Hurricane Dorian heads toward the East Coast

Hurricane Dorian heads toward the East Coast

Florida officials have begun to issue evacuation orders in certain communities. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #News #Hurricane #Dorian #Weather


29 thoughts on “Hurricane Dorian heads toward the East Coast

  1. Be Safe, Stay Safe New York City…will be praying for you.🗽💓😉🐨🇦🇺

  2. Soooo I live on the East Coast of Florida. Based on the radars where I live should be getting butt fucked right now and nothing is happening. The sun has been out all day basically and it’s been a little windy. I don’t mean to make this sound bad but I spent so much on preparing and it’s a little disappointing. I don’t wish anything bad to happen but the hype is real down here.

  3. News Channels should be advising people to put cycle helmets on kids and put them between bed matreses and other useful infomation that will save lives!.

  4. If I move back to Florida every August 1st I would fill up a 55gal drum of gas, have a bunch of drums for clean water, buy enough food to live on for a month, bunch of medical supplies and fill my vehicles with gas. I would already have 1 good generator and one smaller spare generator just Incase my good one goes out, some extra oil for the generators, maybe extra spark plugs for them. There is no way I would be unprepared for hurricane season because you know it’s coming every year. Every time people wait for the last minute.

  5. The islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama in the Bahamas took direct hits. The storm is so big we who are in Nassau, Bahamas 125 miles away are still feeling the effects – lots of rain/flooding and lots of wind. I wish I could post some videos. The island of Abaco has been destroyed and people are still being rescued. The storm is sitting over Grand Bahama and moving at one mile per hour 130 mile per hour winds. Do not take this storm lightly. Please Prepare

  6. Be safe all of you ❤️ 🙏

  7. Hurricanes pretty late this season huh?? The govt got too busy staging mass shootings they forgot it was hurricane season and forgot to engineer a hurricane.they finally got the reminder and decided to make a big boy this time..why??? They make millions behind it when you buy food and gas up to tyrannical govt of ours just keep on robbing and deceiving dumb-mericans.after all,they believe ever lie the media tells them.they are too blinded by the game of thrones or Patriot football games to decipher the distortion right in front of them

  8. People better not be leaving their fucking pets behind when this storm hits. At least we have a voice and can call for help. They can’t!!!!!

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