How should law enforcement respond to protests? – Car Mod Pros Portal

Former Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson discusses how law enforcement should handle growing protests and efforts at reform.

ABC News Live Prime, Weekdays at 7EST & 9EST
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By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “How should law enforcement respond to protests?”
  1. They should all over the world take a knee with protestors. This will bring about unity and sympathy. Im just saying.

  2. This is what happens when the masses act based on the opinions of celebrities and sweaty athletes funneled through a powerful technological atom bomb called social media

  3. To answer the question, police should handle protests with care. They should act like their mothers, fathers, sisters, daughters, brothers and sons are protesting. Police are there to protect ALL people!

  4. I think people think that Law Enforcement should respond to protesters while they loot and burn is hand out lollypops, hugs and sing peace songs… lmao while they watch businesses burn down of hard working Americans… that's what people think they should do

  5. Cops need to stop using rubber bullets and tear gas on the ones that are peaceful. Screw the cops. Start shooting back

  6. why do they insist on saying protesters when they are rioting, looting and committing arson. at least call it for what it is. if this guy is so good. then let him fix the problem. so easy to just criticize and share ones opinions

  7. It doesn't help if in some communities, in the name of community relationships, laws are blatantly broken and individual rights are outright ignored. Not everything goes in the name of community relations!

  8. Shoot all who loots. They destroying the communities. They destroying our future. They don’t deserve ANY rights.

  9. Next month: Protester in the hospital chanting: “my life matters” as there gasping for air.

  10. They should crack down on ALL rioting. No one is arguing that people don't have the right to protest. But once the sun goes down those protests quickly turn to rioting. We have seen it time and time again… For that reason protests should be dispersed before sunset. People who don't disperse should be arrested. People caught rioting, assaulting people, looting, burning down buildings, etc should be treated harshly by our Justice system. It's simply not acceptable.

  11. If violent protests are being held, then hell yea. If people are looting the stores, hell yea. My own sister is afraid to go to work because she is afraid that a protest will get violent and looters will attack her store. I’m one of the few who is involved with schools (substitute teacher), so I don’t have to leave the house if I don’t wanna. I’m scared for my sister. Please stop the violence. If you wanna protest, by all means, but please do it in peace.

  12. I think the former superintendent is correct, it is up to individual officers and supervisors to point out the bad officers so they can be removed or charged as appropriate. The people responsible for damage are not legitimate protestors. The laws in our country permit peaceful protests, but they do not permit the looting and damage that other groups are doing. The criminals need to be dealt with according to the law and courts. I also agree the National Guard needs to be ready to remove the criminals, not any peaceful protestors. However, if the state Governor orders a curfew then All citizens must obey the curfew or be arrested. Police Officers are to be a step above the civilians they protect, I served with wearing a badge for 26 years, 6 with US Air Force Security Police with special weapons which authorized us to use deadly force, no one was shot during my 6 years, the other 20 was with my local county sheriff as a detention officer. We were grilled every shift during briefing about use of force and not over doing it, no one died on my watch!! It is not difficult, if you find as an officer you are getting angry to the point of losing self control then back out and let your supervisor know. The 4 Officers that had a part in the death of Mr. Floyd do not represent the 99% of us officers that do our job and go home at the end of the day. Race has nothing to do with enforcing the law, if you break the law, you go to jail, a judge and/or jury will determine if prison is in your future. We as Officers were also trained to write very good Incident Reports that would go to the County Attorney's Office and to Court. This was ensure the proper punishment was given for a said crime. Pepper Spray and the Taser were designed to allow law enforcement to not have to get into physical confrontations. Handcuffing procedures never include a knee to the neck. A knee to the back is permitted, however once the handcuffs are on All use of force should cease, you have control of the suspect at that point. If it must be because the suspect is not cooperative you put him or her back on the ground and restrain the legs as well, but never hog tie. Then you put the person on their knees and assist them in standing up. If a person claims to be claustrophobic then place them in a bigger prisoner van for transport. We all know people that have refused to be arrested, those people usually might be under the influence of narcotics or other drugs, then Non-lethal force might be necessary to gain compliance. Still causing the death of a person is never acceptable!!!

  13. From the videos I’ve seen. Mr. Floyd would be very disappointed in the riots going on. Riots do not make things better. Protesting is part of being an American. Nothing wrong with that. Anarchy is a different story. Anarchist need to have a cap popped in their ass!!

  14. If they're peaceful, then just keep the crowd under control, but if they want to loot and destroy stuff, well…then all bets are off. The job of police is to protect so they have to do whatever it takes to keep the public safe!

  15. I wonder if any of these protestors were a part of that angry mob who targeted a lone black woman two Christmases ago in her home country? Are they the strangers from other countries who act like they ‘know’ her – clearly aren’t human enough to feel certain emotions (guilt, remorse, sense of shame, etc, etc). The angry mob: the females especially were very aggressive and seemed nearly out for blood (I’ve since learned being mean turns them on). Yup, I wonder if they’re protesting it up? Hypocrisy. I remember a security guard was taunted for not running into a school to face bullets from a mass shooter. Imagine the daily body count if the police decided to strike and stay home……

  16. It would be great if America would stop playing STUPID. Keep the focus on ending the RACISM, UNJUST murders, etc. People stop acting like you don't know why the ENTIRE nation is on FIRE (even people across the pond are protesting George Floyd's MURDER). America planted and nourished racism, bigotry, corruption, and other forms of criminal activity long ago, and continue to do so. Make sure the hurt, pain, and tears you have for looting, destruction of property, etc is equally given to the "George Floyd's" of the world. Start making real changes so we can all live together in harmony. #NoJusticeNoPeace4Eternity #EverybodyKnows

  17. In my experience there is no such thing as a "good cop". They're all as crooked as the day is long. They may follow the rules some of the time, but I guarantee that they all have the potential to be self serving and will "bend the law" when they want to and the rest of their gang will turn a blind eye. #Fuckyourthinblueline

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