How to maintain personal resilience during crisis

How to maintain personal resilience during crisis

Dr. Judith Rodin, psychologist and author of The resilience dividend: Being strong in a world where things go wrong, discussed how resilience is required for surviving the turbulence of the 21st century.

#Pandemic #DrJudithRodin #Resilience


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15 thoughts on “How to maintain personal resilience during crisis

  1. It ain’t hard to be resilient when you’re two white elitists by the name of Amy Robach and Judith Rodin.

  2. stop watching the stupid news and get off "social media" – think for yourself IF you still have that ability. Most people are so brainwashed it's pathetic. Watching MSM is like the Comedy Hour.

    American Idiot – Green Day

  4. Common Sense & Useful ideas 💡 to consider Thanks for the ℹ️

  5. Those crisis situations that she mentioned that are happening more frequently and more intensely is because we are experiencing “birthing pains”.
    I find it difficult to deal with everything we are going through, but when I’m mentally low, I just pray to Jesus. I pray every day, really. This world is NUTS 🤪 but I’m keeping my eye on the sky!

  6. ‪This is pretty intense 🎉🎊just as intense as all the baby formula sold out in my neighborhood grocery stores. I feel bad for the mothers that can’t breastfeed. HOW TO INCREASE MILK SUPPLY / BABY FORMULA SOLD OUT OF STOCK😝

  7. It’s ALWAYS been a requirement but parents have failed to teach kids how to deal with reality so here we have bratty kids destroying their community! Schools, community, government has failed the kids. This WILL NOT BE THE NEW NORMAL!! Resilience is a skill automatically built within a stable family unit. Stop living for yourself! Also 2A is vital – hopefully you people recognize this now.

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