How did a planes engine fall apart minutes into a flight from Denver? | Nightline

How did a planes engine fall apart minutes into a flight from Denver? | Nightline

A United flight bound for Hawaii had 231 passengers on it when some saw an engine breaking apart outside their window. The NTSB says there was evidence of metal fatigue.



#Nightline #Plane #Engine #Flight #NTSB #UnitedAirlines


43 thoughts on “How did a planes engine fall apart minutes into a flight from Denver? | Nightline

  1. Some advice from me, an aerospace engineer; a plane can quite easily fly with half of its engines offline. Besides, after the first bang, if you have enough time to think 'damn I'm still alive' then you're safe. You die immediately because of the depressurization, because of an explosion due to the kerosine or because a fanblade or debris shot through the engine and into one fuselage and one of the passengers.
    And for the pilotes it's not thaaaat tricky either. They just suddenly start turning more towards one side and banking after which they immediatelly realize what happend. And of course all the sensors in the cockpit and stuff. It's just as if your plane continuously wants to go right instead of going straight.
    And for my fearful non-flying chickens. Aircraft are safer than cars in many aspects. There is less deaths /km and pretty sure also /trip. It's just that WHEN a crash happens, there's quite a lot of casualties and it's immediatelly big news. Just listen to what the guy in the video said; last major accident in 2009. We engineers have a saying, an engineer can't 'hope', he must 'know', because if you 'hope' that a plane will fly, then it means that you're not sure. And if the engineer is not sure damn… That's why so much testing is performed and lots of safety margins are accounted for.

  2. "If it's safe to fly" not like we've been doing it for the past several decades one accident doesn't render flying impossible it's like saying is it safe to drive after one car accident + engine failure isn't even a big deal

  3. Im pretty sure a single engine failure is a pretty common thing. In this case it wasnt just a failure but a destruction. had it not been for that and the possible fire it prob wouldnt of been too worrying for the pilot

  4. My mom took a plane out to Indiana on the same week that this happened and I am afraid to fly, and she is too, but she will occasionally fly. I hadn't heard if she had landed yet when I saw that this plane experienced engine failure and it scared the Hell out of me before I figured out that this flight was from Denver to Hawaii.

  5. Did they pay for the truck ? 🛻

  6. Instesd of people saying it broke in a way that wasnt intended during creation they should be questioning the maintainance history of the plane. Its a common thing for pieces to break and crack due to overall use evetything does but its part of the constant maintainance to identify and prevent these problems occuring during use. Thats why if even a small crack is noticed the part is instantly replaced even if it causes the plane to miss dead lines.

  7. This wasn’t a news report this was a family advert

  8. Sadly these stories will continue to pop up. All the airplanes have been sitting still for many months and years now, and have not been checked since their last flights before the pandemic. So crew assume everything is okay, but in fact isn't. Commercial planes are ment no be in flight pretty much all the time, not to sit on the ground for so long they've been now.

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