How critical was it to have Kyle Rittenhouse testify in his own defense?

How critical was it to have Kyle Rittenhouse testify in his own defense?

Mark Richards, the attorney who defended Kyle Rittenhouse, joins “GMA” to discuss the trial and the verdict.

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43 thoughts on “How critical was it to have Kyle Rittenhouse testify in his own defense?

  1. The mob always cares about feelings. That is all it is. A burning, ball of feelings destroying everything in its path.

    Did Kyle have regrets? 🤣 Only an emotional idiot would think that matters. Of course he did.

  2. “It sends the unacceptable message that an armed civilian can show up in any town, incite violence then use the danger they created shooting people in the streets” Meanwhile… Hundreds of riots occur, people murdered, buildings burnt down, stores looted, guns a blazing He just publicly denounced exactly what they and everyone else in those riots were doing…. 🤡 ‘Mostly peaceful protest’ can only be occur in liberal cities Even when they included violence.

  3. Liberals love and Defend Child Molesters, Rapists, and Criminals who Abuse Women….Rittenhouse was acquitted in the self-defense shooting of 3 white criminal leftwing activists who attempted to murder him. Two of the activists died, one was a 5-time convicted child rapist and the other convicted on multiple counts of domestic abuse and violence against women. A third criminal assailant, affiliated with the Marxist Our Revolution organization, was illegally in possession of a hand gun after being convicted on a firearms charge, which he pointed at the victim's head and was shot in self-defense.

  4. I believe if Kyle didn't testify, he would have been convicted. Whenever you plead self-defense, you need to tell the jury your side the story personally. The jury will never believe your version of the events if you aren't willing to explain it on the stand.

  5. This a propaganda plot to get rid of 2nd amendment rights. Bare arms. This brother was just another sacrifice for the powers that be over white and black to be distracted. Wake up. Insurance companies, banks, military. Oligarchy, monarchy, Catholic church. Wake u. This is an international plot black folks. Plots like this are almost predictable. Trade wars, ai, international security. The arms have to go according to them.

  6. Re 2:41, it’s crazy that Kyle’s failure of a mother said Kyle would do everything the same if given the option — he’d choose to go into a riot as a vigilante with an AR15, after curfew at age 17, engaging with the crowd, acting the same way, kiIIing and maiming ppl. 🤯 Her comment speaks volumes. At least Richards has the common sense to say Kyle wouldn’t go. Hopefully Kyle buys a mansion far away from her. His chance to rehabilitate is gone but he’ll become a great grifter.

  7. Not exactly a clean history. First he illegally purchased the weapon he used to kill 2 people. He drove there without license. Finally, there is a video of Rittenhouse punching a girl in the head weeks before the riot. Yes, he had as much as a right as anyone to be there, just not with an AR15 strapped to his chest. That is insanity. Now the black panthers are protesting at the Arbery trial with AR15s. Is the slope we really want to be on?? If Rittenhouse hadn’t illegally purchased that weapon, NO ONE dies in the Kenosha protests.

  8. ABC should go ask hubers brother who he beat and held a knife to his throat. Or maybe his sister who he kicked. Huber like Rosenbaum was a bad person. Funny that all 4 ppl that attacked Kyle were felons. While Kyle had ZERO criminal record. Goes to show u the type of ppl who riot and loot. I can support Blm but not until they disavow the violent rioting in its name

  9. Feds still retry him hes minor high powered gun who bought his gun? ATF needs file hold nut job accountable . Hes violsted gun laws federal laws guns laws feds will try him states failed in trump town

  10. Yes, it is the person asked to be there to help protect the community who should feel regret 🙄. Not all the domestic terrorists out that night smashing, looting & burning the community 🤦🏻‍♀️ What world do these morons live in?

  11. Thank you for defending Kyle and giving the good guys hope. There is true and transparent justice still in America 🇺🇸 we need to fight for that and hold true.

  12. “The justifications of men who kill should always be heard with skepticism.”

  13. Beware of Dave Hancock. The Rittenhouse’s “advisers/spokesperson” he does not have Kyle best interest in mind.

  14. And as we all know this has nothing to do with race and nothing but a false narrative by corrupt media.

    The media has tried to create a false race war including falsely labelling people right wing or white supremacist because they were/are trying to make the last administration look bad.

    Let us not forget this is a class war disguised as a race war, as long as we fight each other we aren't focused on the perverted 'elites' are getting away with and they know this and laugh at our foolishness.

    Democrats incited violence by bailing out violent ANTIFA members who had nothing to do with BLM, instead they were just anarchists trying to tear down the nation to fuel their twisted ideology.

    That night Kyle took down two child rapists and I think we can all be united in the fact that at least this was one positive outcome for society.

  15. Geeze I didn't know the whole story about Jacob Blake. That guy is an idiot and I'm kinda glad he survived because he deserves what he got . Everybody is screaming about Kyle killing two men who also got what they asked for when they should all be wishing that our law enforcement officers had as much self control with their trigger fingers as Kyle does. perhaps he should be hired to train cops instead of being offered jobs as a congressional intern . All you criminals should change your tune and show Kyle some respect . BTW I am a white woman 🙄

  16. People are so short sighted. Now that the trial is over will Kyle have to live his life in fear, changing his hair color and change his name? Will he need a gun at all times to protect himself where ever he goes? How is that winning? That's a life I would not want to live. His actions comes with a price.

  17. Amazing when all sides are spoken out and what can come out of it. Amazing what hapens when people actually speak out. And amazing that all of us wish we can change something we did and that is humannature to not make the best choices and thats okay, but what is also okay is to protect yourself with what the law gives you. It's okay to be sorry to make mistakes, NOT okay to have to say sorry and take the fall and blame for protecting yourself and others due to others going beyond the line themselves.

  18. Yes Bullies and Your Buddies be on Notice. The Next time Bullies and there Buddies attack and try to "BEAT" to death someone that someone YOU and Your Bully Buddies are "ATTACKING" might have a "CONCEAL CARRY PERMIT" and "SHOOT" You and Your "BULLY" Buddies in "SELF DEFENSE"!

  19. Gaige Grosskreutz should be charged with Attempted Murder. When someone tries to rob a bank and fails they still get charged with Atempt. With the video evidence, Gaige s admission and the jury finding self defense, even Binger could win.

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