How contact tracing works and what it could mean for getting back to normal

How contact tracing works and what it could mean for getting back to normal

Dr. Emily Gurley, an infectious disease epidemiologist, explains contact tracing and how its done.

#Pandemic #ContactTracing #DrEmilyGurley


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42 thoughts on “How contact tracing works and what it could mean for getting back to normal

  1. Small businesses are being destroyed by using “outbreak” and “ground zero” as the reason all around the world! And these seemingly lovely “humans” are propagating the continued insanity. CDC, Name and Shame.

  2. For example let’s base this on a 2 week window. If I was a part of a small gym class and attended on a daily basis, and I also went to Costco twice, Fortinos 4 times, Shoppers 3 times, visited family every other day, had a hospital visit for my cancer screening, went to a bar after work 10 times, and work construction 6 days a week. Apply the similar metrics to every other person attending the gym. How would one determine with absolute scientific certainty that this gym was “ground zero”? And if you cannot, then is it not gross negligence to blame a small business for an “outbreak”?

  3. This is absolute plandemic garbage! I’ve been looking for weeks to find an explanation of “How contact tracing works” I Can’t find the metrics.

  4. What a load of paranoia on this page! This is a simple phone, totally voluntary, that gives people information, sees if they need any assistance (food delivered, cleaning supplies, medical care, etc) to stay in isolation or quarantine. You are asked where you went and who you contacted – which obviously is totally voluntary – so that people who may be infected can be contacted themselves. Cases are offered information and asked for information. Public Health staff are trying to slow the epidemic down. If someone refuses to talk, that's the end of it. I think many of you are reading a lot of political craziness into this. Contact tracing for different diseases has gone on for years.

  5. LIES. YAmericans dutifully stand in their circle, wear their muzzles and follow the arrows, there were hundreds of thousands protesting this COVID bs and the attack on our freedom…in Berlin as RFK jr spoke and as David Icke Spoke in Newtherlands, similar….wth America, as Bob said so perfectly, "GET UP STAND UP, stand up for your rights." Or else we will be chipped, force vaccinated and our thoughts will no longer be our own. I will not consent, I will not comply, I will not become a robot….or transhuman as these sick fkrs call it. Give me liberty or give me death. WAKE UP. I am so flipping sick of the blind ignorance and lack of critical thinking; it's like people have already become similar to a show I grew up on, "The Stepford Wives". It's happening so quickly and yet people walk around with their masks and gloves thinking they are trying to protect us from some plague. I just can't take sheep anymore. Also, you should really stop using the words conspiracy theory, it shows your sheer ignorance and stupidity. Lastly, those of us who don't rely on peddlers of misinformation like you and the MSM but do their own work and thinking know that IT TRULY IS A CONSPIRACY , IT"S JUST NO LONGER A THEORY you dumb, fk.OU ARE A SICK PERSON & you do it all with a smile.

  6. Go to 👿. You're not taking our DNA, souls or rights to sell back to us.

  7. Why would you need contact tracing? If your sick you go to the doctors. What a load of bullshit. Remember 0.001% death rate and 99.9% survival rate.

    Why not contact tracing people who have aids, hiv, or std? This is a whole lotta bullshit if you ask me. 35 million people are infected in the world globally and it’s way more contagious than corona hoax. Hiv is transmitted through bodily fluids, needles, and sexual intercourse. There is still no cure for aids yet we all manage it. Coronavirus? You guessed it, no way of transmission. Lol. It’s only a flu guys. Wake the hell up.

  8. I love the way they say this is nothing new lol 😂
    Keeping track of a few sex partners, is not the same as keeping track of everyone you were around in Wal-Mart 😂
    Communist always sound so cheerful in the first stages of a take over 🤗

  9. I'm amazed these people on tv are willing to put their faces on pushing something like this. I mean, we know who they are? They might as well come on and say they are a part of ISIS. Do these people need that paycheck that bad? Are they that brainless?

  10. No we fucking dont need to do it to go back to normal life bitch. If we want to go “back to normal life” get rid of the psychopathic politicians wanting to force people to shutdown their business, Trace people and wear masks. Fauci even said it himself that masks even work too.

  11. “And that’s how democracy dies” (remember Patriot Act, 20 years later it’s still here and kicking)

  12. Android phone: go to Settings, next: Google-settings. Under SERVICES: COVID-19 Exposure Notifications. For now, seems you need to download a government public health authority app, based on region you live in. It says that bluetooth location scans for bluetooth signals, that it DOES NOT track your location…BUT::google locator is always on, and Google maps track your movement information….and stores its history. Within last 2 weeks, via the locator function my cellphone, sent me survey about my visit to specific retailers! I think they're certain retailers who use bluetooth to trace customer visits, since I don't get messages from each one I'd visited. Personally found this disturbing. Maybe some of you have experienced this, before, my 1st time. May have something to do with latest phone update..seems to happen more frequently..

  13. F….U this is about Nazis controlling the public. If people don’t catch on to what this Covid has really been about, we will all lose our Freedom. It is the Communist UN Agenda “ New World Order”. If they call you tell them to F-Off this is your privacy, and the number of deaths do not warrant this invasion of privacy. I will not participate in any form. F…U. F….U. They want to hire more Nazis. If you do contact tracing you have become a Nazi.

  14. That all sounds great until a lawyer gets infected, incurs a loss whether it is financial or god forbid a loved one and then they sue and request for files to be open. Then that person who may or may not have infected that person is taken to court and sued. It sounds like utopia but sometimes we should think things through.

  15. What’s the over/under on a false flag contact tracer “incident” in an attempt to disarm the public?

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