Hunger crisis in Yemen: Its like a living hell on earth

Hunger crisis in Yemen: Its like a living hell on earth

The head of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning World Food Programme discusses his eye-opening trip to Yemen and the worldwide fight to end hunger.


20 thoughts on “Hunger crisis in Yemen: Its like a living hell on earth

  1. 🙏🏽 Joe Biden’s administration should be helping these starving children. No votes here so no hugs

  2. Very disappointed in the human species today
    No one in the world should live like this on this planet
    2021 no one should ever have to live like that unless they want to and I guarantee you none of them want to

  3. In this century..I still dont understand why this is still happenings. We all are watching helpless people with no economic background just watch each other slaughter themselves over barren lands. Some countries need help for workers. Some are just looking for food , shelter and some form education. We all are still embedded that useless land belongs to them. I pray for the innocent children the most. When are we going to take the one left behind to the future that we are all promised?

  4. I'm calling bullshit 😂

  5. Next is America! Border crisis 😳

  6. Really & truly let it sink in that there's literally tons of food being thrown away, even now, that we (globally) have means of long term storage, & various modes of transportation plus quicker means of communication yet we have people worldwide that are not getting enough to eat or starving to death. There's no excuse for it being like this.

  7. Things like this are why I cannot stand to hear A m e r I cans bitch. They have it so good that if something horrible happened country wide the majority would not be able to cope. Worse part is YouTube deletes comments talking badly about Americans but allow you to talk negatively about elsewhere…

  8. 🚨propaganda alert, this genocide is supported by the the United corporations/states of America. Cia propaganda right here!📠🚨

  9. 🚫America is to blame for this. We sell the all the weapons to our good buddies, the Saudis! We do air to air refueling, reconnaissance, target acquisition, training. Wtf? Shes talking about aid? AID? WE ARE KILLING THEM ! US! AMERICA! LOOK IT UP !

  10. I wonder… though still very optimistic that if we can educate the younger generation about this man made causes and how to prevent it, humanity in general itself might be able to have empathy by doing more to solve this very tragic problem once and for all. Thank you Mr. David Beasley for your very outstanding efforts to champion this day by day.

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