How a nationwide lockdown is affecting Italy l ABC News

How a nationwide lockdown is affecting Italy l ABC News

Precautionary measures include a 6 p.m. curfew, mandating that citizens request permission for essential travel and enforced space between people in public areas. READ MORE:

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33 thoughts on “How a nationwide lockdown is affecting Italy l ABC News


  2. People this lock down is for few day only, and see how much it has ruined people's lives, but now think about Indian occupied Kashmir where people are locked down by brutal Indian army for last more than 6 months, do you not think its time to raise your voice, people are dying there, children need food, medicines etc.

  3. I'm Italian and writing from Milan… The only reason Italy has more infected people is because we made more test than France, Germany, UK and US combined… This is the reason. In US the test cost 3200$ and nobody does it. Start to do it and you will find so many cases.

  4. What a load of BS. All of the airports are still open. All of the international flights are taking off and all passengers arriving to England from Italy are NOT being screened. Wtf???

  5. So if you don’t obey the curfew, the penalty is either 3 months in jail or up to a $225 fine??
    Wtf? Who on gods green earth would go to jail for 3 months instead of paying $225?

  6. Welp, china cannot take over the world if people are living (/taps head).

    Strange isn't it. The whole world is infected. And the whole world did not fly into china. Chinese traveled to the whole world. And infected everyone.

  7. This is what the elites agenda is, this is what they want, to get rid of the middle to lower class people, agenda 2030!!! yep a man made virus and yes they have a antidote, what you don't think that they will make A with out making B, but the unfortunate ones won't get it until the population goes down where they would like it to be

  8. The elderly living with families with young people in Italy is the same as in Asia. I was shocked when I heard Italy has the 2nd oldest population in the world behind Japan. Both would explain the high number of deaths.

  9. When China lockdown wuhan u called it draconian and violated human rights, and Italy u call it unprecedented. Shame on u bbc , CNN , and other Western double standard and hypocrisy media.

  10. Currently in a small city of northern italy. Seeing it on TV is not as bad as it is in person, it is frightening not being allowed to leave the house and having to stock up on groceries, its like an apocalypse happening.

  11. They scanned you in the U.K. You just didn’t notice the hidden thermal cameras.

  12. Are we not ganna do anything about China letting their citizens domesticate, treat, and sell weird wild animals in the most brutal & unhygenic manner at wet markets all over China? The sars before and the coronavirus now, and what is next? I'm 100% sure this will happen again, again, and again in China and China will put the entire world in serious danger. The already did with coronavirus but I can see this will keep coming from China from now on. We need to do something about this otherwise, I bet this is how we are gonna die

  13. WTF?!!! And I thought America was bad.. sold out of water, hand antibacterial soap, and now even TOILET paper!!!! 🤯

  14. Chinese wet markets should be considered like nuclear enrichment. Until China and all south east Asia countries close all those hotspots of viral transmission to human from wild life, those countries should be economically embargoed, permanent inspectors should be sent and those countries if they do not comply we should bomb them. In 2003, after SARS they closed wet markets in China for weeks, they reopened those short after, this should never ever be allowed to happen again.

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