Hurricane Dorian effects being felt in Florida | ABC News

Hurricane Dorian effects being felt in Florida | ABC News

ABC News’ chief meteorologist Ginger Zee tracks the latest path of the powerful storm that has already devastated the Bahamas. READ MORE:

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29 thoughts on “Hurricane Dorian effects being felt in Florida | ABC News

  1. Are you searching for a HACKER for HIRE? Are you looking for 100% services in terms of WHATSAPP HACK, WECHAT HACK, CREDIT SCORE increase, GRADES CHANGE, EMAIL, FB, GMAIL HACK, ACCESS TO YOUR PARTNER'S INFO. Wire Bank Transfer all over the world. Go ahead & contact

  2. Old video from Bahamas used to make it look like Florida’s out come.

  3. A powerful dangerous category 5 hurricane Dorian reportedly devastated Bahamas in the beginning of September 2019. As on 3 September 2019 , it is heading to Florida , Georgia or Carolinas as Category 2 hurricane . Experts are of the opinion that it has now slight weakened fury or strength but area of impact could expand or be larger. In this context , it may be apt to refer readers to this Vedic astrology writer’s predictive alert of 1 October , last year 2018 through article – “ Astrological probable alerts for the US in 2019” – published in the monthly Webzine of Wisdom Magazine on 1 November 2018 at The text of the related predictive alert in the said article reads like this :-

    “ 6. HURRICANES , STORMS IN 2019. A powerful ferocious hurricane or storm is likely in September-October 2019 at vulnerable States , which could include Pennsylvania and Texas. So keep a careful watch in that regard.”

    Note :- This writer’s yet another predictive work most relevant to the US in particular and world in general in 2019 and 2020 can be visited at

  4. Here is an idea ,since our starving ,living in poverty and in desperate need for shelter politicians can't keep the billions in disaster relief funds from blowing away with each hurricane. Maybe they can take time away from scheming and plotting to draw up plans to rebuild some of these areas before all states end up parking lots. National emergencies here and there ,so blend some together. Illegal immigrants come to the U.S to work ,great !Hard working laborers in already in all states ,near the areas that need rebuilding . Small details ,they are in Federal custody on .I.C.E. But not many people living in disaster areas so with less than billions that blow away either way, these areas could be turned into secure working areas .think area 5 I and many others that nothing farts without proper clearance.Now think Latest model ankle monitor .Now think ,if by chance a laborer is unhappy with the work or doesn't like the ankle jewelry and managed to run with only 1foot . It's almost guaranteed that person would save taxpayers the cost of getting out of U.S.A. self deport and won't hop back in again .Also someone on a foot transplant list may get lucky. Or we can sell it to China . I just saved expense on an agency ,a few committees and months of meetings . Someone show this to Occasional Cortex Vortex , she'd like this and it's better than the Green Last Meal .

  5. I am in Netherlands but I am praying for you 💝

    My dear hurricane Dorian 🌪️. God blesss

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