How climate change and forest management make wildfires harder to contain l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Wildfires in California, Oregon and Washington are some of the biggest on record, and experts said a combination of factors could continue to make them more frequent.

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#ABCNews #ClimateChange #Examined #Environment #Wildfires #Forests #California #Oregon #Washington


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “How climate change and forest management make wildfires harder to contain l ABC News”
  1. I'm also getting sick of the "climate change" bullshit. We don't have an excess of CO2 at all. The "climate change" or "global warming" narrative is political and a boldface lie. Newsom and Biden lied to you and said global warming was causing the fires last year. You would have to be a complete idiot to believe that.

    (Especially after they caught several arsonists, in the news!)

    Any firefighter could tell you, for wood to spontaneously combust (catch fire without a flame), the temperature has to be extremely hot… over 600 degrees Celsius or over 1,100 Farenheit.

    So then, why is Biden saying on his campaign that climate change is the cause of the 2020 fires, and calling Trump a “science denier”? And are the trees winning the battle against too much CO2 coming from the industries?

    You have 3 trillion trees on Earth. Each one consumes 48 pounds of CO2 annually. So times 3 trillion… so that's more like 144,000,000,000 lbs of CO2 that trees can process each year… so really, the trees are winning the battle by 22 TRILLION POUNDS of CO2 processed. Because global industry, automobiles, etc only put out about 122 trillion pounds of CO2. (144 – 122 = 22) We do NOT have an excess CO2 problem.

    Furthermore, if the "oceans are rising" as they say, then WHY do Biden, Obama, and other political leaders own beachfront properties? Won't their homes be underwater in 5 years? If the ice caps were melting and the sea levels rising, there would be NO BANK that would give a loan to buy beachfront homes. And yet, your hypocritical leaders want YOU to be angry about this fake invisible enemy.

    By the way, CO2 is plant food. You kind of need it for life on Earth. I expose the lie with some basic math, and the Worldwide Resource Institute in my video below… wow, real SCIENCE !!! Not Biden bullshit. (Biden literally said in his campaign that if you vote for him, there will be less natural disasters.)


  2. Data from the National Interagency Fire Center shows a trend to fewer fires a year and total acerage burned in the USA per year is low compared to past history.

  3. Your Morning Moo Woo by grass root cereal killers

    Climate = 30 yrs of flash floods + 30 yrs of flash fire droughts + 30 yrs of flash mobs

    Zoonotic = 23 billion chickens + 1 sneeze

    Neurdotic = 4% of mammals wild + 4% of energy renewable

    10 years cutting air pollution in China raised global north temps 0.1 °C

    Europe burns 80% of all cargo wood pellets for "renewable" electricity

    It takes tree plantations 30 years to recoup 10% of their carbon offset

    Wildfire suppression cannot be scaled up for future wildfire scenarios

    The F-35 fighter jet works 10% of time

    Offshore wind will not stop runaway hothouse earth

    Canada hosts 75% of all mining outfits and owns 50% of all mines

    Europe burns 80% of its recycled plastic and paper for "recycled" electricity

    Micro plastic becomes nano plastic and solar panels can't be recycled

    Petro chemical use grows 7X faster than our population

    Combustion nano magnets cause dementia in youth

    Europe burns 50% of its cargo ship palm oil in cars & trucks for "biofuel"

    Brake and tire nano particles attach to nano plastics to attack organs like your brain, unborn children

    Chloro fluoro forever gases are helping to destroy our sex and thought functions while destroying sun protection

    Our food crops are genetically redesigned to survive poisons that kill everything else and destroy tropical forests & soils

    2020 : Greenhouse gases up 45% in 30 years

    2020 : Fossil fuels 80% of global energy for 30 years

    2020 : 4% of global energy is renewable after 30 years trying

    2020 : Electricity is 20% of total global energy

    2020 : 2% of global energy is solar and wind after 20 years trying

    2020 : Oncoming water stress threatens 50% of thermal power capacity

    2025 : 66% of the globe will live in water stressed areas

    2030 : Runaway hothouse mass extinction starts at 1.5 °C

    2020 : Emissions must go down 50% in 10 years to stay under 1.5 °C

    2040 : 15% of global energy will be renewable

    2050 : 28% of global energy will be renewable

    Oh Canada – James Hansen May 7, 2020

    receipts at Loki's Revenge – now rated PG13 – that stuff about the petting zoo isn't true


    Do you think you are born again just because you go to a church? Not all churches declare the Truth. On the contrary, your church could be a completely worldly church. For your own soul, you must come out of the churches that use the Bible but do not declare the Truth and speak lies differing from the bible. Hear what the Spirit of Truth says to the churches and receive the eternal gospel!!!

  5. Everyone these staged Fires are going as PLANNED: Agenda 21 ,Everyone this is Simulated Reserve and Corridor System to Protect Biodiversity Agenda look up Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 !!! One of the methods the elites used is they will set the forest near to these homes on fire then have law enforcement tell you you have to evacuate then have their special freemason firefighters go to the abandoned homes and set them on fire, agenda 21 is fully in motion !!!

  6. 🔥🔥🔥 At least 15 Democrats caught & arrested for arson on the west coast so far. California governor Newsom released prisoners and passed legislation allowing some of them to assist fire fighters. They are also setting the fires ? Dems want to destroy Trump’s economy. 🔥🔥🔥
    NOT Climate change. Democrat ARSONISTS !!! 🔥 🔥 🔥 Prisoner Banks arrested caught with cans of gasoline. 🌲

  7. It's going to get very very very cold this winter as earth moves farther away from the sun but as when next summer hits where going to get closer to the sun and it's going to be much worse then 2020. Our rotation of the earth and moon and sun are getting closer and farther away. We are either going to be slung out farther into space and freeze or end up so close to the sun that we burn. May I open your eyes? As you see now every country is at war for colonizing Mars. There is a reason for that and now you know the truth. As trump said about the Corona virus I played it down to not panic the people. what do you think the world would do knowing the very live that we have now will end in the next few years? Take this in for a min and open your eyes to the truth your not being told by our own Government. 💨🥶💨🥵💨☠🙏💯🤲

  8. Praying for all! Isaiah 13:6-13, " Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt: And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames. Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in His going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.  And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of His fierce anger. Nahum 1:3-8, "The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet. He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth. The mountains quake at Him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at His presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein. Who can stand before His indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of His anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by Him. The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him. But with an overrunning flood He will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue His enemies." Revelation 14:7, " Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." Isaiah to Malachi, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 1-22…..May God bless and keep you always!

  9. If we managed the forests properly I guarantee the fires will decrease but at this point California WANTS everything to burn so they can claim global warming is so real

  10. I might be old school, but why isn't the federal government converting aircraft to be water bombers?
    Bailed out airlines could each donate a couple of parked planes.

  11. Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 18 : 18 – 23

    Criminals South korean and USAmerican, They said …….

    From Continue


    Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 16 : 3 – 9
    This is what the LORD says about the children produced here, the mothers who gave birth to them, and the fathers who gave them birth! They die of severe illness, can't feel sad and can't get burial. In the den of Criminals, S. korea and USA.

    The "Bible" Ezekiel 21 : 5 – 22 : 31

    From Continue

    Bible (Scripture) ;

    John 1 : 1 – 5 ,
    Jeremiah 18 : 18 – 23 ,
    Jeremiah 17 : 18 ,
    Jeremiah 16 : 3 – 9 ,
    Jeremiah 15 : 20 – 21 ,
    Jeremiah 15 : 1 – 3 ,
    Jeremiah 13 : 13 – 18 /

    "Bible" said :

    Isaiah 33 : 4 – 6
    Isaiah 33 : 1
    Isaiah 32 : 1 – 8
    Isaiah 31 : 1 – 3
    Isaiah 30 : 33
    Isaiah 30 : 27 – 28
    Isaiah 30 : 9 – 14
    Isaiah 30 : 1 – 3
    Isaiah 29 : 21
    Isaiah 29 : 13 – 16

    Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 15 : 1 – 3

    The LORD said to me, I destroy Criminals South korean and USAmerican, more than Sodom and Gomorrah. More than crime of them. If Moses and Samuel stood before me but my heart cannot change it. Never Ever. Amen.


  12. From Continue/ In the den of criminals, South korea, 'Corona Virus 19' confirmed at KT in Gwang-hwa-mun and Sam-sung SDS in Jam-sil. Over 522 schools have been closed. 2020.07.02 news/ The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi
    South korea NIS staff, employing the common people, crime of 'Internet Activities " / news 국정원 직원, 일반 사람들을 고용하여 범죄의 '인터넷 활동' (뉴스) / From Coninue From Continue / Run away after killing father in the den of criminals, South korea 2020. 05. 24 news /
    Corona Virus 19 can killing a lot of people. Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) ….
    In the den of criminals South korea, Pastor 'Jeon, Kwang-hoon', president of the 'South korean Christian Federation' said 'Fucking GOD, I will kill you if you not follow to me.' January 30, 2020 news /
    "Moon Jae-in President of South korea, impeachment petition ' 2020.02.28 news/ The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals …… / From Continue/ In the den of criminals, South korea, KT · LGU+·Sam-sung SDS employees subsequently confirmed 'Corona Virus 19' 2020.07.02 news/ The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to
    'Moon Jae-in' president of South Korea <criminals who commits murder and abuse torture for 24-hour shifts to JESUS and his cognation under the National Security Law for Exclusive Abuse> said 'I was able to give pride and courage to the people by winning ..
    In the den of criminals, South korea, 'parasite' of 'Bong Joon-ho' is movie of plagiarized criminals. 2020.02.17 news/ At the 92nd Academy Awards, directors, screenplays, international feature films must be cancelled.
    Indian filmmakers sent a legal notice to South korean director 'Bong Joon-ho' about the plagiarism of the 'parasite' film 2020.02.20 news (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") ……. /
    'Mina Jang', South korean, has been working in the White House, Washington, USA by counterfeiting Harvard's academic Education and counterfeit time magazine. (One of the favorite crimes of ugly South koreans, Like American) 2019.11.13. news / South koreans
    <NIS, 'SNS control report' excommunication> Use "Celebrity · media all over the nation" Put concrete plans in criminal South korea and USAmerica (July 10, 2017)

    Check the Date of news in my tweet and facebook. / The killers of CNN and Hollywood and South korean entertainers and broadcasters are ruining and killing all countries. For cover the they crime and black money and serve the power man. /
    CNN restricting
    CNN said China culture can't follow to South korean entertainer. 2019.12.30. news / So, Ignorant, Stupid CNN ! Who is the Hollywood star of America, 'Bruce Lee'? / …
    South korean entertainers want China to end the “Han-Han-Ryung” (限韓令, 한류규제령) in China. 2019.12.25 news/ … No 2 Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill …. /
    Bill Clinton, you did rape and Home Destruction of Victims, begun before the your president. Don't think of politics by exploiting broadcasts and news, again. Broadcasters and criminal who are loyal to you and Hillary will punish the more brutally. With
    Brutally attack the 92nd Academy Awards! The 92nd Academy Awards will take place on February 9, 2020 at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, USA. It is an ugly feast held by the US and South Korean murderers of Satan and Devil) over the 26 years. They making
    – (News articles) related evidence 관련 증거 자료 (뉴스 기사들) ; The criminal South korea white list entertainer 'Lee ha-ni' father was criminal second deputy of NIS and mother is intangible cultural property (Dec 14, 2015 news) 이하늬 아버지 언급, 금수..
    How change CIA agency to murder agency?! (October 14, 2015 News) / Payment of 90 billion won for the development of 10 service torture skills for psychologists. Waste of blood tax (December 10, 2014 news) / US NSA, CIA and South Korea's NIS intervene in

  13. From / Coninue /

    Cause of the disaster, Murderers in South korea and the United States are deliberately committing a crime beyond imagination to JESUS and his servant Prophet Yi and his family by abusing the National Security Law and abuse of authority. For their crime concealment, the power and money of the crime. For over 27 years, they have been committing crimes with a 24-hour shift. (Criminals, Mang-Won) What can you do in this situation? by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )

    From and Continue
    South korea and United States are destroy by cruel punishment and all calamities and retaliation that are incomparable to Sodom and Gomorrah. The reason for the destruction is because of all the crimes that murderers of South korean and American have committed against JESUS and his servant, prophet Yi and Prophet Yi's family, for over 27 years. Even now. Amen. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Aug 30, 2020.

    Jay Leno, a murderer at NBC in the United States, has committed murderous murders on a 24-hour shift, along with South korean murderers, against to JESUS and JESUS' servant "Prophet Yi" and his family. 'Jay Leno' has robbed "JESUS servant Prophet Yi" and used it wickedly in the broadcast of his crimes. 'Jay Leno' has been making money for profit by committing a crime beyond imagination. Kill the vicious murderer 'Jay Leno' and his family and kill them cruelly in pain. Kill him in the pain of cruel massacre and abuse, incomparable to his crimes. Rob and destroy everything that he and his family is holding. The cause of all the calamities of punishment is Jay Leno's crime. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Sep 15, 2020 They are well aware of the incident of this crime. Of course. About the 'National Security Law's Crime Broadcasting' and crimes that began in 1993 and 1994. Watching JESUS servant "Prophet Yi" 24 hours a day for a crime, they knows where the calamity of punishment comes from.

    He doesn't want panic.
    So he keeps committing the same crimes with the same criminals. Only for the sake of concealing the crime and the benefit of the crime.
    He knew that the people die more cruelly by punishment of GOD. And he knew that the country is destroying more cruelly than Sodom and Gomorrah. He said that the calamity of God's punishment will soon pass again.

    The abomination of lies is accompanied by more cruel punishment.

    Murderers in the United States and South korea die by they crimes in pain. More than they crimes. They doing crime committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families.

    Murderers in the United States and South korea die in divine punishment according to the crimes committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families.

    Not only South Korea and the United States, but also the criminals of all countries who have been committed to committing crimes even though they know the truth are also destroyed in cruel pains and abused to die.

    Not even compared to their crimes.
    24 hours a day without rest or equality.

    Make public and punish criminals of murder and massacre in South korea and United States. Punish them (Mang Won) so that they are incomparable to the crimes that have been committed against to "JESUS" and "Prophet Yi" and his families for over 27 years. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Aug 25, 2020

  14. It all started with some firefighters getting into trouble. So supposedly the federal government took over and stopped controlled burning. It took thousands of jobs away from the American people. Why ? 🤔 Now our beautiful states are burning alive 😢😭🙏

  15. Trump mention Forest management not even a day later media makes a video, saying the exact opposite of what he was suggesting SMH news should not be bias.

  16. It's not climate change. If you leave the peaceful Rastafarians with the way the Worship, leave there Marijuana alone. They will leave you alone. Stop taking their weed, they will stop fires.

  17. The media is one of the most successful ad campaigns for the corporate agenda. The media, government, and corporations have been found to be working together against you.

  18. Climate change isn't real! The Earths climate is changing every second of the day, the wildfires didnt start because of the weather, they started because someone caused the fire!

  19. Father Lord God YHWH of Israel, Omnipotent One, Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, Alpha and Omega, World Without End, please sent the Rains to Drench the Fires in California.

    Sent your mighty Host of Angels to help put out the fire. Hang on America, please don't Despair, don't lose hope, don't give up. God is for you and He will never leave nor forsake you.

    NB : Humble yourself and pray that God will hear from Heaven and Heal your Broken Land.

  20. You have to clean up the forest from dead trees the regulations are so bad they wont clean the forest anymore and now this is what we get when you get heat waves.Also lets not mention all the fires started from failing power grid.West coast is a mess instead of taking care of the problem they just have people just talking about it and climate change and not taking action and cleaning up the forests and doing controlled burns.

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