Hurricane Dorian tears through parts of the Bahamas

Hurricane Dorian tears through parts of the Bahamas

The powerful Category 5 storm has hit the area with relentless rain and damaging wind.


48 thoughts on “Hurricane Dorian tears through parts of the Bahamas

  1. That’s my name 😆

  2. ITS CRAZY MY NAME IS DORIAN AND ITS PRONOUNCED THE SAME EXACT WAY!!!!!! I didn’t know I did so much damage!!! I’m so sorry!!!!!

  3. hey I’m dorian!

  4. Reporter: With winds so powerful we had to take shelter inside!
    Talk about stating the obvious? That's like someone saying "omg guys the rain was so wet on the way to work this morning can you believe I had to use an umbrella!?"

  5. 😱😱😱

  6. Mai poluati natura , futu-va-n gura … 😩

  7. Thanks not to us. Thanks Igor Mikhailovich and ALLATRA, you very much for your efforts, for your love, for the knowledge that we all have the opportunity to practice. For help and a chance to humanity. And that saved millions of lives of USA☀️👍

  8. Omg I feel terrible for Bahamas I hope everyone was safe during Dorian if it’s coming towards you make sure to stock up and stay safe

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