How to talk to your children about race and racism in America

How to talk to your children about race and racism in America

Psychiatrist Dr. Janet Taylor discusses how to best explain the current atmosphere of the protest and racism to kids.

#Pandemic #Psychiatrist #DrJanetTaylor #Racism


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44 thoughts on “How to talk to your children about race and racism in America

  1. Racism is a religious establishment and practice as Gid stated the Jews are his people and a superior priesthood after the order of Melchezidik (That is white supremacy and a religion) One Nation Under God makes our nation a religious establishment. The stars in the flag represent our republic. They are all white because of our religion and its order. 14th Amendment violates the 1st amendment as it is a law concerning a religious establishment and its practice. Congress shall not and cannot make any law concerning a religious establishment or any law hindering its practice. This makes the 14th Amendment Federally unlawful and unconstitutional. It overthrows the founding principles of our forefathers, it overthrows the constitution of the United States of America and it overthrows the supreme court decision of 1866 Dredd Scott decision, it overthrows our religion and its practice as well as all our founding laws and statutes.

    The Christian Religion and its practice:

    Jews: Gods chosen people.
    They speak Hebrew.
    Law of God:
    1)A matter must be established based upon two or more witnesses.
    2) The bride shall resemble the husband
    3) The life of the flesh is in the blood
    4) Believers are as salt and light
    5) Salt and light are white
    6) Black equals darkness and is defined as the absence of light
    7) God created light and saw that it was good and divided the light from the darkness. The law and practice of segregation is and was established by God.
    8) White declared believers
    9) Blacks declared unbelievers
    10) Whosever believes in the Lord and is baptized is saved and whosoever believes not is doomed.
    11) There is no darkness in Christ
    12) He is without spot or blemish
    13) Satan has no place in Christ
    Establishing a religious establishment after the law if God.
    1)Bride must resemble the husband
    2)A nation under God means his bride which is the Church
    Since the bride must resemble the husband then we build America in his likeness. First we must establish his likeness based upon witnesses and testimony.
    1st witness) Words of King Solomon the Son of King David. Jesus is called Son of David so these are the words of Jesus. "I am swarthy by reason of the sun and my beloved (wife) is white so by his law he declares that he is white for the bride resembles the husband.
    2nd witnesses) The flag of Israel stating the bloodline and flesh of King David. The flag is made of blue stripes that make the Star of David. The Star of David is imposed onto a white background. The law states that the life of the flesh is in the blood, the blue stripes are the bloodline and the white background is the flesh. The flag stands for the flesh and blood of King David so therefore again Jesus is without argument white. Jesus is also a jew so this also declares Jews to be white people. These white jews are the nation of Israel and are also America.
    3rd witness) Jesus sent as the Lamb of God. Lambs are white but swarthy.
    4th witness) The pure white dove symbolic of the Holy Spirit. Christ is born of the Holy Spirit therefore is born pure white like that of a dove.
    5th witness) The jewish prayershawl which states the flesh and blood of King David, Jesus and the Jews. The prayershawl is fashioned by Gods word and commandment to be made of pure white wool with blue stripes.

    America established as a religious nation called church as one nation under God.
    1st witness) The all white cabinet members of our founding forefathers stating "We the people of the United States of America."
    2nd witness) The flag as a symbol of our republic. The stars represent the states which are the people of the United states of America. They are all white, no there is not one black or mixed racial ethnicity. The star is a Christian symbol as it is the opposite of the sigil for the devil which is an inverted star that forms the image of a goat. The goats are used in Christian religion to symbolize the devil and his a gels that will be destroyed. The stars symbolic of Christian's and the people of the United states of America comprise and make up what is called the Puritan Church. The flag also states that we are a Pentecostal Church as the red stripes stand for the shed blood and the white stripes stand for the lamb. This is called Pentecost which is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by Christ and his atonement at Calvary. That makes the flag and it's people the Holy Spirit. Whosoever sins or speaks against the Holy Spirit is endanger of hellfire and cannot be forgiven.
    3rd witness) The White House as a symbol of our nation. The White House or the House of White people.
    4th Witness) The word of our judicial court decisions that you must be white in order to have citizenship. This follows Gods law that you must believe a d be baptized to have citizenship in Christ and belief is denoted by white flesh.
    5th Witness) Our Supreme Court decision, Dredd Scott decision of 1866 ruling that blacks cannot have citizenship by any means. This includes by means of the 14th Amendment which is Federally unlawful therefore the Supreme Court decision still stands.

    An all white nation Under God is a religious practice and establishment. It is also the Civil and Human rights of a human being to have and live in such a place if he enters through Christ as a believer. Since blacks don't have citizenship by the Supreme Court decision and by God's law and ruling that there is no darkness in him then blacks don't have Civil rights. Gods law warned them thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife or any of thy neighbors things. It does not belong to them. They have violated our civil and human rights and they say that we violated theirs. They don't have any rights here as the flag tells them every day they have no place here.
    1)Satan is the Prince of darkness, Father of Lies and Ruler of Demons. (A prince is both father and ruler of his people so Prince, Father and Ruler are the same here as well as darkness (blacks), lies (blacks) and Demons (blacks).

    2)Satans Children are black people called the tares.
    3) Satan cometh only to steal, kill and to destroy and his children will do his lust and will or the same in other words.
    4) They are a terrorist organization and are liars
    5) It is deception.

    Jesus the way the truth and the light was asked by the Pharisees If you have sown good seed into the field then where do these tares come from." Jesus replied "An enemy sowed them whilst men slept." In other words we never went to Africa and brought back slaves to America, that is Satans lie. Truth his they are here by breaking and entering and their only intent is to steal, kill and destroy. That is the truth according to the personal testimony of God. By the way, the nation today isn't America, it's an unlawful organization called mystery Babylon

  2. Wow Dr. Janet Taylor having a discussion about race that it is a social construct and then is drawn back into it. There is only one race on earth it is called the human race and it is called a race because it is a race toward extinction. Even for this brilliant woman who had learned that it does not exist she was pulled back into a conversation that she should not be having and focus and yet it became difficult to do with a lady that doesn't understand what is really going on.

  3. Hi ABC News and all news..from mobile9 major companies and entertainment center Studios
    As a public figure kid's as because not hating anyone or being bias most videos today start wrong by calling out everything when you want an answer??start at beginning
    It all starts with not liking yourself and not making better and starting to take out on everything.
    I get it bad but ignore and understand it's hard for people that can't be strong like me, it hurts and shouldn't because your innocent so be strong and if it's real take notes and it'll get better like news and people are Really trying.
    God bless
    Mobile9 loves you
    Not one more
    Stop the hate
    I'll make this public statement
    As probably answer(y'all figure right)
    What's happened to me,what I've witnessed in public news
    It's someone wanting to much

  4. First of all, isolate your children from groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter and educate them the importance of RESPECTS among people from all races and cultural backgrounds.

  5. How many of you are against racism? Prove it🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 #JusticeFor #GeorgeFloyd

  6. This is easy, Tell your kids not to be high on fentanyl with meth in your system when you try to use counterfeit money to pay for things which is a federal crime. Not sure why they had to make a video on this

  7. ❤️❤️❤️❤️😢😢🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  8. Racism is there but you cant see it, it's systemic. Sometimes racism comes to you in your dreams and tells you to light buildings on fire & steal jewelry. You never know when racism might crawl up your leg & swim right up into your pee pee hole.

  9. Tired of Bl ack people always explaining about what to do with racism when they been explaining about racism for hundreds of years and are not the benefactors of it…enough talking and start doing.

  10. May sound like a cliché (and I know it's easier said than done), but really, no matter how much u disagree with someone, basic respect is invariably key✌

  11. "There is almost no racism in America honey
    Except for getting into a good college, we'll talk later about that.
    …most boys who commit crime were made by very bad mommies, who made babies with no daddy
    So, stay away from boys who don't have daddies, they do bad things a lot more."

  12. Opportunist have hijacked what was suppose to be about police brutality, the unjust justice system and the politicians who don’t implement policies and law to prevent this in the first place have now made it about racism.

  13. Great, tell them they have a target on their back so they can live their entire lives as victims.🤮

  14. Dont care what white people think about this, dont care how they think race/racism should be discussed. Black parents start having these conversations with their kids at a young age cuz we dont have a choice. Why do we always have to educate ya'll on how to do this?

  15. Oboma lied on ABC cut comments out and its sad he gave hidden money to terrorist in the middle of the night bengahzi left troops behind Joe and his son love China communist order but Russia same deal communist is bad but China is ok screw all communist government or middle east tyrants talk about that with kids real enemies not race ideals of hate of united states citizens but we pay billions to for hating us and trying tear our country down

  16. When some black activists defend the looters who steal and burn people' properties; there is nothing left to say: go preach your non sense somewhere else .
    Looting, stealing, burning people's properties and violence make decent people run away from this BS .

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