Hurricane Dorian brings threat of extreme storm surges l ABC News

Hurricane Dorian brings threat of extreme storm surges l ABC News

ABC News’ Ginger Zee reports from Jupiter, Florida, on what to expect as Dorian’s effects are felt along the Eastern Seaboard. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #News #Hurricane #Dorian #Weather #Florida #BreakingNews


30 thoughts on “Hurricane Dorian brings threat of extreme storm surges l ABC News

  1. R.I.P Everyone Who Died They Never Deserved to Die Especially in That Way 😭😭😭😭😭 And I Hope the Victims Family's And Friends Recover 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 And I Hope Everyone Who Got Hurt Recovers 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. 😭😭😭😭

  3. “All day tonight & all night..” 😂😂💀

  4. Bright idea. Let’s almost die over some footage of this hurricane 1:10 Dummy….

  5. When everything that you have ever known for your entire life goes away … What do you do then? How do you respond? You might cry. Well that doesn't do anything! What next? Your entire world is destroyed! What do you do? Your home is blown into a bunch of sticks! What are you supposed to do?

  6. 1:07….sigh….you just can’t fix stupid.

  7. Acá En México ya se vino like para que se adviertan

  8. I thought trump have scientist that can stop hurricane?
    Never ever day dreaming.
    You can be above the Law.
    But you cannot be above Allah swt.
    So ask trump how all this hurricane happen.
    Did he do something wrong to Allah swt?
    Ask him…

  9. I dont why I laughed when he fell in the water 🤦‍♂️ he disappeared

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