How climate change threatens sequoia trees

How climate change threatens sequoia trees

Naturally fire-adaptive sequoia trees are facing a threat.


9 thoughts on “How climate change threatens sequoia trees

  1. lets revers climate change in our life time!!!
    we are the human race we can do better than slowing the speed of climate change.. if we dump carbon in wet environments at convergent plate boundary's the carbon will not rot back to the atmosphere.. so if we dump our plastic and other carbon trash into the gulf of Carpentaria (Australia)the Caribbean sea or the Mediterranean sea , we could build land into the sea. if we grow and bulldoze a forest that collect carbon and dump it into the sea that carbon is GONE!!! if we regrow the forest and do it again, 2 forests are now under the sea.. the same land can dump more and more carbon and make land at the same time. we just have to dump more carbon than we emit and we can burn coal and make coal faster..

  2. Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine warmthh.Online Brünette und eine anderen Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  3. It's sad when YouTube's context boxes which have little to do with the video provide a better description than the uploader of said video 🤦

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