Hundreds arrested from immigration raid in Mississippi – Car Mod Pros Portal

U.S. immigration officials raided seven Mississippi chicken processing plants Wednesday, arresting 680 mostly-Latino workers in the largest workplace sting in at least a decade.



#immigrationraid #Mississippiimmigrationraid #ICEraid


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Hundreds arrested from immigration raid in Mississippi”
  1. Smh no hate to american people but bro yall commenting things like "YAY THANKS FOR ARRESTING THEM" as if we are just gangs i know they broke the law but they mostly break The law to give their kids a better life not just them us kids too.

  2. yeah we need y'all to quit putting the drain on our social services and quit putting babies out there crying and send them all home all of them back to wherever the hell they come from

  3. What this dick weed should have said is, "all his children come home to a parent who broke the law and finally got caught"

  4. Illegals know they are in America illegally so they also know they will be deported I feel bad for the children but it is their parents who are at fault not ICE their just doing their job

  5. Sorry your dad is a criminal and did do wrong. If you dont want to goto Ice dont be a illegal alien.Get proper citizenship. Dont try and make us fell bad for the kids when the parents have done this to there kids.

  6. 0:43 He's not a criminal….. 😂😂😂 Yes he is.

  7. Ppl get arrested ALL the time leaving kids to the system , mind u and these ppl are American and if u do a crime you do the time no matter who you are or of you havr kids or not

  8. Stop exploiting footages of crying kids! Send them all back along with their parents (family union) and jail the owners and managers! They all know what they've done.

  9. IF THIS IS THE largest raid it only proves they were never doing their job all these years……………………..if they were picking up illegals years ago we wouldn't be having this conversation

  10. Using these poor kids for their propaganda.. nice. I feel for them but their parents broke the law, we break the law, we dont get to have our kids with us. They are no better than we are. They knew the risks and chose to take that risk. I say get the 20 million illegals out and make them stay out. Those over 600 jobs are now being filled with Americans. The parking lot was full of people looking for a job. So I guess there are Americans that would do the jobs that illegals do.. hmmm.. we are always told Americans wont do the jobs they do.. BULLSHIT they wont. Im glad they got arrested. Now go after the employers too.

  11. The US is definitely one messed up country in the world. If the US would quit using SHIT for brains thinking, this would slow way down. But no deterrent for the criminal element that don't use willing Americans, because they don't want to pay much of a wage. Now the Fed busts these illegals and the media does their idiotic coverage. Nail the enablers, politicians use cheap labor too, so they set a terrible example for others to follow. Vote in smarter people I say.

  12. Hopefully white proud Americans can go apply to those jobs now. Yeah right! Go apply in the fields and factories proud Americans if you don’t want illegals in your states.

  13. Families are in anguish because their parents broke the law and dragged these kids to the US. These crying kids don't speak English very well. How much are US taxpayer paying to support ESL programs?

  14. Latinos terrified? It's been what Two weeks? Two years? 20 years? Some of us have been terrorized for over 450 years. Latinos! I feel your pain you're in the belly of the beast!! This ain't paridise this is Hell. This is America!!!

  15. Why not highlight the American kids that are in shelters here in America that are living worst than the kids that crossed the border illegally. American kids have parents that die while serving our country, and those kids are forgotten. American kids have parents that die from gang violence on a daily basis, yet those kids are forgotten. American kids parents work hard teaching in schools and praying at churches get killed way too often, yet those kids are forgotten. American kids go to school hungry because parents work for minimum wages and can't afford to stack the cupboard or refrigerator, the school lunch might be their only meal for the day, yet those kids are forgotten. Do I smell hypocrites.

  16. Fuck your nees but i love this shit . ice ice baby..send the mfer back to lolits island..jeffy is been locked up for a while now and its back to bizz as usual

  17. Fox "News" watchers… Has Fox "News" told you that Trump hires illegal immigrants to work at his properties? Do you think ICE will raid those properties?

  18. Her dad is welcomed to take her to Mexico with him and still be a dad. If not, well you better find a good guardian. But you have options…

  19. These companys knew full well that these workers where ineligible, no e-verify no responsibility, just come on into the labor pool the water's fine! Decades of corruption and abuse in these so called "work places" then the UFCW gets involved, "just pay your dues and we'll protect you" with the illusion of security. These desperate people are like bowling pins, set up and knocked down over and over again. The fact that nothing has changed is proof that our corporate owners are enriched by this insanity! UFCW you can do better by keeping ineligible workers out of your membership, stop pretending to be a global humanitarian organization. Only eligible workers can demand and fight for real change, and even then there will be retaliations. By allowing these ineligible hires the whole work force is tainted as illegitimate and expendable. If the poultry industry is unsustainable let them move to a country with cheap labor or perish, living off of human misery should not be an option!

  20. Good job ICE, if they don't care about their children, why should we? I mean this is so heartbreaking to watch that kid crying, but why would you bring your child here illegally?

  21. oh man to get a job i n is a crime… you gotta be stupid considering that piece of shit country any better than canada bullshitthe usa which the most criminal, oiece of shit cocksucker country in the world

  22. Faith, Humanity and love! and because lawlessness will increase, the love of many will grow cold.

    Jesus invited a little child to stand among them. “Truly I tell you,” He said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.…

    People let’s Remember Rich, Caucasian, Black, Latino, Asian or Poor. Children will always be children…….At the end Children will all inherit a greater prize…. Wish I could say the same for most Adults!

  23. I feel bad for the kids, but I feel not an ounce of sympathy for their "parents" who put them in this situation. This is child abuse. Put the kids into foster care and deport the sick adults exploiting children as an anchor. And fine and arrest the employers for harboring and enabling them.

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