How COVID-19 causes loss of smell

How COVID-19 causes loss of smell

During the pandemic, many who’ve contracted COVID-19 have experienced this symptom.


45 thoughts on “How COVID-19 causes loss of smell

  1. Myself and 8 year old son caught it on the 28th of December I can smell 10% and he can’t smell anything it sucks but I would rather his came back then mine. I’ve been consumed in research mostly from other countries because every dr I call tells me it takes time 😩

  2. I had COVID in December 2020, still can’t fully smell. I can smell sometimes, usually strong odors. My taste is about 50% from prior to COVID. I can taste sweet but not the flavors; for example, all ice cream taste the same—sweet. I have tried essential oils, aromatherapy, steaming…I saw a comment above taking Zinc for 3 days to get smell back. Gonna try that. 🙏🏼. No clue what to do for taste. I guess if you have to lose 2 senses, taste and smell is a lot better than sight and sound. 😊

  3. The great human clean-up program is going on steadily. We have stored enough Covid-19 in the laboratory to gradually spread the virus around the world. Our goal is to reduce the number of human beings to 75% at present, which is beneficial to the health of the earth and the construction of a new world

  4. I lost my smell and taste about a year ago when COVID started and still haven’t recovered it what can I do?

  5. The 1990s card game that ‘predicted’ 9/11, Donald Trump, Covid and the Capitol riot. Illuminati: New World Order continues to attract conspiracy theorists 27 years after its launch for its …The only scientists that are right are those who believe COVID-19 is the work of an international and inter-galactic conspiracy! Every government official and every esteemed medical

  6. Over a year later and I’m just now regaining my sense of smell back. Certain scents remain muted, but slowly I am smelling things again.

  7. I was EXTREMELY tired for two weeks. Had NO appetite (I lost nearly 15 lbs), and lost my sense of smell and taste completely. But no chest symptoms (coughing , breathing) at all. What a strange virus. It has so many different symptoms, and affects people in so many different ways. Some don’t even know they had it (my son), whilst others unfortunately pass away.

  8. I had Covid last year right about this time. I still cannot taste/smell. It is horrifying. I hate to try to cook, as for me, that involves tasting. Had a small electrical fire in home a few weeks ago, couldn't smell it.

  9. I loved crazy conspiracy theories growing up as a kid and I haven't gotten one jab and doing just fine and these assholes think I'll jab myself 4 times lmao, get fucked. Their blackmailing and programming isn't going to keep working on these sheep forever, it's been hard trying to warn people when your mental health is going down hill because we see evil everywhere, everyone just trying to do the right thing but it's time to start questioning everything people, wake up.

  10. Wow thanks for educating me, oh benevolent ABC News 'expert'. I learned this in Grade 3 science.
    This same thing happens when you have cold and flu as well, or you are suffering from other nasal conditions due to air pollution, irritants, contaminants, mold/mildew and allergies

  11. I was EXTREMELY tired for two weeks. Had NO appetite (I lost nearly 15 lbs), and lost my sense of smell and taste completely. But no chest symptoms (coughing , breathing) at all. What a strange virus. It has so many different symptoms, and affects people in so many different ways. Some don’t even know they had it (my son), whilst others unfortunately pass away.

  12. I had Covid last year right about this time. I still cannot taste/smell. It is horrifying. I hate to try to cook, as for me, that involves tasting. Had a small electrical fire in home a few weeks ago, couldn't smell it.

  13. Lost my (normal) sense of smell (and taste} over a year before Covid began. Had strong odor sensations called "phantosmia". Blood tests, CT scan, MRI – all normal. Nothing helped, except time. Have recovered about half of those senses. Life is strange!

  14. I was EXTREMELY tired for two weeks. Had NO appetite (I lost nearly 15 lbs), and lost my sense of smell and taste completely. But no chest symptoms (coughing , breathing) at all. What a strange virus. It has so many different symptoms, and affects people in so many different ways. Some don’t even know they had it (my son), whilst others unfortunately pass away.

  15. The only symptoms I had was chills, body aches and a head ache. Then days later couldn’t smell or taste. It’s been a week and I can only smell a tiny bit and taste a little also.

  16. Lost my (normal) sense of smell (and taste} over a year before Covid began. Had strong odor sensations called "phantosmia". Blood tests, CT scan, MRI – all normal. Nothing helped, except time. Have recovered about half of those senses. Life is strange!

  17. The only symptoms I had was chills, body aches and a head ache. Then days later couldn’t smell or taste. It’s been a week and I can only smell a tiny bit and taste a little also.

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  19. I was EXTREMELY tired for two weeks. Had NO appetite (I lost nearly 15 lbs), and lost my sense of smell and taste completely. But no chest symptoms (coughing , breathing) at all. What a strange virus. It has so many different symptoms, and affects people in so many different ways. Some don’t even know they had it (my son), whilst others unfortunately pass away.

  20. Lost my taste/smell for nine days (with what i believe was the omicron variant), started 2 days after my first symptoms. I was so depressed over it and then out of nowhere lots of pressure and throbbing from my nose. Slowly, I began to smell a smoky scent, on and off. Then the smell of blood was a fun 2 day journey. I think most of it has returned but I still struggle to know if it's my 2 month recovering septoplasty having issues or the covid lingering. Also worry the blood thing was my brain bleeding and there's damage I don't know about 😔

  21. My covid related anosmia recovered after nearly 10 months, and even after I recovered, I was experiencing phantosmia and parosmia which took a while to disappear. To date, my sense of smell I’d say has only returned 80%. I couldn’t smell things as strongly as I used to pre covid.

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