The House Judiciary Committee approved two articles of impeachment on Friday against President Donald Trump. READ MORE:
#ABCNews #Trump #Impeachment #Politics #House
The House Judiciary Committee approved two articles of impeachment on Friday against President Donald Trump. READ MORE:
#ABCNews #Trump #Impeachment #Politics #House
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More then impeachment somebody needs to retire.babies
Dumb ass Democrats
Congress should be made from those who are not to tied to a single party (Democrats or the Republicans)
See why Democrats want to impeach trump from this movie
The Deep State Democraps voted yes to impeach Trump because Trump exposed the Deep State's crookedness but the Senate will keep Trump in office. HaHa! The Deep State Democraps are PATHETIC.
The fuck is trump doing in a peach?
Almost half of Americans now believe the conspiracy theory that sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was murdered
I agree with some of the House of Representatives dems…if Nancy withhold the Impeachment until Trump term is over he can't be eligible for re-election. Also he can then come up for all those charges and crimes he has committed. I would let the clock run out…!!😉😉😉
This is m nothing more than DOOMOCRAT CLOWNS SHOW.
We in the UK couldn't believe you lot had been stupid enough to put him there in the first place!!
Now ffs get it right next time!
The democrats should be investigating Epstein , not hoaxes, but if they did the trail of bread crumbs might lead back to the dnc somehow
Get trump out!
I think Trump has been destroyed by the fake news media and people have been seduced by this pied piper…..dumb is dangerous. Trump is the first president to actually work for his country……yet these democrats have squandered your taxes to destroy TRUMP and done absolutely nothing for the country and you are not even offended Democrat’s ……slap my head, as I say there’s dumb and dumber. People are so in love with their hatred they are being robbed and cheering the thieves on…..This entire thing is shocking and wrong. I side with Trump
Why are they not arresting those people who will not testify. Is that not a civil crime?
So much corrupt democrats
For real news
A Prayer For This Nation.
Oh YAHWEH, I raise my voice and my spirit in the name of Yashua Hamashic in prayer for this nation. I pray that our leaders understand that our sins are before you. Nothing is hidden from you. Raise up a spirit of Godly justice and give us the will to do your justice and your will according to your holiness and not according to our understanding.
We have sinned against you and only you. But you are merciful, Patient and long suffering not willing that we should perish but come to repentance. We call this as "one nation under God" but yet our path has gone astray. Forgive our hipocrecy. Teach us the way of righteousness according to your will for our righteousness is as filthy rags.
Rebuke the spirit of religion and hipocrecy which has overtaken our land. Our haughtiness our greed and our lawlessness is before you. Let your name be glorified in true worhip above all men and all forces.
You and only you oh Elohim is worth of all the honor and all the glory. Let your people say amen.
Teach us to stand not as a religious and hypocritical people but as children of the living God.
Demo wacks are a piece of work. All of them that are for this impeachment should be fired and some prison. They are treasonist and power hungry. And no one in higher authority stops their madness.
HomeNewsBig Breaking News Former President of Pakistan and former army chief General Pervez Musharraf has been sentenced to death for treason
Big Breaking News Former President of Pakistan and former army chief General Pervez Musharraf has been sentenced to death for treason
down the don and his enablers.
Senate will acquit…. get over it. Stop brainwashing your viewers into a hopeful drainage ditch. No matter what you do, Trump will be acquitted and this will only strengthen him. Pelosi should have not allowed the leftist squad to take over the Democrat Party. America will never be a socialist, open border country. Not now and not in 100 years from now.
They all got paid under the table from billionaires who are laughing that they are getting Trump mad. Billionaires want to rule. Shut Trump did not get due process so to this stupid impeeachment is invalid.
Finally , the Dems get their wish , President Mike Pence !!!
Basically all Republicans and some few Democrats will vote against impeachment and Democrats that put party over constitution will vote for it.
Trust in one man than to listen to the Majority and somebody from the far right on par with Hitler
Trump doesn't pay his taxes and has a criminal history and the base are his next marks to stupid to know it (the guy steels from his own charity and was buddies with Epstein)
What happens when you get tired of Trump but he won't go ? He's dictator and don't need your vote?
There's a secret ongoing DOJ case with British intelligence. Democrat Technology Aide his name Imran Swan also Jeremy Fleming GCHO since 2017.
Donald Trump did nothing wrong. Its only he said she said bullshit. Dems. filled for impeachment against him 4 days after he was elected and now they claiming he did criminal acts and yet no evidence at all. I sit and listen to all them speak and only thing i heard was stories about their lives. The one Dem said he child died from gunshots at a gas station.. Like seriously who gives a shit about your kid and your life. We are here about Donald Trump not your life and throwing a pity party. Alot of Demicocks did that and claim Trump did this and did that and yet no evidence but he said she said bs. . . Dems. were attacking him before he was the president. They claim that the voting machines were hacked doing the election. It is impossible! to hack the machines. Every news station hates trump and always post negative comments. Trump is helping the american people. Hes not great with public speaking at least hes trying and listening to the american people.. Don't worry whoever the next president is everyone is going to say "man i should of voted from trump".. TRUMP 2020.
Trump will be impeached by the House. We know the GOP controlled Senate will not remove him. As Mitch and Lindsay made sure of that.
It is worth the fight? Atticus Finch was voted the greatest hero of cinema . Atticus was voted the most inspiring hero in literature.
Atticus chose to defend a "colored man" in a doomed court case. The court knew he would lose. The Judge knew he would lose. The court audience knew he would lose. Atticus knew it was worth the fight and did the right thing. He fought the hardest , no matter the outcome of the case.
It is worth the fight for the impeachment case, no matter the outcome of the case.
go watch Bernies town hall meetings with fox a lot of republicans saying there voting for Bernie this next election it has thousands of likes and only 1k dislikes the man must be talking about some good stuff.
The crazy stuff this guy is doing it was Obama he would have been out the first day 😂😂 this is not right at all
This is a big waste of time and taxpayer money.
I don't like trump as a person. But i respect the president. Also, if is everywhere. The media has a agenda period.
Did he really though?
I hope the Democrats implode after all the bullshit charges are dropped in the Senate….what a waste of time and money fuck you Democrats
Democratic congressmen are switching parties to become republicans and Trump's approval rating is now at an all-time high in the new Quinnipiac poll out today. This impeachment scam is destroying the democratic party.
Comey announcing a reopening of some farcical investigation 11 days before the election was a deciding factor. I personal know some who changed their vote based on his stupidity.
I’m feeling more pain from listening to these idiots then from playing ‘getting over it’
TRUMP 2020 !! We can’t let the Democrats take our country to shit we need a leader who’s straight forward and cares for the country and not someone who pleases the liberals !
Global embarrassment for the USA dem party. Insane.
Senate Republicans have to treat Congress as they treat Repubican at the house of representatives
Impeach 45
That 47% vs 48% poll is as accurate as the 2016 election polls… polls are basically BS
#YeahYeah #impeachment #KingLear?? Who is the NUTCRACKER?! Who hath the GUTS to crackith thine POTUS the PSYCHONUT?! There should have been an ARTICLE III. In that #TheDonald #POTUS is both a Psychopath and in his immortal words a NUT JOB!! thus, an unfit #PSYCHONUT!! so again, #WhoIsTheNUTCRACKER?? WHO hath the GUTS?! READ Shakespeare's play King Lear, Quote "The weight of this sad time we must obey..Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say..
The oldest hath borne most.. we that are young
Shall never see so much, nor live so long" 💓#USA #Liberty #FreeDemocracy #Congress #DemDebate #GOP #tragedy #REAL #keepingitreal #Shakespeare #whatdoesFREEDOMmean2U #ABCnews