrats because Trump will remain  President for the next 4 years. Then you will have to put up or shut up for the next 8 years after that when you will have to put up with President Pence.

  12. Please kids this is somebody you don’t wanna be like in the future.

  13. You can't believe a word this Orange Scumbag says he is a proven Liar! 16,000 Lies and counting, also you can't believe any medical person affiliated with tRump! #Impeached for EVER!

  14. Trump can't muzzle the coronavirus like he tried to do with Stormy Daniels–No NDA's for corvid19.
    It is 10 TIMES more lethal than common flu. Coronavirus is Trump's Hurricane Katrina.

  15. this might be crazy but there's a conspiracy that trump will fake his own death and what if this is the foundation that he is using in order to trick everyone ,he'll eventually become sick and since the coronavirus is lethal to older people this could be a possibility of his death

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