Huffman, Loughlin could face jail time in college admissions scandal

Huffman, Loughlin could face jail time in college admissions scandal

Davin Sweeney, a director of college counseling, joins “GMA” to discuss the fallout from the scandal that has ensnared wealthy parents like Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman.

Actress Lori Loughlin taken into custody in ‘Varsity Blues’ college admission scam

Actress Lori Loughlin was taken into custody by the FBI Wednesday in Los Angeles after she, fellow movie star Felicity Huffman and 48 others were charged in a $25 million college admissions scam that has prompted repercussions from Hollywood to the boardrooms of major companies.

A former cast member on the ABC sitcom “Full House,” Loughlin and Oscar-nominated actress Huffman, 56, are among 33 parents charged with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud in the nationwide scam to get their children into elite colleges, including Yale, Stanford, Georgetown and the University of Southern California.

The feds dubbed the investigation “Operation Varsity Blues” and said it was triggered by an unrelated investigation by FBI agents in Boston.

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39 thoughts on “Huffman, Loughlin could face jail time in college admissions scandal

  1. After all they just paid for theirs children go to school. I have proof of massive crime in mn bankruptcy court that go all way to St Louis district court and nobody move f finger. They are stealing 100 of millions of $ every year. Yeah but actress put 10K for her child go to school end of world. Who you f clowns from FBI and Department of Justice try to fool. You are useless clowns.

  2. They didn’t steal a spot from anyone they paid a price tag for that spot. They didn’t steal it, they paid for it. Money talks. It happens and will continue to happen. Gotta accept it

  3. Jail time for poor.
    A time out for the rich.
    Nothing will change much.
    If life were fair. The fucking bitch and her husband would be in prison. But Kilkery will never ever be arrested

  4. Oh my gosh. This isn't anything to laugh about you GMA idiots, especially since you asked if "the system is rigged". That question, alone, shows you don't know the other options to use to get into college. I'm glad Dan Sweeney enlightened them, "not an admissions scandal, it's a greed and coaching scandal.". While we're at it, look at what the high schools are doing with sports. Those within certain income brackets can send their kids to individual"intensive coaching", camps and other resources to ensure they can compete in high school sports. It seems gone are the days when any kid who wants to try out for sports, competes, and gets on a team through their raw, physical capabilities and athletic skills. A mediocre kid , who comes from a modest income bracket, who tries out for a sport is at a disadvantage when up against the mediocre kids from a higher income bracket. It's got to stop.

  5. Yet their kids is still in the colleges and probably will be sent off to camp. All the while is "common folk" wish we could have the privilege of doin the same

  6. Those rich people know politicians, cops, judges, they probably even know the president of the United States for Christ sake 😒,🤨

  7. There is now way that any parents evolve are going to jail. They broke the law, we got all upset and mad for weeks and that's it, end of the story. No one is getting jail time and if you don't believe me than, think about how Jussie Smolette played the system.😌

  8. They are just being used as famous examples with careers that are ruined. How many others have done this? How many have gotten arrested? It's just a shame that this has happened! Parents are just blind where their children are concerned. A lot of us would do the same thing! Every man for himself. Right? Wrong! Society is just messed up. It's just one of those things that has become acceptable, and these poor people just happened to have gotten caught!

  9. The unequal playing field of elite university education begins WAY before college admission, even for those doing it legally. Many of these parents place their kids on waiting lists of elite preschools & elementary schools, some even before the child is born, paying $20,000-$50,000 a year for the best education money can literally buy. These kids are taught by the best educators, have access to best & newest tech, are exposed to art & music & provided tutors that costs thousands. Additionally, these kids are not growing up worrying about if there will be food for dinner, having a parent unable to pay the electric bill because they spent it on drugs, unable to go to school some days Bc they don't have the change needed to do a load of laundry, or changing schools every year Bc their parent moves from place to place. These kids from wealthy homes are not attending high schools that regularly graduate kids unable to read. These kids are able to pay for college prep exam courses & tutors. List goes on & on. But the end result is the kids from these homes have an enormous advantage getting into the elite & Ivy League universities, even when done legally! A degree from these universities opens doors but the greatest benefit is the people you meet-other kids, professors, parents, alumni, many of whom will go on to determine the jobs you are offered, hence affecting your career, wealth & power. Those kids grow up, repeat w/their kids & the cycle continues. I'm NOT implying fault for any of these parents or kids who take the legal path. Of course everyone wants the best for their kids. I'm only saying there is a HUGE disparity between the majority of kids admitted into these colleges & as a result their careers & income. These same dynamics exist in less extreme comparisons of the kid attending inner city public school & the middle class kid attending private school in the suburbs. It's frustrating to hear so many insist they "are where they are" solely because of their own hard work. Certainly, this is true for some but the majority of us were either greatly helped or hurt by the home, family, neighborhood & school we happened to be born into. Those that deny these dynamics are willfully blind. The entire system already favors these kids coming from wealth & privilege. So, to see parents take it a step further & pay for someone to take their child's entrance exams or bribe a coach so their unremarkable child can be admitted, is inexcusable. And don't even get me started on the legal justice system. Jussie Smollet's case is the most recent example of wealth & privilege & our criminal justice system.

  10. They should go to prison not jail. They knew what they were doing was wrong and chose to do it anyhow. That is a total disregard for the law and the policy of the school. Send them to prison.

  11. They should serve time to be an example that money and celebrity status Does NOT give you Card Blanche to cheat the system!!! Shameful!!!😡🙄

  12. Ugh! Go to jail and take the others with you. Damn wealthy in this country buy their way in and out of every damn thing. On a more positive note, if we had tuition free college they couldn't do this shit. Additionally if we end Cash Bail they couldn't buy their way out of jail and community service.

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