Houston security guard loses job for not aiding police officer with arrest – Car Mod Pros Portal

The officer asked for help as a suspect grabbed for his gun, the security guard chose to record the struggle instead of helping.


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Houston security guard loses job for not aiding police officer with arrest”
  1. That’s not a security guard. That’s 180 pounds of sh*t in a 150 pound bag.

  2. Whatcha mean she was doing her part . She knew that if she did exert any energy it could’ve sparked a heart attack causing her to fall crushing and killing the cop and robber. She’s a hero ..

  3. I use to work as an armed security guard back in the 90s, I even helped a few cops a time or two due to some unruly resistant suspect. Good the woman got fired and hope her guard card got revoked.

  4. I wouldn’t help the officer as well. I don’t care what happens to the cop. My brother is a cop and if someone had a gun to his head I wouldn’t do a thing. It would simply be another bad cop/gang member off the streets.

  5. I'm a security guard in certain situations I'm told by my employer that we're not allowed to use force otherwise we can get fired if somebody was like help the police officer go get that guy tackle him down I can be fired because the company that I work for has told us that they don't want us to use force however in situations where someone assaults you are in situations where another officer is being assaulted we are allowed use force

  6. The duty of a security officer is to assist the police officer in case he needs help if there's a gunfight or if fist fight you must be there to support the police officer no matter what

  7. The narrative shown in this video is wrong on so many levels. Security Guards aren’t Law Enforcement. The employee and the employer would be held liable if the suspect was injured while trying to restrain him or her.

  8. if i was that lady chief of security boss i would have never fired her i would send her home for a week but never fire her for filming cause its not a crime to film in public i would have never fired that lady.

  9. The white dude kneeling next to the Cop making the arrest look like somebody's B** .

    How do they expect the Woman Guard to help when the white guy that was next to him was Not doing anything .

    The Guard messed up by recording instead of helping but that's all she's good for a useless body just like the white guy !!

  10. I'm glad her lazy ass got fired, I hope the Houston police department strips her badge too. This lousy guard obviously isn't interested in making her community a safer place, she's just looking for a paycheck.🤣

  11. I work in law enforcement and have had people jump in to help me when they could see I was in trouble . I once had a bunch of teenagers jump in when they saw 3 men I had stopped attack me one of them trying to get my weapon. Those kids saved my life that day. For this so called person to stand there and video the struggle when the officer was pleading for her help is unbelievable.

  12. Hold on one moment.

    My duty is not to the government or the police officer. My duty is to liberty, to the citizenry.

    What if the cop was making a false arrest. They do so far more often then the common American realizes. Why would I want to be involved in unwarrantedly stripping an American citizen his right to liberty, just because the dude fighting the citizen is wearing a blue uniform?

    How can I help a man I no longer trust and for whom I no longer respect? Nationwide, the cops got themselves in this position of dishonor and dishonesty. If they want my help, they need to first transform themselves back into honest, law-abiding, honorable people. They've gotten so bad, helping the cop would almost be like helping one crook rob another.

  13. Observe and report. Off duty. Dangerous situation with lethal weapons. 7 bucks an hour? I say she did all she could. There's a man right beside the cop. What made him think she would fare any better than the man next to him?

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