Husband of NYPD cop accused of murder-for-hire plot reacts to being alleged target

Husband of NYPD cop accused of murder-for-hire plot reacts to being alleged target

Authorities say Valerie Cincinelli’s boyfriend worked with the FBI after she allegedly wanted to him to hire someone to kill his teenage daughter and Cincinelli’s estranged husband Isaiah Carvalho.


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49 thoughts on “Husband of NYPD cop accused of murder-for-hire plot reacts to being alleged target

  1. TRUST NO ONE🤦🏾‍♀️

  2. Tip: don't murder your relatives. Check out my true crime books FACES OF TED BUNDY; MANSON FAMILY MANUAL; CULT GIRLS; JODI ARIAS: PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS; JFK JR MURDERED by Dr. Paul Dawson (Amazon books).

  3. Sentencing is in October. Prosecutors agreed not to ask for more than 5 years as a result of a plea deal! Ridiculous!!

    ''Cincinelli pleaded guilty in April to obstruction of justice — not the murder-for-hire charges she initially was indicted for — and faces over five years in prison after admitting to deleting text messages related to the plot to have her ex-husband Isaiah Carvalho and her new boyfriend’s daughter murdered.'' -from nydailynews

  4. This woman took an oath to protect and serve the community her boyfriend is part of the community but instead of protecting and serving like she promised she decided she was going to kill her boyfriend and his daughter put a hit out on him well let me show you this woman’s character word means nothing her actions mean nothing and she’s completely clueless explain to me how she got into the police department

  5. Going through a divorce and she wants hubby and daughter of her boyfriend murdered. WTF! I feel for this man's pain, he's so lost/shocked. Also keep the kids away from her family so they don't try to brainwash his kid(s) to hate their father cause it does happen.

  6. She is not a very smart cop at all dude. $7000 is too cheap to order a hit, the only they could gett did with the price is get one of his toes chopped off. Plus she should have known that it's better to do something like that yourself and you have all of the resources to make sure you do not get caught and research all of the tactics that the police would use to find them and then have something in place to block it. But I'm happy that she got caught and locked up. I say throw away the key.

  7. this is exactly the kind of person that becomes a cop. cop reform is needed because there are NO measures being taken to ensure mentally un-sound people are prevented from joining the forces.

  8. Please police do anything crazy illegal act. Doesn’t surprise me at all. Welcome to the modern police.

  9. The father-“I guarantee you my daughter is innocent of this!”
    FBI- “Are you sure you wanna ride this train? You should probably hold off on the whole “guarantee” & take a look at some videos we have!”

  10. If someone agrees to kill someone else for 7 grand for you, you’re either in Mexico, they’re a cop, or both

  11. I can’t stand parent who are like no not my kid, dude just look at the evidence it’s obvious she was caught red handed it’s not like there is any doubt

  12. Wow looks are deceiving you’d never think that looking at her, and just cause she’s a cop doesn’t mean nothing.Cops murder people all the time just look you can find a lot of videos just here on YouTube

  13. This poor guy~! 4:24 min: I always hate when news people ask that really stupid question & then he asks the same type minutes later about what it was like to be staging his death scene. It's voyeurism for channel (show) clicks & therefore $$.

  14. Well he probably was in her way of life n career since she’s pregnant smh. Not ready for a life with someone TAKE YOURSELF OUT OF IT. Want to do cowardly acts and she’s a cop well not good or smart at all.

  15. This is so sickening. Kill the father of your son AND his step sister with the help of YOUR lover and HIS 15 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER … Her father standing by her side despite all of this – and ALL SHE IS GETTING IS A MAXIMUM OF SIX YEARS IN PRISON!!! Fucking sick! She should be in jail until her son is an adult and don't need her at all.

  16. She should never be allowed to see her child again….until he is an adult SHe is frightening. who knows what type of vengence she will take out on her husband when she gets out of jail .SHe is getting off way too light . she was going to kill aher boyfriends 14 yr old child too? she is insane

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