How the coronavirus pandemic is impacting mental health

How the coronavirus pandemic is impacting mental health

Doctor Jessica Clemons discusses how to prevent depression and loneliness while avoiding infection.


29 thoughts on “How the coronavirus pandemic is impacting mental health

  1. i have been doing online school, i…
    cant it’s hard. I don’t feel like myself. I just miss my family,friends and just living normal. I am isolated in my room for 6 hours everyday and when i try to be productive i feel this painful feel in my hurt my energy level has never been sooo low . I try to act strong but… the thought of God and heaven is keeping me alive and tik tok content. I just pray for everyone out there and let’s keep on going we got this

  2. The liberal media should be held accountable for this disaster that they helped create with the government. When you cause enough fear that people are forced to be locked down and forcing small businesses to close, you are the ones that are creating the pandemic, not the virus.

  3. I Know I'm months late but I CAN'T TAKE THIS BULLCRAP ANYMORE!!!!!! People tell me to stay positive but I can't feel it. I don't know when this will end and my depression is hitting me hard in the heart. It's TOO MUCH!!!!!! I just want to do things that I wanted to do last year but I feel like I will never get to do the things I wanted to do FOREVER. I'm sorry I'm just really sad,pissed off, and anxious at the same time. I feel like nothing doesn't help me not even YouTube can help. I'm just horribly depressed.

  4. I liked your vid! I have been trying to research for video similar to yours that breaks down the ideas in this vid. 🧑🏻‍⚕️ The part at 1:27 is super educational. Your breakdown is like the videos from this informative Dr Ethan. Ethan's tips are insightful and he helped me on diet!

    I recommend you see his channel out and give the doc a subscribe! ➡️ #DoctorEthanOnYouTube

  5. It's so sad. I've published a video that offers some solid, practical tips to help deal with COVID-induced depression and anxiety. Remember we are all in this together x

  6. What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation. Here’s a guided meditation gift for you.

  7. Lockdown has made the humans loose all hope in life 😔😔

  8. When I’m depressed I POOP 💩 then it goes away.

  9. Psychiatrists are suck quacks. They don't have a fucking clue how to help people. The system they work for is designed to prey on people's despair and keep them sick. Their education was bought and paid for by the pharma companies a long time ago. This woman's advice is on par with that of a "life coach." She is not disseminating medical facts or serious advice, so the MD is mostly for show, not function. Notice how she does nothing to acknowledge the massive economic despair which neither Trump nor Biden will address seriously, which has now been made far worse with no end in sight. Is that going to be solved by yoga and indoor sunlight?

  10. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve rearranged my room 😫

  11. I'm also worried about how this will impact romantic lives. Like, with the social distancing and everything everyone will be extremely paranoid and probably won't be able to get together for dating and so 😢

  12. Being someone with Autism, OCD, ADHD, Anxiety Disorder, PTSD, DID, and Bi polar disorder having a lack of structure in my routine and during the hot months it affects me physically Heat Stroke is a common occurrence if im not able to go to the Library ( Our Local Cool Zone) And now that its nearing the end of the year im less worried about that but my lack of stability is becoming worse….By stability I mean I can't make appointments in person and my wifi sucks so I can't video call, and phone calls make me nervous, I need to be able to go to therapy but having no privacy at home and not having contact with a therapist since February

  13. Every single aspect of the socalled measures, attacks directly human interaction and the feeling of being connected. Social distancing and isolation, the wearing of masks (certain groups like aspergers now have even more difficult time reading faces) might cause also problems for people with asthma, or generate a feeling of suffocation (perceived). It seems as if the government just needed any other cause to cause more isolation and misery. The attack on the human rights (freedom of assembly, etc) also takes a toll, and curfew in some countries might actually give you the impression that there is a war going on. I myself feel not that much discomfort, but i can see the change in peoples demeanor, and behaviour, and i find it ruthless how compassion is turned into tyranny, xenophobia and fear. The press actually intensifies the hysteria and XENOPHOBIA by turning most people into OCD cleanlyness freaks, which are disgusted by any person they dont know (the other). I personally see many parallels with 911 or the Reichstagsbrand when the NSDAP took over. Big Pharma has become a very great threat to mankind.

  14. It’s my senior year of high school and I’ve been dreaming for 14 years about becoming Sugar Plum fairy in the Nutcracker. The performance this year was completely cancelled and honestly I wouldn’t mind dying from covid—I’ve lost the will to live anyway, I just want to dance with my friends one last time before I go.

    Sorry for being such a downer 😅 it’s just everyone’s been sharing things in the comments and I needed a place to release all the junk in my head

  15. Most people are selfish evil and annoying. So theres nothing good about being with 99.8% of all human beings. In reality being alone is a blessing of peace and honestly a miracle. Id rather die broke and alone than surrounded by jerks.

  16. KGB Discovery
    In the 1960’s the Soviet KGB made a fascinating discovery. They learned that if you bombard human subjects with FEAR messages nonstop, in two months or less, most of the subjects are completely brainwashed and will believe the false message they are given. After that, no amount of clear information they are shown, to the contrary, can change their mind.

    The CIA understands this fact as well. So do deep state operatives in the back halls of governments around the world, This was featured in the spy novel, “Fear is the key”, by Aistair MacLean.

    There is a spiritual war going on inside the soul of every human being. It is fear vs. faith.

    Many people reject the call of God on their lives. So they end up without much in the way of faith.

    So where does that leave them when their world gets turned upside down?
    It leaves them in a state of FEAR.

    That makes them easy subjects for brainwashing. Their souls can now be taken over by either a communist or fascist state or a domineering religious, psychological, or environmentalist cult.

    They are now OWNED by the STATE or the CULT. And they lose their freedom. They are not their own person under heaven anymore.

    There is a the prison that the state or the cult has put around their now brainwashed mind. And try as they will, they cannot escape.

    Unless, ….. they cry out to the God.
    Cry out to the God they know is there.

    Romans 8:15
    For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to FEAR; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

    Galatians 4:6
    And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

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