How COVID-19 and lagging vaccination rates could impact fall sports – Car Mod Pros Portal

Student athletes speak out about their concerns and a Texas football coach discusses the challenges of the pandemic.


By carmodpros


30 thoughts on “How COVID-19 and lagging vaccination rates could impact fall sports”
  1. All lies. Pushback against all restrictions. Live in disregard to all your government fear policies….. And DO NOT take the vaccine, it is causing the variants.

  2. Wow. I can’t get the vaccine because I’m too young but wow. If you are able to get the vaccine then get it! It won’t effect you in any bad way. It will make this whole situation better. Please help everybody. And help yourself by getting the vaccine.

  3. I’m grinding for my scholarship regardless🤣😂

    Shiii don’t matter y’all can solve that problem that’s what governments for🤣

  4. Here they go. Blame it on the true patriots. Their agenda is to live backwards 💯💯

  5. Get your nanobots shot with range booster and software updates. Then continue putting your muzzle when outdoors and indoors.

  6. Hello everyone! Please come to God and follow him. He promises that if we repent and be baptized and follow him by the Bible, doing his will, and putting our faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, we will be saved. He loves us so much but we sin and it destroys us. But God still offers us salvation. Sin can hurt us and can cause so many problems that we have today, but God offers to give us peace and love and even everlasting life in Heaven, if we follow him. Try it. See for yourself. Pray to him and honestly seek him. Find a church that really goes by the Bible, and you can see that true Christians are like a loving family. God is Good and cares for us and if we come to him, he will show us his love. I hope you will honestly consider this, it's the only choice that really matters eternally. May God bless you and lead you in the truth of his Love!🙂

  7. All 50 states have Republicans that refuse to get vaccinated. The orange sociopathic clown told us that COVID was a farce cooked up by the Democrats. That's who they put their faith in.

  8. The CDC administration met many times behind closed doors, and it was leaked in those meetings they discussed how it would all work out to their benefit many conservatives won't get vaccinated, in hopes many will die, and deal major blows to their voter base.  Dead people can't  vote…

  9. Do we disobey God and give into the fear and trust in what man says will keep us safe?

    But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
    2 Timothy 3:13

    The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: What can man do unto me?
    Psalm 118:6

    For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
    Matthew 16:25

    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
    2 Timothy 1:7

    And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.
    1 John 5:19

  10. they wont report on hunter biden having intercourse with his dead brothers wifes children or his admission to being deimos but they will shout up a wall about made up propaganda pieces – they think it makes them look good!! haha!!

  11. The Check Off List:

    · Create a name for a broad range of non-specific symptoms ✔

    · Call it "covid-19" ✔

    · Diagnose people with unvalidated tests to get "confirmed cases" ✔

    · Bombard 7.9 billion people with fear 24/7 based on these "cases" and "deaths" ✔

    · Use those numbers to convince the average person that "covid" and "the virus" must be real. Look at the numbers! ✔

    · Encourage everyone to get tested like never before to keep the numbers up ✔

    · Use sensationalized words like "soar" "surge" "spike" and "skyrocket" as frequently as possible ✔

    · Remember the motto. Fear, fear, and more fear! Works every time. ✔

    · Keep people in a sustained state of fear & stress on a mass scale to actually make them sick ✔

    · Control the flow of information by establishing the "official story" as the one sole truth and censor anything outside of that ✔

    · Refuse and prohibit open debate in the scientific community ✔

    · Ignore the complete lack of the scientific method being used in virology ✔

    · Disregard the fact that virologists never purified out a "virus" from anyone ✔

    · Remember. Koch's postulates don't apply to viruses. Viruses are made up anyway. We make the rules ✔

    · If confronted, simply laugh and say "of course there's a virus" or "we trust the science" ✔

    · Promote well meaning compassionate labels such as "anti-maskers", "anti-vaxxers", "conspiracy-theorists" and "science denier" ✔

    · Remember. Nature is the enemy. Natural is bad ✔

    · Create "the need for a vaccine" by discrediting any other health remedies. Vaccines are the only hope for humanity ✔

    · Do not. Repeat. Do Not talk about healthy lifestyles, diet, exercise, stress minimization, or anything to that affair. It's pseudoscience ✔

    · Get the injection into as many people as quickly as possible before they see through the BS ✔

    · Use every available resource, including Morgan Freeman, to incentivize and coerce people to get the injection ✔

    · Repeat, vaccines are safe and effective, regardless of any information that contradicts that ✔

    · Repeat, covid vaccines are not experimental, even though the NIH says they're experimental ✔

    · Encourage a mob-like mentality through fear of the "unvaccinated". Remember, natural is bad ✔

    · Find new and improved ways to convince people that "anti-science" "anti-vaccine" people are jeopardizing their grandma's health ✔

    · Indian variant, delta variant, bravo variant. Keep em comin'! ✔ ✔ ✔

    ·Always. Use fear and lack of understanding to your advantage ✔

    · Divide and conquer ✔

  12. ABC news: All But Communists News. Don’t like what we have to say? You must not like truth. You must be one of the bourgeoisie

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