How Asian American Businesses Were Hit Hard During Pandemic | NBC News NOW

How Asian American Businesses Were Hit Hard During Pandemic | NBC News NOW

NBC News’ Dominic Chu breaks down Asian unemployment surges and how Asian American businesses were hit hard during the pandemic.
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#AmericanBusinesses #Unemployment #NBCNews

How Asian American Businesses Were Hit Hard During Pandemic | NBC News NOW


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18 thoughts on “How Asian American Businesses Were Hit Hard During Pandemic | NBC News NOW

  1. Haha asian can't take freedom of speech ? Hey that's not very american btw 😂

  2. This guy crazy pls. Stop hate asian people.. our God. Will get mad.. god is watching us.. and the black American stop hate asian. We are both people who lives I Earth.. god is create us only.. Our God is coming down to earth again.. pls.. let's spread love and peace🙏🙏😘 I'm asian woman too watching from Manila Philippines🇵🇭

  3. B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's — L—o—V—e—S—e-X——— .❤️⤵️ PRIVATE SNAP :

    !❤️在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候

  4. \\ GOOD NEWS for MILLIONS INFECTED BY CORONA IN 85 COUNTRIES //// Un supported study of neglected scientific rate of CORONA DEATHS RATES of THOSE DIAGNOSED, CDR, often inflicted via vaccines-refusals, delayed or NON-CURABLE ABILITY of vaccines. CDR are daily reported to WHO-JHU by thousands of dedicated Medical Doctors, Nurses and Health workers in more than 100 countries.

    A. Our study first splits CDR-TIME-TRENDS into LOW vs. HIGH CDR-COUNTRIES. UNKNOWN NEW REGULATORY is REVEALED by reordering and time-rate-comparing CDR of ~85 COUNTRIES. AS WE ENTER SPRING, KEY RESULTS ARE: 80 of 85 countries are CDR-trending DOWN (marked *) AND STAY SAME (marked "). Only 5 Countries, (marked (**), are UPRATED because during last 2 DAYS their CDR went up, EVEN IF CDR TRENDED DOWN BEFORE.. More in my books at Amazon, 'in', U-tube (10-MILLION plus GOOGLE CITATIONS). Results compacted under 'in' rules:

    B: LOW CDR-COUNTRIES: -SNG-0.05"-MNG-0.10/9(*)-BUT-0.11"-SBR-0.13"-QTR-0.13/16"-SCL-0.26/53"-ERT-0.27"-UAE-0.38/2"-MLD-0.33/28"-BRN-0.40/0.36"-CUR-0.11/42"-TLN-0.33"-MAL-0.37"-CYM-0.42/0"-ICL-0.41/7"-SMR-0.42/74"-FG-0.52/3"-CYP-0.62/56"-CUB-0.59/6-SVN-0.58/7*-SLN-0.61"-NRW-1.44/0.70 (*)-KW-0.56/7"-BOR-0.73/6"-ISR-0.81/0.74"-USB-0.78/6"-ARU-0.86/91(**)-URG-0.96/3"-TWN-1.27/0.97-TRK-1.04/0.96"-AND-0.97/6".

    C: HIGH CDR-COUNTRIES: – VNZ-1.00"- DNM-1.59/05"- OMN-1.07/6"- JOR-1.11/2"- BRB-1.12/3"- NMB-1.17/8"- NZ-1.29/04"- IND-1.36/3*- CST-1.36"- AZR-1.37/6"- ETP-1.39"- INDN-1.71/0*- HK-1.79/"- GRM-1.49/2.73"- KNY-1.63/2*- ARM-1.84/2*- AST-1.83/71*- ALB-1.77/9"- SAR-1.71"- SWS-1.78/2"- SWD-1.90/67*- MRC-1.78"- JP-1.94/3"- IR-1.99"- NL-2.11/1.30*- FIN-2.26/1.09(*)- U.S- 2.51/1.81?"2.75 Oct 22/20,1.75 Elect-D Nov 3/20, border Mix w MX-9.97-Induce-Up?-PHL-1.91/78"-PRT-2.08/5"-RUS-2.15/7"-POL-2.38/28*-ARG-2.42/39"-ROM-2.47/"-CLM-2.65/4"-FR-2.69/08"-SP-2.89/30"-BLG-2.83/61*-CHL-2.31/2*-BRZ-2.89/51"-GRC-3.12/07*-AU-3.28/10"-SAF-3.41"-GTM-3.56/2"-TNS-3.49/8"-PRU-3.49/36*-IRN-3.69/32*-IT-3.47/06"-UK-4.51/2.92"-BLV-4.54/1"-CN-5.39/14"-EQ-5.45/13*-SDN-6.78/85(**)-SYR-6.67/68"-MX-9.92/07"/

  5. A man named Barney
    dressed up everyday in a dinosaur costume
    and stayed at the park
    the reason was so he could lour in the little kids and kidnep them
    he would force them to be happy
    all the time or he would rope/kell them
    if the kids acted bad and not happy barney would slices their neck

  6. At least where I am, a lot of Asian American business exploit their workers. For instance, one of my favorite Chinese places in NYC Chinatown got shut down after the DOL found that they paid their delivery guy just $3 an hour after tips. This is not unique. A few years ago, the New York Times ran an expose on Korean nail salons in NYC paying sub-minimum wage and exploiting workers. Obviously people of all races exploit workers, but it does seem to be a problem within a lot of Asian American businesses. I'd rather support businesses, Asian or non-Asian, where it's clear that their workers aren't being ridiculously exploited.

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