How Walmart is keeping up with consumer demand during the pandemic – Car Mod Pros Portal

Executive Vice President of corporate affairs, Dan Bartlett, shares more with us on how Walmart is responding to the crisis.



By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “How Walmart is keeping up with consumer demand during the pandemic”

    Today I went to a local Walmart to ask a manager if I could return my recently deceased (stroke) 90 yr old grandmother's unopened incontinence products (which I had purchased in bulk with her stimulus fund to stock up on) and exchange for products my now widowed, and severly income restricted, 90 yr old grandfather is in need of.

    I first went into the store and waited for 45 minutes to speak with a manager to make sure that this was possible as I did not have the receipt.

    The manager I spoke with (named Andrew) told me that yes, I could exchange the unopened packages for other products without the receipt.

    So I drove all the way home, picked up the products, and went back to wait in line (again) for another 45 min.

    When I finally arrived at the return cashier (Marsha, also a manager) rudely stated, "No, you cant return those without a receipt!"

    I explained to her how I had just been at the store and spoken to Andrew and was told that I could exchange the unopened products without a receipt for other goods and offered to show her my grandmother's death certificate . To which Marsha's response was, "Well, he's not a manager up here."

    I am absolutely appalled by not only the lack of professionalism, procedural knowledge, and empathy displayed by such employees.

    However, I am outright SICK to my stomach at how much Walmart has and continues to profit off the backs of hard working Americans.

    ESPECIALLY now that their poor business practices can go unchecked due to CV and the consumer has little to no other retail options.

    While millions spiral into poverty due to the developments of 2020, this corporate beast surges ahead plundering billions in profits.

    Don't be fooled by their corporate public relations propaganda. You will find this corporate MONSTER is quick to point out how they so graciously returned the $12.6 million in gov. health stimulus funds.

    Well, that isn't even a drop in the bucket compared to how much they have PROFITED from this great economic scamdemic.

    Here's what the company reported for the fiscal third quarter ended Oct. 31:

    Revenue: $134.7 billion

    Walmart's reported net income rose to $5.14 billion from $3.29 billion a year earlier (FY 2019).

    (That's +1.85 BILLION from 2019)

    Wal-Mart's grocery sales alone increased 45% or $4,861,000,000 thus securing their number 1 position of the top 8 grocery retailers who have profited BILLIONS whilst small business have been forced to close.

    Want to know some more of this caring companies secrets?

    It's their extensive use of public money.

    This includes more than $1.2 billion in tax breaks, free land, infrastructure assistance, low-cost financing and outright grants from state and local governments around the country.


    Another report estimates that Walmart and the Walton family—which co-founded the company and still owns a majority share—collectively profit from nearly $7.8 billion per year in other federal subsidies and tax breaks.

    Just one example of this is the fact that Walmart was is the top four employers of SNAP and Medicaid beneficiaries in every state.

    So way to go Walmart. Enjoy the $100 or so dollars you get to keep from my now widowed grandfather who will be going without.

    Enjoy your billions and corporate kickbacks while the rest of us suffer. All the in the money in the world can't save your souls.


  2. Walmart is keeping up with their almighty dollar. They take "precautions" to make shoppers feel safe. You ARE NOT. Employees are totally unprotected. The corp. wants your momey…period. walmart cashier here. I have bills to pay. I'm not a hero. Doctors & nurses are the heroes!

  3. I shopped at Walmart and its their own employees who make it difficult to get down the aisles. I saw three employees at the Madison, Ohio right next to each in the same aisle. You couldn't even get down the aisle.
    If the walmarts are now open from 7am to 8:30pm then you have a lot more time to stock shelves when you are closed. But this shows you that retail stores don't care about this epidemic.

  4. sadluy i went to a Walmart there were employees not wearing masks and not following the stickers that direct the customers where to go I nearly got ran into by a employess because a employee was pushing a cart the wrong direction while they stocked

  5. Walmart Opened on Easter Sunday what a shame, American Bussines ran by Communist China. Where is this guy hiding, I bet it is not at a Walmart store.

  6. I stopped going to the evil empire. Disliked navigating around people who are always in the way and dont get me started on the whole family being there I'm talking family plus uncles aunts nephews nieces its like people think its Disney.

  7. They want us to stay six feet apart but they put four of us on an aisle to stock with big big heavy carts. Well 50 customer walkthrough how you supposed to keep a 6 foot rule.

  8. Walmart doesn't care! They are not stocking hand sanitizer they are taking it off the truck and using as store use only! One door as an exit and entrance is impossible to manage using the 6 foot rule! This is all criminal! They claim to be helping but they are making terrible mistakes that make a mockery of this entire situation!

  9. They really set us up as employees! Many loopholes to the “bonuses” they are giving during covid19! Also no protective equipment for employees. Managers are letting more than the allowed limit of people in the stores.

  10. Who is this guy ?? Is he showing up to the stores everyday without a mask for 8 hours ? Dishonest greedy evil company .. Tell the public how they put out a public statement saying that attendance policy would be waived until the end of April and no occurances would be issued to employees who feel ill or uncomfortable at work… THEN YOU CHANGED IT THE NEXT DAY !!!!!! Sneaky .. Liars .. Disgusting company.. Vile..

  11. Hey Dan great interview, but let’s get serious. Having been a business member for many many years until you decided to do away with business member only access hours in Lieu of plus membership. So Dan, how long until you limit people coming in everyday and buying things like toilet paper, paper towels, disinfecting wipes. 1 a day per family? How about 1 a week until everybody has the opportunity to have just one. 64 rolls of toilet paper should last the average family a month. Do something, implement rules that makes sense, because your failing…

  12. Why are they not hiring an outside company to come in and really clean you still putting your employees in danger that guy that was cleaning did not have on a mask. Did y'all notice that in the video. You're still putting the employees in danger they have not been tested.

  13. No one is cleaning I haven't seen it. No one is disinfecting s*** I haven't seen it am I store we had a visit from home office when they heard about that virus they got the hell out of the store. The captain goes down with the ship. They standing home trust me.

  14. You know what I disinfected program was at my store I brought a bottle of alcohol and sprayed it around my register and I sprayed it in the hands of customers and employees he is lying there is nothing on the bulletin board giving employees directions what to do if my manager has not been in the store for eight damn days.

  15. None of the top people have showed up at any stores they stay home and protect themselves and put us In Harm's Way so I don't know who this guy is he is lying. Customers have you seen the divider shelves at the registers that protect you from us yet. Customers Walmart ship 70 to 80 per-cent of red meat from China I hope you know that.

  16. Walmart needs to change for the better!!!!. I am talking about the folks that is running the Walmart companies!!!!! They r too selfish, that is a big problem,they don't treat employees right,especially if u work really hard for them!!! Walmart does not care how hard u work!!!!! Walmart company is just unreasonable!!!!. I am glad that I do not work for no Walmart!!! Walmart is so no good!!!!. This is by Chastity Lampkin👎👎👎👎😠😠😵😠😵😠😠😠👎😠😠.

  17. I MUST have some innate ability to see propaganda when most others don't.
    Top of the screen- "What you NEED to know", with need highlighted.
    They have choked the supply lines!
    To clarify, that's not to say there's no bread ever again. It's just not been allowed to keep pace with the standard baking average 5000 loaves per hour.

  18. Walmart facilitates erratic and chaotic behavior like what happened here all the time, especially Black Friday.
    Limits weren't put in place to get people in and out and home. With a deadly health issue, they allowed the same behavior they always do, business poured over to the competition, product limits are still exclusive to just a few items, they've put a choke hold on the supply lines, and we'll be lucky to come out of this if healthcare doesn't get anymore overwhelmed as a result of the overcrowded stores.
    Watch "DIARY OF A BREADMAN 3/21/20" on YouTube

  19. I just had my manager tell me earlier that he's planning on moving me outside in an umbrella covered spot for 80-90% of my 9 hour shift to handle mulch sales and stop theft. This is Virginia, where we range on having hot, muggy days to cold, raining ones.

    I am considering quitting, unless they get some other poor sap to do it. On top of customer rushes, bumped up hours and a meager bonus to hourly's like me, Walmart is making me crazier than usual.

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