How coronavirus has changed the USNS Comfort mission in New York

How coronavirus has changed the USNS Comfort mission in New York

Patrick Amershbach, commanding officer and captain, discussed how the mission to treat up to 1,000 non-COVID cases has changed to treating up to 500 patients with the coronavirus.

#Pandemic #Coronavirus #USNS


24 thoughts on “How coronavirus has changed the USNS Comfort mission in New York

  1. Death made in China 🙏🙏👍👍🥊🥊

  2. USNS Comfort, fighting the good fight!! Give it hell, Navy! 🇺🇲🍻🇺🇲

  3. God’s blessings upon all you frontline workers n fast recovery to all the patients. Just pray people we will get through this.

  4. It takes courage for them to do this. Honor. 👍

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