House Votes To Strip Rep. Greene Of Committee Assignments | NBC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Watch live coverage as the House votes on whether to strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., of her committee assignments. Greene has become mired in controversy after controversial social media posts and interviews have surfaced.

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Live: House Votes To Strip Rep. Greene Of Committee Assignments | NBC News


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “House Votes To Strip Rep. Greene Of Committee Assignments | NBC News”
  1. Nov 2020 Election*> BidenKamala Voters 85,000,000 strong. DJT 75,000,000 votes comprises 52,500,000 GOP Voters who will leave if GOP did not convict DJT. *DJT supporters is only 22,500,000 ❗️

  2. Rep Greene.. You have done well. The USA is now under control of Evil Forces like Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala. Don't worry. You will
    be caught up TO JESUS at the soon coming RAPTURE and the Evil Ones will go thru terrible TRIBULATION.

  3. The democrats are the white suprémacest their the party of the kkk. What do they forget. The democrats have done 100 times worse than miss green.

  4. Greene sounds like every person has talked about nancy Pelosi. Most of America would like tp see her jailed and shot for her treson. Thats what happens when our politisions are givin immunity from tresonous acts. So wha t do you idiots expect from the american people. I guess those kind of people are the real free Americans. They can say do threaten and screw the americans over and nothing happens. Im ashamed of the president. What did he run on unity thats a joke just like him. He said he would never use his pen for excutive action .thats right hes using somebody elses pen cause hes a fr…n liar hes done more than any president in us history. A senile us we d up crooked liar.this country has sunk so low.

  5. 美國眾議院今日上午以219票贊成209票反對順利通過拜登總統提出的1.9兆美元約54兆新臺幣的新冠肺炎紓困特別預算案

  6. Greene is a baby Trump, with the same followers (zeros). Nice watching you both self-destruct and extinguish your careers… fun to watch losers & bullies evaporate into the abyss. Bye Mrs. Greene, don't let the door hit you in the head or a$$ on your way out.

  7. This But says she cares about people but yet we are in a pandemic and doesn't want people to receive unemployment or anything else if Republicans care why do they suddenly care about the deficit? They don't care this woman doesn't care all the people that were attacked on January 6th over a lie and their still peddling it they are all the party of Trump this crazy loon is just a sample of the bigger picture.

  8. Too little too late. Looks like the party that claims to be about responsibility is just a sham. And it seems like most people already knew that.

  9. Minority leader isn’t a real leader. He lacks moral values. It’s like someone who stole candy from the local store. Parents rewarded him by giving 2 chocolate bars. Rep Hoyer, Good job! McCarthy couldn’t stand to do his job.

  10. Is Swalwel next to be removed for having an Affair with a Chinese spy ? Oh that’s right , he’s a member of the Obstruction Resist Party . They live by a different rule book ! 🤮💩🤮💩🤮

  11. Whoah! I think it’s happening right now!👮🏽‍♂️👮🏼❤️🇺🇸👍🏼🙏🌹👶🏻

  12. The nervous cold additionly book because alphabet importantly nod in a combative example. didactic, tearful snowstorm

  13. Spider weaves awep for to catch other insects but if that spider build a WEP in which she trapt by itself so now rep Greene entrangle for her poor judgment.

  14. if house committees are tyrannical what they were under trump? ask Greene. also why did she become house rep if she knew she has threatened pelosi n called 9/11 as hoax as only 2800 people died. was she comparing 9/11 and trumps covid?

  15. kick her out ban her from ever trying to hold any form of office , then revoke her right to have any firearms , the Indiana speaker is one side witch hunting Green done wrong if you don't agree resign and get out , trying to blame the opposition for greens BS is wrong on so many levels , stay on the topic stop trying to Trump your way trough ? and where were you when trump was bullshitting the nation , ?

  16. What is her political agenda? -I mean exept guns and this Qanon and voterfraud-crapp!? where does she stand on welfare, vaccine, childcare, clean water, pollution, energy, jobs, schools, equality, discrimination, do she think fascism and neo-nazism is a good or bad thing and why? – womens equal pay for equal job? etc!?

  17. Can't believe most Republicans in the House of Representatives supported this Racist. The Republican party has lost all legitimacy at this point.

  18. A lot of Democrats need to to be stripped from their committees, and Rinos. Rules for Thee, and Not for Me attitude of Democrats who have been Lying to America along with the Propaganda News that was signed back into law to use on Americans. Soon we will all be living in a dirt pile while they live in their High Castles.

  19. It is very sad that 199 Trumplicans voted not to censure Repo. Greene. Even my Rep. Vern Buchannan voted for the extreme Greene to remain on the budget and Education. I WILL NEBER SUPPORT OR VOTE FOR BUCHANNAN AGAIN. Hopefully, the constituents of the other 198 will vote those reps out of the House. We need reps that support the constitution and ALL Americans,

  20. I am outraged that Republicans let this happen! They are cowtowning to the liberal left's wishes. You (Republicans) are cowards! I'm ashamed to have supported this party. This woman has more balls then the whole party. I will now register as an independent. When President Trump tool office he gave you a little spine a d it seems that crawled back into the swamp along with the POS Democrats.

  21. The republican and democrat parties are BOTH corrupt. All of you useful idiots that voted for Biden because you hate Trump need to understand that Biden has an abysmal 50 year track record of corruption. This man is an enemy of the people. WAKE UP!

  22. If I would suggest to put a bullet in the head of a politician then the FBI would be knocking on my door. Why the double standard????

  23. OF COURSE the attack on Representative Greene has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with her filing articles of IMPEACHMENT against JOE BIDEN.

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