How Ramy Youssef is changing the comedy game l Nightline

How Ramy Youssef is changing the comedy game l Nightline

Youssef and his best friend, Steve Way, are shining a light on stories like theirs; the two discussed their Hulu series, “Ramy,” and a brand new HBO special that they’re working on.

Ramy Youssef uses comedy to ‘disrupt the context’ of minority stories with his best friend at his side

#Nightline #Ramy #Youssef #TV #ABCNews


32 thoughts on “How Ramy Youssef is changing the comedy game l Nightline

  1. Love both the show and person, Ramy. Seems like a kind-hearted person alongside Steve. As a Muslim, this is what we’re about. Go watch season 1 and 2 of Ramy, it’s great!

  2. Love Ramy 💜

  3. When Ramy dreams of Bin Ladin in his house, eating strawberries and cream at the dinner table? My girl and I agreed, after watching that particular scene, that is was some of the best theatre we had ever seen.
    Mysterious and ghostly and very sad. Well done people.


  4. I love Ramy, but why no one is mentioning the Father on the show Amr Waked he’s a great actor and very famous in the Middle East

  5. That's really sweet 😇❤

  6. he was not on Mr. Robot… That's Rami Malek not Ramy Youssef… Clearly you guys didn't research 😩

  7. I have muscular dystrophy. I’m thankful to Allah I don’t look like that

  8. People who go to ABC for news are like ppl who go to Cheetos for nutrition. I’m sure there is some……

  9. Lmao all of you fools crying about how he ain't funny: Go somewhere else then lmao. Can't your brains figure out how to do that? He isn't the only comedian on the planet you know! Quit your whining from your pathetic lives and watch another comedian. Thanks.

  10. "Straighten the lines" 😂😂😂 i went through that

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